Class ListServicesRequest (0.34.0)

The ListServices request.

A filter specifying what Service\ s to return. The filter currently supports the following fields: :: - identifier_case - app_engine.module_id - cloud_endpoints.service - cluster_istio.location - cluster_istio.cluster_name - cluster_istio.service_namespace - cluster_istio.service_name identifier_case refers to which option in the identifier oneof is populated. For example, the filter identifier_case = "CUSTOM" would match all services with a value for the custom field. Valid options are "CUSTOM", "APP_ENGINE", "CLOUD_ENDPOINTS", and "CLUSTER_ISTIO".

If this field is not empty then it must contain the nextPageToken value returned by a previous call to this method. Using this field causes the method to return additional results from the previous method call.