Access control with IAM

Transfer Appliance uses Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions and roles to control who can access Transfer Appliance resources.

To grant access to a resource, you assign one or more permissions or roles to a user, group, or a service account.

We strongly encourage using predefined roles to assign permissions. All of the permissions included in those roles are required by Transfer Appliance and Google Cloud console in order to properly render pages and retrieve or update resources.


The following resources exist for Transfer Appliance:

  • appliances
  • orders
  • savedAddresses
  • operations
  • locations
  • credentials

Appliance permissions

The following table describes permissions for Transfer Appliance appliances resources:

Permission Description
transferappliance.appliances.list Permission to view a list of appliances and information related to them, including the ID, order status, appliance type and model, firmware version, activation status, and connection status.
transferappliance.appliances.get Permission to view detailed information about any appliance. In addition to the information allowed by `transferappliance.appliances.list`, this permission allows access to the appliance's region, transfer job IDs, Cloud Storage destination, encryption type, key resource name, online functionality setting, and detailed order-related information such as tracking number.
transferappliance.appliances.create Permission to create an appliance resource. Required, along with transferappliance.orders.create, to create and submit an appliance order.
transferappliance.appliances.update Permission to update any appliance's metadata.
transferappliance.appliances.delete Permission to delete appliance resources that are in a DRAFT state.

Order permissions

The following table describes permissions for Transfer Appliance orders resources:

Permission Description
transferappliance.orders.list Permission to list orders.
transferappliance.orders.get Permission to retrieve detailed order information.
transferappliance.orders.create Permission to create an order resource. Required, along with transferappliance.appliances.create, to create and submit an appliance order.
transferappliance.orders.update Permission to update an existing order.
transferappliance.orders.delete Permission to delete an order.

Saved address permissions

The following table describes permissions for Transfer Appliance savedAddresses resources:

Permission Description
transferappliance.savedAddresses.list Permission to list saved addresses.
transferappliance.savedAddresses.get Permission to retrieve detailed saved address information.
transferappliance.savedAddresses.create Permission to create a saved address.
transferappliance.savedAddresses.update Permission to update an existing saved address.
transferappliance.savedAddresses.delete Permission to delete a saved address.

Operation permissions

The following table describes permissions for Transfer Appliance operations resources:

Permission Description
transferappliance.operations.list Permission to list operations.
transferappliance.operations.get Permission to retrieve detailed operation information.
transferappliance.operations.cancel Permission to cancel an existing operation.
transferappliance.operations.delete Permission to delete an operation.

Location permissions

The following table describes permissions for Transfer Appliance locations resources:

Permission Description
transferappliance.orders.list Permission to list locations.
transferappliance.orders.get Permission to retrieve detailed location information.

Credential permissions

The following table describes permissions for Transfer Appliance credentials resources:

Permission Description
transferappliance.credentials.get Permission to retrieve credentials.

Predefined roles

This section describes the predefined roles for Transfer Appliance. Roles are the preferred way of setting IAM permissions.

Role details

The following table describes in detail the predefined roles for Transfer Appliance:

Role Description Included Permissions
Transfer Appliance Admin

Provides all Transfer Appliance permissions, including the ability to order new appliances and update existing appliance metadata.

transferappliance.appliances. list
transferappliance.orders. list
transferappliance.savedAddresses. list
transferappliance.operations. list
transferappliance.locations. list
transferappliance.projects. list
transferappliance.credentials. get
Transfer Appliance Viewer

Grants the required permissions for read-only access to all Transfer Appliance resources.

transferappliance.appliances. list
transferappliance.orders. list
transferappliance.savedAddresses. list
transferappliance.operations. list
transferappliance.locations. list
resourcemanager.projects. list