Implementing Commute Search in your UI (v3)

You can integrate Commute Search into your UI to allow job seekers to search for jobs within a geographic area set by commute time. Commute Search estimates commute time based on a user's selected transit mode and the time of day they plan to travel.

  1. Before you can implement Commute Search, Cloud Talent Solution must be hooked up to your UI. Follow the quickstart guides to set up Cloud Talent Solution.

  2. Commute Search uses the address data that you uploaded with your jobs during CTS implementation to calculate commute time. To enable this feature on your existing CTS UI, send a request and include a CommuteFilter object in the JobQuery.commuteFilter field. commuteMethod, travelDuration, and startCoordinates are required fields.


    For more on installing and creating a Cloud Talent Solution client, see Cloud Talent Solution Client Libraries.

    public static void commuteSearch(String companyName) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
      // Make sure to set the requestMetadata the same as the associated search request
      RequestMetadata requestMetadata =
          new RequestMetadata()
              // Make sure to hash your userID
              // Make sure to hash the sessionID
              // Domain of the website where the search is conducted
      JobQuery jobQuery =
          new JobQuery()
                  new CommuteFilter()
                          new LatLng().setLatitude(37.422408).setLongitude(-122.085609)));
      if (companyName != null) {
      SearchJobsRequest searchJobsRequest =
          new SearchJobsRequest()
      SearchJobsResponse response =
              .search(DEFAULT_PROJECT_ID, searchJobsRequest)
      System.out.printf("Search jobs for commute results: %s\n", response);


    For more on installing and creating a Cloud Talent Solution client, see Cloud Talent Solution Client Libraries.

    def commute_search(client_service, company_name):
        request_metadata = {
            "user_id": "HashedUserId",
            "session_id": "HashedSessionId",
            "domain": "",
        start_location = {"latitude": 37.422408, "longitude": -122.085609}
        commute_preference = {
            "road_traffic": "TRAFFIC_FREE",
            "commute_method": "TRANSIT",
            "travel_duration": "1000s",
            "start_coordinates": start_location,
        job_query = {"commute_filter": commute_preference}
        if company_name is not None:
            job_query.update({"company_names": [company_name]})
        request = {
            "job_query": job_query,
            "request_metadata": request_metadata,
            "job_view": "JOB_VIEW_FULL",
            "require_precise_result_size": True,
        response = (
            client_service.projects().jobs().search(parent=parent, body=request).execute()


    For more on installing and creating a Cloud Talent Solution client, see Cloud Talent Solution Client Libraries.

    // commuteSearch searches for jobs within commute filter.
    func commuteSearch(w io.Writer, projectID, companyName string) (*talent.SearchJobsResponse, error) {
    	ctx := context.Background()
    	client, err := google.DefaultClient(ctx, talent.CloudPlatformScope)
    	if err != nil {
    		return nil, fmt.Errorf("google.DefaultClient: %w", err)
    	// Create the jobs service client.
    	service, err := talent.New(client)
    	if err != nil {
    		return nil, fmt.Errorf("talent.New: %w", err)
    	jobQuery := &talent.JobQuery{
    		CommuteFilter: &talent.CommuteFilter{
    			RoadTraffic:    "TRAFFIC_FREE",
    			CommuteMethod:  "TRANSIT",
    			TravelDuration: "1000s",
    			StartCoordinates: &talent.LatLng{
    				Latitude:  37.422408,
    				Longitude: -122.085609,
    	if companyName != "" {
    		jobQuery.CompanyNames = []string{companyName}
    	parent := "projects/" + projectID
    	req := &talent.SearchJobsRequest{
    		// Make sure to set the RequestMetadata the same as the associated
    		// search request.
    		RequestMetadata: &talent.RequestMetadata{
    			// Make sure to hash your userID.
    			UserId: "HashedUsrId",
    			// Make sure to hash the sessionID.
    			SessionId: "HashedSessionId",
    			// Domain of the website where the search is conducted.
    			Domain: "",
    		// Set the actual search term as defined in the jobQuery.
    		JobQuery: jobQuery,
    		// Set the search mode to a regular search.
    		SearchMode:               "JOB_SEARCH",
    		RequirePreciseResultSize: true,
    	resp, err := service.Projects.Jobs.Search(parent, req).Do()
    	if err != nil {
    		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to search for jobs with commute filter: %w", err)
    	return resp, nil


    For more on installing and creating a Cloud Talent Solution client, see Cloud Talent Solution Client Libraries.

    # project_id              = "Id of the project"
    # commute_method          = "The method of transportation for which to calculate the commute time"
    # travel_duration         = "The maximum travel time in seconds"
    # start_coordinates       = "The latitude and longitude of the location from which to calculate the commute time"
    require "google/apis/jobs_v3"
    jobs = Google::Apis::JobsV3
    talent_solution_client =
    # @see
    talent_solution_client.authorization = Google::Auth.get_application_default(
    # Make sure to set the request_metadata the same as the associated search request
    request_metadata = user_id:    "HashedUserId",
                                                 session_id: "HashedSessionId",
                                                 domain:     ""
    # Set location filter
    commute_filter = road_traffic:      "TRAFFIC_FREE",
                                             commute_method:    commute_method,
                                             travel_duration:   travel_duration,
                                             start_coordinates: start_coordinates
    # Perform a search for analyst  related jobs
    search_jobs_request = request_metadata:            request_metadata,
                                  job_query:                   ( commute_filter: commute_filter),
                                  job_view:                    "JOB_VIEW_FULL",
                                  require_precise_result_size: true
    search_jobs_response = talent_solution_client.search_jobs project_id, search_jobs_request
    puts search_jobs_response.to_json

Recommendations for your UI

  1. Cloud Talent Solution doesn't allow searching by both distance (using the CTS location filter) AND commute time. To allow job seekers to access both options, use a 2-tab approach or similar.

  2. Modify the front-end of your application so that when a job seeker requests a commute search, the back-end populates the relevant information in the commute filter and calls the API as it would in a regular search request.

  3. Include these newly added items in your UI:

    • An option to choose whether this is a distance search or commute search. For example, your Search UI could look like the sample below:

    • A drop-down menu of commute method options.

    • An option to adjust traffic conditions.

    • The total travel time (the maximum supported travel time is 60 minutes).

    • Commute start time.

  4. The commute time information returned from the API is then used to display information to the job seeker. Only relevant jobs located within the designated commute time area are returned in the results list. See the Job search Best Practices documentation for a discussion of ways to adjust the order and number of jobs returned within this area.

You can leverage the Maps API to generate a map based on the commute time information returned from the CTS API and embed it into the results returned to a job seeker. The Maps API suite has several options for displaying the map. Some Maps API options are more effective than others. For example, the Google Maps JavaScript Heatmap visualization paired with marker clustering is a great way to visualize the relevant jobs returned to a job seeker inside the area determined by their set commute preferences. Conversely, Directions Mode does not show all jobs returned in a search request and is not a recommended option.

For more information on implementing a commute-based search, see the Commute Search how-to guide.