Class EducationRecord (1.0.2)

EducationRecord(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Resource that represents an education record of a candidate.


start_date .date.Date
The start date of the education.
end_date .date.Date
The end date of the education.
expected_graduation_date .date.Date
The expected graduation date if currently pursuing a degree.
school_name str
The name of the school or institution. For example, "Stanford University", "UC Berkeley", and so on. Number of characters allowed is 250.
address .profile.Address
The physical address of the education institution.
degree_description str
The full description of the degree. For example, "Master of Science in Computer Science", "B.S in Math". Number of characters allowed is 100.
structured_degree .profile.Degree
The structured notation of the degree.
description str
The description of the education. Number of characters allowed is 100,000.
is_current .wrappers.BoolValue
If this education is current.
school_name_snippet str
Output only. The school name snippet shows how the school_name is related to a search query in search result. It's empty if the school_name isn't related to the search query.
degree_snippet str
Output only. The job description snippet shows how the Degree is related to a search query in search result. It's empty if the Degree isn't related to the search query.