Method: googleapis.aiplatform.v1beta1.projects.locations.featurestores.entityTypes.importFeatureValues

Imports Feature values into the Featurestore from a source storage. The progress of the import is tracked by the returned operation. The imported features are guaranteed to be visible to subsequent read operations after the operation is marked as successfully done. If an import operation fails, the Feature values returned from reads and exports may be inconsistent. If consistency is required, the caller must retry the same import request again and wait till the new operation returned is marked as successfully done. There are also scenarios where the caller can cause inconsistency. - Source data for import contains multiple distinct Feature values for the same entity ID and timestamp. - Source is modified during an import. This includes adding, updating, or removing source data and/or metadata. Examples of updating metadata include but are not limited to changing storage location, storage class, or retention policy. - Online serving cluster is under-provisioned.

This method waits—the workflow execution is paused—until the operation is complete, fails, or times out. The default timeout value is 1800 seconds (30 minutes) and can be changed to a maximum value of 31536000 seconds (one year) for long-running operations using the connector_params field. See the Connectors reference.

The connector uses polling to monitor the long-running operation, which might generate additional billable steps. For more information about retries and long-running operations, refer to Understand connectors.

The polling policy for the long-running operation can be configured. To set the connector-specific parameters (connector_params), refer to Invoke a connector call.




Required. The resource name of the EntityType grouping the Features for which values are being imported. Format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/featurestores/{featurestore}/entityTypes/{entityType}



Required. Region of the HTTP endpoint. For example, if region is set to us-central1, the endpoint will be used. See service endpoints.


object (GoogleCloudAiplatformV1beta1ImportFeatureValuesRequest)


Raised exceptions

ConnectionError In case of a network problem (such as DNS failure or refused connection).
HttpError If the response status is >= 400 (excluding 429 and 503).
TimeoutError If a long-running operation takes longer to finish than the specified timeout limit.
TypeError If an operation or function receives an argument of the wrong type.
ValueError If an operation or function receives an argument of the right type but an inappropriate value. For example, a negative timeout.
OperationError If the long-running operation finished unsuccessfully.
ResponseTypeError If the long-running operation returned a response of the wrong type.


If successful, the response contains an instance of GoogleLongrunningOperation.

Subworkflow snippet

Some fields might be optional or required. To identify required fields, refer to the API documentation.


- importFeatureValues:
    call: googleapis.aiplatform.v1beta1.projects.locations.featurestores.entityTypes.importFeatureValues
        entityType: ...
        region: ...
                    uris: ...
                inputUri: ...
                gcsSource: ...
            disableIngestionAnalysis: ...
            disableOnlineServing: ...
            entityIdField: ...
            featureSpecs: ...
            featureTime: ...
            featureTimeField: ...
            workerCount: ...
    result: importFeatureValuesResult


    "importFeatureValues": {
      "call": "googleapis.aiplatform.v1beta1.projects.locations.featurestores.entityTypes.importFeatureValues",
      "args": {
        "entityType": "...",
        "region": "...",
        "body": {
          "avroSource": {
            "gcsSource": {
              "uris": "..."
          "bigquerySource": {
            "inputUri": "..."
          "csvSource": {
            "gcsSource": "..."
          "disableIngestionAnalysis": "...",
          "disableOnlineServing": "...",
          "entityIdField": "...",
          "featureSpecs": "...",
          "featureTime": "...",
          "featureTimeField": "...",
          "workerCount": "..."
      "result": "importFeatureValuesResult"