Product suggestion recommender

The product suggestion recommender helps you to optimize your Cloud usage by providing you with product suggestions. This can help you improve performance and security, and manage your resources better. Based on best practices, it analyzes your current product usage within each project and determines any additional products that might optimize your usage. If the recommender identifies an opportunity to leverage a product within a project, a recommendation is generated for that project in the Recommendation Hub. All users who have the appropriate permissions can view the recommendations when logged in to the hub. Every product suggestion includes information about the recommendation, details on the product, and links to help you get started with the product.

Here are one example for a product suggestion recommendation:

  • A cloud logging suggestion for your Google Kubernetes Engine resources.

Recommender ID

The product suggestion recommender ID is:

  • google.logging.productSuggestion.ContainerRecommender


Required IAM permissions

To access the list of product suggestion recommendations and insights, the following permissions are required:

  • recommender.loggingProductSuggestionContainerRecommendations.list
  • recommender.loggingProductSuggestionContainerRecommendations.get

To update the list of product suggestion recommendations and insights, the following permission is required:

  • recommender.loggingProductSuggestionContainerRecommendations.update

Granting permissions

To grant the required IAM permissions, assign one of the following roles:

  • To access the list of recommendations, assign the Recommender Viewer (roles/recommender.productSuggestionViewer) role.
  • To update the list of recommendations, assign the Recommender Admin (roles/recommender.productSuggestionAdmin) role.

For more information, see how you can grant IAM permissions.


Viewing product suggestion recommendations

Recommendations are available through the Recommendation Hub. The following steps show how to list product suggestion recommendations:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Recommendation Hub,

    Go to Recommendation Hub

  2. In the Cloud Logging card, click View all to view the list of product suggestion recommendations. If you can't find the card, then you either don't have the permission to view the recommendations, or there aren't any recommendations for the current project.

  3. On the following screen, click each recommendation to view its details.