Create a certificate template

This page describes the attributes of a certificate template and explains how you can create a certificate template. To learn more about certificate templates, see About certificate templates.

Required roles

To get the permissions that you need to create a certificate template, ask your administrator to grant you the CA Service Operation Manager (roles/privateca.caManager) IAM role on the project, folder, or organization. For more information about granting roles, see Manage access to projects, folders, and organizations.

You might also be able to get the required permissions through custom roles or other predefined roles.

Create a certificate template

To create a certificate template, use one of the following methods:


  1. Go to the Certificate Authority Service page in the Google Cloud console.

    Go to Certificate Authority Service

  2. Click the Template manager tab, and then click Create template.

  3. Select a location for the certificate template using the Region list. This must be the same location as the CA pool that you intend to use with the certificate template.

  4. Enter a unique identifier for the certificate template in the Certificate template ID field. Optionally, provide a description for the certificate template.

  5. Click Next.

  6. If you want to configure default x.509 values for certificates that use this template, click the Include predefined values in certificates issued using this certificate template toggle. Then, click Configure predefined values.

  7. Set up the predefined values using the following information:

    Define base key usage

    This setting refers to the Key Usage field within a digital certificate. It specifies how the certificate's private key can be used, such as for key encipherment, data encipherment, certificate signing, and CRL signing. For more information, see Key usage.

    1. To select the base key usages, click the Specify base key usages for certificates issued from this CA pool toggle, and then select from the options listed.
    2. Click Next.

    Define extended key usage

    This setting refers to the Extended Key Usage (EKU) field in a digital certificate. It provides more specific and refined restrictions on how the key can be used such as for server authentication, client authentication, code signing, email protection, and more. For more information, see Extended key usage.

    Extended key usages are defined using object identifiers (OIDs). If you don't configure the extended key usages, all key usage scenarios are allowed.

    1. To select the extended key usages, click the Write extended key usages for certificates issued from this CA pool toggle, and then select from the options listed.
    2. Click Next.

    Define policy identifiers

    The certificate policies extension in the certificate expresses the policies that the issuing CA pool follows. This extension can include information about how identities are validated before certificate issuance, how certificates are revoked, and how the CA pool's integrity is ensured. This extension helps you verify the certificates that the CA pool issues and see how the certificates are used.

    For more information, see Certificate policies.

    To specify the policy that defines the certificate usage, do the following:

    1. Optional: Add the policy identifier in the Policy identifiers field.
    2. Click Next.

    Add Authority information access (AIA) OCSP servers

    The AIA extension in a certificate provides the following information:

    • Address of the OCSP servers from where you can check the revocation status of the certificate.
    • The access method for the issuer of the certificate.

    For more information, see Authority information access.

    Adding OCSP servers is optional. To add the OCSP servers that appear in the AIA extension field in the certificates, do the following:

    1. Click Add item.
    2. In the Server URL field, add the URL of the OCSP server.
    3. Click Done.
    4. Click Next.

    CA options

    The CA options field within a certificate template defines how the resulting certificate can be used in a Certificate Authority (CA) hierarchy. It essentially determines if a certificate can be used to sign other certificates, and if so, any restrictions on the certificates it issues.

    Choose from the following options:

    1. Include the configs to describe the CA X.509 extensions: Specify the settings within a certificate template that control the X.509 extensions.

    2. Restrict issued certificates to be used only for CAs: This option appears only if you select the checkbox mentioned in the previous step. This boolean value indicates whether the certificate is a CA certificate. If set to true, the certificate can be used to sign other certificates. If false, it's an end-entity certificate and cannot sign other certificates. If you click this toggle, you are further prompted to define name constraints for the extension in CA certificates.

    3. Include the configs to describe the path length restriction X.509 extensions: Specify the settings that control how long a chain of certificates can be, stemming from a particular certificate.It specifies the maximum number of CAs that can be chained up to this CA certificate. If the max issuer path length is set to 0, then the CA can only issue end-entity certificates. If it's set to 1, then the chain beneath this CA certificate can include only one subordinate CA. If a value isn't declared, then the number of subordinate CAs in the chain beneath this CA is unbounded.

    4. Click Next.

    Configure additional extensions

    Optional: You can configure additional custom extensions to include in the certificates issued by the CA pool. Do the following:

    1. Click Add item.
    2. In the Object identifier field, add a valid object identifier that is formatted as dot-separated digits.
    3. In the Value field, add the base64-encoded value for the identifier.
    4. If the extension is critical, select Extension is critical.
  8. To save all the predefined values, click Done.

