Live Stream V1 API - Class Google::Cloud::Video::LiveStream::V1::PreprocessingConfig::Audio (v0.7.0)

Reference documentation and code samples for the Live Stream V1 API class Google::Cloud::Video::LiveStream::V1::PreprocessingConfig::Audio.

Audio preprocessing configuration.


  • Object

Extended By

  • Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods


  • Google::Protobuf::MessageExts



def lufs() -> ::Float
  • (::Float) —

    Specify audio loudness normalization in loudness units relative to full scale (LUFS). Enter a value between -24 and 0 according to the following:

    • -24 is the Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC A/85)
    • -23 is the EU R128 broadcast standard
    • -19 is the prior standard for online mono audio
    • -18 is the ReplayGain standard
    • -16 is the prior standard for stereo audio
    • -14 is the new online audio standard recommended by Spotify, as well as Amazon Echo
    • 0 disables normalization. The default is 0.


def lufs=(value) -> ::Float
  • value (::Float) —

    Specify audio loudness normalization in loudness units relative to full scale (LUFS). Enter a value between -24 and 0 according to the following:

    • -24 is the Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC A/85)
    • -23 is the EU R128 broadcast standard
    • -19 is the prior standard for online mono audio
    • -18 is the ReplayGain standard
    • -16 is the prior standard for stereo audio
    • -14 is the new online audio standard recommended by Spotify, as well as Amazon Echo
    • 0 disables normalization. The default is 0.
  • (::Float) —

    Specify audio loudness normalization in loudness units relative to full scale (LUFS). Enter a value between -24 and 0 according to the following:

    • -24 is the Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC A/85)
    • -23 is the EU R128 broadcast standard
    • -19 is the prior standard for online mono audio
    • -18 is the ReplayGain standard
    • -16 is the prior standard for stereo audio
    • -14 is the new online audio standard recommended by Spotify, as well as Amazon Echo
    • 0 disables normalization. The default is 0.