gapic-common - Class Gapic::Operation (v0.25.0)

Reference documentation and code samples for the gapic-common class Gapic::Operation.

A class used to wrap Google::Longrunning::Operation objects. This class provides helper methods to check the status of an Operation


  • Object


Checking Operation status

# this example assumes both api_client and operations_client
# already exist.
require "gapic/operation"

op =

op.done? # => false
op.reload! # => operation completed

if op.done?
  results = op.results
  handle_error(results) if op.error?
  # Handle results.

Working with callbacks

# this example assumes both api_client and operations_client
# already exist.
require "gapic/operation"

op =

# Register a callback to be run when an operation is done.
op.on_done do |operation|
  raise operation.results.message if operation.error?
  # process(operation.results)
  # process(operation.metadata)

# Reload the operation running callbacks if operation completed.

# Or block until the operation completes, passing a block to be called
# on completion.
op.wait_until_done! do |operation|
  raise operation.results.message if operation.error?
  # process(operation.results)
  # process(operation.rmetadata)



def cancel(options: nil)

Cancels the operation.

  • options (Gapic::CallOptions, Hash) (defaults to: nil) — The options for making the RPC call. A Hash can be provided to customize the options object, using keys that match the arguments for


def delete(options: nil)

Deletes the operation.

  • options (Gapic::CallOptions, Hash) (defaults to: nil) — The options for making the RPC call. A Hash can be provided to customize the options object, using keys that match the arguments for


def done?() -> Boolean

Checks if the operation is done. This does not send a new api call, but checks the result of the previous api call to see if done.

  • (Boolean) — Whether the operation is done.


def error() -> Google::Rpc::Status, nil

If the operation response is an error, the error will be returned, otherwise returns nil.

  • (Google::Rpc::Status, nil) — The error object.


def error?() -> Boolean

Checks if the operation is done and the result is an error. If the operation is not finished then this will return false.

  • (Boolean) — Whether an error has been returned.


def grpc_op() -> Google::Longrunning::Operation
  • (Google::Longrunning::Operation) — The wrapped grpc operation object.


def initialize(grpc_op, client, result_type: nil, metadata_type: nil, options: {}) -> Operation
  • grpc_op (Google::Longrunning::Operation) — The inital longrunning operation.
  • client (Google::Longrunning::OperationsClient) — The client that handles the grpc operations.
  • result_type (Class) (defaults to: nil) — The class type to be unpacked from the result. If not provided the class type will be looked up. Optional.
  • metadata_type (Class) (defaults to: nil) — The class type to be unpacked from the metadata. If not provided the class type will be looked up. Optional.
  • options (Gapic::CallOptions) (defaults to: {}) — call options for this operation
  • (Operation) — a new instance of Operation


def metadata() -> Object, nil

Returns the metadata of an operation. If a type is provided, the metadata will be unpacked using the type provided; returning nil if the metadata is not of the type provided. If the type is not of provided, the metadata will be unpacked using the metadata's type_url if the type_url is found in the Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool. If the type cannot be found the raw metadata is retuned.

  • (Object, nil) — The metadata of the operation. Can be nil.


def name() -> String

Returns the server-assigned name of the operation, which is only unique within the same service that originally returns it. If you use the default HTTP mapping, the name should have the format of operations/some/unique/name.

  • (String) — The name of the operation.


def on_done(&block) { |operation| ... }

Registers a callback to be run when a refreshed operation is marked as done. If the operation has completed prior to a call to this function the callback will be called instead of registered.

Yield Parameter


def refresh!(options: nil) -> Gapic::Operation
Alias Of: #reload!

Reloads the operation object.

  • options (Gapic::CallOptions, Hash) (defaults to: nil) — The options for making the RPC call. A Hash can be provided to customize the options object, using keys that match the arguments for
  • (Gapic::Operation) — Since this method changes internal state, it returns itself.


def reload!(options: nil) -> Gapic::Operation

Reloads the operation object.

  • options (Gapic::CallOptions, Hash) (defaults to: nil) — The options for making the RPC call. A Hash can be provided to customize the options object, using keys that match the arguments for
  • (Gapic::Operation) — Since this method changes internal state, it returns itself.


def response() -> Object, nil

If the operation is done, returns the response, otherwise returns nil.

  • (Object, nil) — The response of the operation.


def response?() -> Boolean

Checks if the operation is done and the result is a response. If the operation is not finished then this will return false.

  • (Boolean) — Whether a response has been returned.


def results() -> Object, Google::Rpc::Status, nil

If the operation is done, returns the response. If the operation response is an error, the error will be returned. Otherwise returns nil.

  • (Object, Google::Rpc::Status, nil) — The result of the operation. If it is an error a Google::Rpc::Status will be returned.


def wait_until_done!(retry_policy: nil) { |operation| ... }

Blocking method to wait until the operation has completed or the maximum timeout has been reached. Upon completion, registered callbacks will be called, then - if a block is given - the block will be called.

  • retry_policy (RetryPolicy, Hash, Proc) (defaults to: nil) — The policy for retry. A custom proc that takes the error as an argument and blocks can also be provided.
Yield Parameter