Cloud Talent Solution V4beta1 API - Module Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::SearchJobsRequest::DiversificationLevel (v0.9.0)

Reference documentation and code samples for the Cloud Talent Solution V4beta1 API module Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::SearchJobsRequest::DiversificationLevel.

Controls whether highly similar jobs are returned next to each other in the search results. Jobs are identified as highly similar based on their titles, job categories, and locations. Highly similar results are clustered so that only one representative job of the cluster is displayed to the job seeker higher up in the results, with the other jobs being displayed lower down in the results.



value: 0
The diversification level isn't specified.


value: 1
Disables diversification. Jobs that would normally be pushed to the last page would not have their positions altered. This may result in highly similar jobs appearing in sequence in the search results.


value: 2
Default diversifying behavior. The result list is ordered so that highly similar results are pushed to the end of the last page of search results. If you are using pageToken to page through the result set, latency might be lower but we can't guarantee that all results are returned. If you are using page offset, latency might be higher but all results are returned.