Class NotificationChannel (0.35.0)

A NotificationChannel is a medium through which an alert is delivered when a policy violation is detected. Examples of channels include email, SMS, and third-party messaging applications. Fields containing sensitive information like authentication tokens or contact info are only partially populated on retrieval. .. attribute:: type

The type of the notification channel. This field matches the value of the [NotificationChannelDescriptor.type][google.monit oring.v3.NotificationChannelDescriptor.type] field.

An optional human-readable name for this notification channel. It is recommended that you specify a non-empty and unique name in order to make it easier to identify the channels in your project, though this is not enforced. The display name is limited to 512 Unicode characters.

Configuration fields that define the channel and its behavior. The permissible and required labels are specified in the [Noti ficationChannelDescriptor.labels][google.monitoring.v3.Notific ationChannelDescriptor.labels] of the NotificationChannelDescriptor corresponding to the type field.

Indicates whether this channel has been verified or not. On a [ListNotificationChannels][google.monitoring.v3.Notificati onChannelService.ListNotificationChannels] or [GetNotificati onChannel][google.monitoring.v3.NotificationChannelService.G etNotificationChannel] operation, this field is expected to be populated. If the value is UNVERIFIED, then it indicates that the channel is non-functioning (it both requires verification and lacks verification); otherwise, it is assumed that the channel works. If the channel is neither VERIFIED nor UNVERIFIED, it implies that the channel is of a type that does not require verification or that this specific channel has been exempted from verification because it was created prior to verification being required for channels of this type. This field cannot be modified using a standard [UpdateNotificationChannel][google.monitoring.v3. NotificationChannelService.UpdateNotificationChannel] operation. To change the value of this field, you must call [`VerifyNotificationChannel][google.monitoring.v3.Notificatio nChannelService.VerifyNotificationChannel].



API documentation for monitoring_v3.types.NotificationChannel.LabelsEntry class.


API documentation for monitoring_v3.types.NotificationChannel.UserLabelsEntry class.