Vision AI API - Module Google::Cloud::VisionAI (v0.1.0)

Reference documentation and code samples for the Vision AI API module Google::Cloud::VisionAI.



def self.app_platform(version: :v1, transport: :grpc, &block) -> ::Object

Create a new client object for AppPlatform.

By default, this returns an instance of Google::Cloud::VisionAI::V1::AppPlatform::Client for a gRPC client for version V1 of the API. However, you can specify a different API version by passing it in the version parameter. If the AppPlatform service is supported by that API version, and the corresponding gem is available, the appropriate versioned client will be returned. You can also specify a different transport by passing :rest or :grpc in the transport parameter.

About AppPlatform

Service describing handlers for resources

  • version (::String, ::Symbol) (defaults to: :v1) — The API version to connect to. Optional. Defaults to :v1.
  • transport (:grpc, :rest) (defaults to: :grpc) — The transport to use. Defaults to :grpc.
  • (::Object) — A client object for the specified version.


def self.configure() -> ::Google::Cloud::Config

Configure the google-cloud-vision_ai library.

The following configuration parameters are supported:

  • credentials (type: String, Hash, Google::Auth::Credentials) - The path to the keyfile as a String, the contents of the keyfile as a Hash, or a Google::Auth::Credentials object.
  • lib_name (type: String) - The library name as recorded in instrumentation and logging.
  • lib_version (type: String) - The library version as recorded in instrumentation and logging.
  • interceptors (type: Array<GRPC::ClientInterceptor>) - An array of interceptors that are run before calls are executed.
  • timeout (type: Numeric) - Default timeout in seconds.
  • metadata (type: Hash{Symbol=>String}) - Additional headers to be sent with the call.
  • retry_policy (type: Hash) - The retry policy. The value is a hash with the following keys:
    • :initial_delay (type: Numeric) - The initial delay in seconds.
    • :max_delay (type: Numeric) - The max delay in seconds.
    • :multiplier (type: Numeric) - The incremental backoff multiplier.
    • :retry_codes (type: Array<String>) - The error codes that should trigger a retry.
  • (::Google::Cloud.configure.vision_ai)
  • (::Google::Cloud::Config) — The default configuration used by this library


def self.health_check_service(version: :v1, transport: :grpc, &block) -> ::Object

Create a new client object for HealthCheckService.

By default, this returns an instance of Google::Cloud::VisionAI::V1::HealthCheckService::Client for a gRPC client for version V1 of the API. However, you can specify a different API version by passing it in the version parameter. If the HealthCheckService service is supported by that API version, and the corresponding gem is available, the appropriate versioned client will be returned. You can also specify a different transport by passing :rest or :grpc in the transport parameter.

About HealthCheckService

HealthCheckService provides an interface for Vertex AI Vision Cluster Health Check.

  • version (::String, ::Symbol) (defaults to: :v1) — The API version to connect to. Optional. Defaults to :v1.
  • transport (:grpc, :rest) (defaults to: :grpc) — The transport to use. Defaults to :grpc.
  • (::Object) — A client object for the specified version.


def self.live_video_analytics(version: :v1, transport: :grpc, &block) -> ::Object

Create a new client object for LiveVideoAnalytics.

By default, this returns an instance of Google::Cloud::VisionAI::V1::LiveVideoAnalytics::Client for a gRPC client for version V1 of the API. However, you can specify a different API version by passing it in the version parameter. If the LiveVideoAnalytics service is supported by that API version, and the corresponding gem is available, the appropriate versioned client will be returned. You can also specify a different transport by passing :rest or :grpc in the transport parameter.

About LiveVideoAnalytics

Service describing handlers for resources. The service enables clients to run Live Video Analytics (LVA) on the streaming inputs.

  • version (::String, ::Symbol) (defaults to: :v1) — The API version to connect to. Optional. Defaults to :v1.
  • transport (:grpc, :rest) (defaults to: :grpc) — The transport to use. Defaults to :grpc.
  • (::Object) — A client object for the specified version.


def self.streaming_service(version: :v1, transport: :grpc, &block) -> ::Object

Create a new client object for StreamingService.

By default, this returns an instance of Google::Cloud::VisionAI::V1::StreamingService::Client for a gRPC client for version V1 of the API. However, you can specify a different API version by passing it in the version parameter. If the StreamingService service is supported by that API version, and the corresponding gem is available, the appropriate versioned client will be returned. You can also specify a different transport by passing :rest or :grpc in the transport parameter.

About StreamingService

Streaming service for receiving and sending packets.

  • version (::String, ::Symbol) (defaults to: :v1) — The API version to connect to. Optional. Defaults to :v1.
  • transport (:grpc, :rest) (defaults to: :grpc) — The transport to use. Defaults to :grpc.
  • (::Object) — A client object for the specified version.


def self.streams_service(version: :v1, transport: :grpc, &block) -> ::Object

Create a new client object for StreamsService.

By default, this returns an instance of Google::Cloud::VisionAI::V1::StreamsService::Client for a gRPC client for version V1 of the API. However, you can specify a different API version by passing it in the version parameter. If the StreamsService service is supported by that API version, and the corresponding gem is available, the appropriate versioned client will be returned. You can also specify a different transport by passing :rest or :grpc in the transport parameter.

About StreamsService

Service describing handlers for resources. Vision API and Vision AI API are two independent APIs developed by the same team. Vision API is for people to annotate their image while Vision AI is an e2e solution for customer to build their own computer vision application.

  • version (::String, ::Symbol) (defaults to: :v1) — The API version to connect to. Optional. Defaults to :v1.
  • transport (:grpc, :rest) (defaults to: :grpc) — The transport to use. Defaults to :grpc.
  • (::Object) — A client object for the specified version.


def self.warehouse(version: :v1, transport: :grpc, &block) -> ::Object

Create a new client object for Warehouse.

By default, this returns an instance of Google::Cloud::VisionAI::V1::Warehouse::Client for a gRPC client for version V1 of the API. However, you can specify a different API version by passing it in the version parameter. If the Warehouse service is supported by that API version, and the corresponding gem is available, the appropriate versioned client will be returned. You can also specify a different transport by passing :rest or :grpc in the transport parameter.

About Warehouse

Service that manages media content + metadata for streaming.

  • version (::String, ::Symbol) (defaults to: :v1) — The API version to connect to. Optional. Defaults to :v1.
  • transport (:grpc, :rest) (defaults to: :grpc) — The transport to use. Defaults to :grpc.
  • (::Object) — A client object for the specified version.



value: "0.1.0"