
Configuration of how features in Featurestore are monitored.

snapshotAnalysis object (SnapshotAnalysis)

The config for Snapshot Analysis Based feature Monitoring.

importFeaturesAnalysis object (ImportFeaturesAnalysis)

The config for ImportFeatures Analysis Based feature Monitoring.

numericalThresholdConfig object (ThresholdConfig)

Threshold for numerical features of anomaly detection. This is shared by all objectives of Featurestore Monitoring for numerical features (i.e. Features with type (feature.ValueType) DOUBLE or INT64).

categoricalThresholdConfig object (ThresholdConfig)

Threshold for categorical features of anomaly detection. This is shared by all types of Featurestore Monitoring for categorical features (i.e. Features with type (feature.ValueType) BOOL or STRING).

JSON representation
  "snapshotAnalysis": {
    object (SnapshotAnalysis)
  "importFeaturesAnalysis": {
    object (ImportFeaturesAnalysis)
  "numericalThresholdConfig": {
    object (ThresholdConfig)
  "categoricalThresholdConfig": {
    object (ThresholdConfig)


Configuration of the Featurestore's Snapshot Analysis Based Monitoring. This type of analysis generates statistics for each feature based on a snapshot of the latest feature value of each entities every monitoringInterval.

disabled boolean

The monitoring schedule for snapshot analysis. For EntityType-level config: unset / disabled = true indicates disabled by default for Features under it; otherwise by default enable snapshot analysis monitoring with monitoringInterval for Features under it. feature-level config: disabled = true indicates disabled regardless of the EntityType-level config; unset monitoringInterval indicates going with EntityType-level config; otherwise run snapshot analysis monitoring with monitoringInterval regardless of the EntityType-level config. Explicitly Disable the snapshot analysis based monitoring.

string (Duration format)

Configuration of the snapshot analysis based monitoring pipeline running interval. The value is rolled up to full day. If both monitoringIntervalDays and the deprecated monitoringInterval field are set when creating/updating EntityTypes/Features, monitoringIntervalDays will be used.

A duration in seconds with up to nine fractional digits, ending with 's'. Example: "3.5s".

monitoringIntervalDays integer

Configuration of the snapshot analysis based monitoring pipeline running interval. The value indicates number of days.

stalenessDays integer

Customized export features time window for snapshot analysis. Unit is one day. Default value is 3 weeks. Minimum value is 1 day. Maximum value is 4000 days.

JSON representation
  "disabled": boolean,
  "monitoringInterval": string,
  "monitoringIntervalDays": integer,
  "stalenessDays": integer


Configuration of the Featurestore's ImportFeature Analysis Based Monitoring. This type of analysis generates statistics for values of each feature imported by every ImportFeatureValues operation.

state enum (State)

Whether to enable / disable / inherite default hebavior for import features analysis.

anomalyDetectionBaseline enum (Baseline)

The baseline used to do anomaly detection for the statistics generated by import features analysis.

JSON representation
  "state": enum (State),
  "anomalyDetectionBaseline": enum (Baseline)


The state defines whether to enable ImportFeature analysis.

STATE_UNSPECIFIED Should not be used.
DEFAULT The default behavior of whether to enable the monitoring. EntityType-level config: disabled. feature-level config: inherited from the configuration of EntityType this feature belongs to.
ENABLED Explicitly enables import features analysis. EntityType-level config: by default enables import features analysis for all Features under it. feature-level config: enables import features analysis regardless of the EntityType-level config.
DISABLED Explicitly disables import features analysis. EntityType-level config: by default disables import features analysis for all Features under it. feature-level config: disables import features analysis regardless of the EntityType-level config.


Defines the baseline to do anomaly detection for feature values imported by each ImportFeatureValues operation.

BASELINE_UNSPECIFIED Should not be used.
LATEST_STATS Choose the later one statistics generated by either most recent snapshot analysis or previous import features analysis. If non of them exists, skip anomaly detection and only generate a statistics.
MOST_RECENT_SNAPSHOT_STATS Use the statistics generated by the most recent snapshot analysis if exists.
PREVIOUS_IMPORT_FEATURES_STATS Use the statistics generated by the previous import features analysis if exists.


The config for Featurestore Monitoring threshold.


Union field threshold.

threshold can be only one of the following:

value number

Specify a threshold value that can trigger the alert. 1. For categorical feature, the distribution distance is calculated by L-inifinity norm. 2. For numerical feature, the distribution distance is calculated by Jensen–Shannon divergence. Each feature must have a non-zero threshold if they need to be monitored. Otherwise no alert will be triggered for that feature.

JSON representation

  // Union field threshold can be only one of the following:
  "value": number
  // End of list of possible types for union field threshold.