Class DatastoreLoader (0.2.0)

    source: Union[Query, str],
    page_content_properties: List[str] = [],
    metadata_properties: List[str] = [],
    client: Optional[Client] = None,

Document Loader for Google Cloud Firestore in Datastore Mode.


source Query or str

The source to load the documents. It can be an instance of Query or the name of the Datastore kind to read from.

page_content_properties list of str

The properties to write into the page_content. If an empty or None list is provided, all fields will be written into page_content. When only one field is provided, only the value is written.

metadata_properties list of str

The properties to write into the metadata. By default, it will write all fields that are not in page_content into metadata.

client DatastoreClient

Client for interacting with the Google Cloud Datastore API.



lazy_load() -> typing.Iterator[langchain_core.documents.base.Document]

A lazy loader for Documents.


load() -> typing.List[langchain_core.documents.base.Document]

Load Documents.