Trace labels

Trace provides a mechanism for you to add meaningful data to your spans. If you are using the Cloud Trace API V1, you can add labels, which are key-value pairs, by using the labels field in the Cloud Trace API TraceSpan object. If you are using the Cloud Trace API V2, you can add information by with an Attributes object.

When you explore a span, labels for that span are displayed in the Attributes tab. For example, the following screenshot illustrates this tab:

Example of the Cloud Trace attributes table.

For information about how to access this information, see Find and explore traces.

The labels field is a map of key-value pairs. They keys and values are stored as strings. For string length restrictions, see the API reference for labels.

There is a limit of 32 labels per span.

Predefined keys

Canonical labels

The following table lists the supported predefined keys, includes a description, and in some cases, includes an example:

Label keyDescription
/agent Trace agent identifier.
"node@google-cloud/trace-agent v3.0.0"
/component Component identifier.
/error/message An error message.
"Rendezvous of RPC that terminated with:
status = StatusCode.UNAVAILABLE details = OS Error."
/error/name Display name for the error.
/http/client_city The city of the client.
/http/client_country The country of the client.
/http/client_protocol HTTP protocol identifier.
/http/client_region The region of the client.
/http/host The value of the Host Header.
/http/method Set to the HTTP request method.
Don't include this key for non-HTTP requests.
/http/path Request-URL path.
/http/redirected_url The URL prior to redirection.
In this case, use the key HTTL URL label to store the final URL.
/http/request/size Number of bytes in the request.
/http/response/size Number of bytes in the response.
/http/route The matched route.
/http/status_code HTTP response status code.
/http/url Complete HTTP request URL.
/http/user_agent Information about the HTTP User-Agent that originated the request.
/stacktrace JSON-formatted stack trace. Stack traces aren't indexed for search.
This label is displayed in the Call Stack table.
The /stacktrace label is only used by the V1 API.
For the V2 API, the span contains a stackTrace field.
    "stackTrace": {
      "stackFrames": {
        "frame": [
            "functionName": {
              "value": "serverMethodTrace [as func]"
            "fileName": {
            "lineNumber": "249",
            "columnNumber": "28"
            "functionName": {
              "value": "anonymous function"
            "fileName": {
              "value": "/usr/src/app/node_modules/grpc/src/server.js"
            "lineNumber": "592",
            "columnNumber": "13"

This label and its value are displayed in the Details table that is included in the Trace details view.

Canonical labels for GKE

The following table lists all of the canonical labels for a GKE container:

Display Name in the GKE Container table
Label key
Project ID
The Google Cloud project hosting the GKE cluster. Click the project name to go to the GKE dashboard in the Google Cloud console.
The physical location of the GKE cluster.
Cluster Name
Identifies the GKE cluster. To go to the Clusters configuration page, click this value.
Identifies the namespace. To go to the GKE Workloads page, click this value.
Pod Name
Identifies the GKE pod. To go to the Pods details dashboard, click this value.
Container Name
Identifies the GKE container. To go to the details page for the container, click this value.


The following is a partial JSON representation of a Trace object that includes multiple labels:

  "projectId": "a-sample-project",
  "traceId": "00000000000000004db6dd68e7d37f57",
  "spans": [
      "spanId": "12913864118554233534",
      "kind": "RPC_SERVER",
      "name": "",
      "startTime": "2019-04-02T19:37:34.149058Z",
      "endTime": "2019-04-02T19:37:34.151136Z",
      "parentSpanId": "5599906629317525335",
      "labels": {
        "/component": "default",
        "/http/host": "",
        "/http/status_code": "200",
        "/http/url": "",
        "": "/**",
        "/http/method": "GET",
        "": "",
        "": "/",
        "": "ResourceHttpRequestHandler"

The previous trace was taken from a system using a Zipkin collector. In this case, the labels with keys were added by that collector.


In some cases, the displayed labels contain a prefix. The prefix indicates that this label was generated by a Google service. If you are running your service on App Engine or other Google Cloud infrastructure, you might see labels such as the following:

Label key Sample label value opentelemetry-js 1.18.1; google-cloud-trace-exporter 2.1.0 global

Custom labels

You can create custom labels. If you create a custom label, we recommend that you use the following formats:

  • /category/product/key for agents of well-known products. For example, /db/mongodb/read_size.
  • short_host/path/key for domain-specific keys. For example,

If you create a lot of custom labels, then that might incur performance impacts due to the increased label cardinality.

As illustrated in the Example section, if you use a Zipkin collector or a library such as OpenTelemetry, it might add labels to your trace spans.

Using OpenTelemetry

If you are using OpenTelemetry libraries, then ensure you use the OpenTelemetry Semantic Conventions when creating spans.