Cloud Vision V1p4beta1 API - Class Google::Cloud::Vision::V1p4beta1::ProductSetPurgeConfig (v0.4.0)

Reference documentation and code samples for the Cloud Vision V1p4beta1 API class Google::Cloud::Vision::V1p4beta1::ProductSetPurgeConfig.

Config to control which ProductSet contains the Products to be deleted.


  • Object

Extended By

  • Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods


  • Google::Protobuf::MessageExts



def product_set_id() -> ::String
  • (::String) — The ProductSet that contains the Products to delete. If a Product is a member of product_set_id in addition to other ProductSets, the Product will still be deleted.


def product_set_id=(value) -> ::String
  • value (::String) — The ProductSet that contains the Products to delete. If a Product is a member of product_set_id in addition to other ProductSets, the Product will still be deleted.
  • (::String) — The ProductSet that contains the Products to delete. If a Product is a member of product_set_id in addition to other ProductSets, the Product will still be deleted.