  9. Next, go to the Configure extension constraints section. Select any one of the following options:

    • Copy all the extensions from certificate requests to the certificate
    • Drop all extensions from certificate requests
    • Copy specific extensions from certificate requests to the certificate
  10. If you choose to copy specific extensions, you can do the following:
    • Click the Known certificate extensions field, and clear the unrequired extensions from the list.
    • In the Custom extensions field, add the object identifiers for extensions you want to be included in the certificates that the CA pool issues.

  11. Click Next, and go to the Configure identity constraints section. To configure constraints on the subject and SANs in the certificates that the CA pool issues, select one or both of the following options:

    • Copy subject from the certificate requests to the certificate
    • Copy subject alternative names (SAN) from the certificate requests to the certificate
    Optional: In the Configure identity constraints section, add a Common Expression Language (CEL) expression to define restrictions on certificate subjects. For more information, see Using CEL.

  12. Click Next, and then click, Done.


gcloud privateca templates create TEMPLATE_ID \
  --copy-subject \
  --copy-sans \
  --identity-cel-expression <expr> \
  --predefined-values-file FILE_PATH \
  --copy-all-requested-extensions \
  --copy-extensions-by-oid <,> \
  --copy-known-extensions <ext1,ext2>

Replace the following:

  • TEMPLATE_ID: the unique identifier of the certificate template.
  • FILE_PATH: the YAML file that describes the X.509 values set by the certificate template.

The --copy-sans flag allows the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) extension from the certificate request to be copied into the signed certificate. You can alternatively specify --no-copy-sans to drop any caller specified SANs from the certificate request.

The --copy-subject flag allows the Subject from the certificate request to be copied into the signed certificate. You can alternatively specify --no-copy-subject to drop any caller specified subjects from the certificate request.

The --identity-cel-expression flag takes a CEL expression that is evaluated against the Subject and Subject Alternative Name of the certificate before it is issued, and returns a boolean signifying whether the request should be allowed. For information about using a Common Expression Language (CEL) expression for a certificate template, see Using CEL for certificate templates.

The --predefined-values-file flag specifies the path to a YAML file describing any predefined X.509 values set by this template. The provided extensions are copied over to any certificate requests that use this template, taking precedence over any allowed extensions in the certificate request. If you update any part of the predefined X.509 values, the update replaces the entire set of the predefined X.509 values.

If the --copy-all-requested-extensions flag is set, all the extensions specified in the certificate request are copied into the signed certificate.

If the --copy-extensions-by-oid flag is set, specific OIDs are copied from the certificate request into the signed certificate.

If the --copy-known-extensions flag is set, specific extensions are copied from the certificate request into the signed certificate. These known extensions can be one of the following: base-key-usage, extended-key-usage, ca-options, policy-ids, or aia-ocsp-servers.

Remove the --copy-all-requested-extensions flag to ignore all X.509 extensions in the certificate request, but still keep predefined values defined in this template.

Here's a sample certificate template configuration:

    digitalSignature: true
    keyEncipherment: true
    contentCommitment: false
    dataEncipherment: false
    keyAgreement: false
    certSign: false
    crlSign: false
    encipherOnly: false
    decipherOnly: false
    serverAuth: true
    clientAuth: false
    codeSigning: false
    emailProtection: false
    timeStamping: false
    ocspSigning: false
  isCa: true
  maxIssuerPathLength: 1
- objectIdPath:
  - 1
  - 2
  - 3
- objectId:
    - 1
    - 2
    - 3
  critical: false
  value: "base64 encoded extension value"

Values not specified in the YAML are either omitted or defaulted to false.

The following extensions are omitted if a value isn't specified:

  • keyUsage
  • policyIds
  • additionalExtensions
  • maxIssuerPathLength field in the caOptions extension

The following extensions default to false if a value isn't specified:

  • isCa field in the caOptions extension

Create a certificate template for common scenarios

This section provides gcloud commands for creating a certificate template for common use cases.

DNS server TLS certificates for any domain

To create a certificate template for issuing server TLS certificates that allow any domain, use the following instructions:

  1. Create a file with the name leaf_server_tls_values.yaml and add the following end-entity server TLS configuration to it:


        digitalSignature: true
        keyEncipherment: true
        serverAuth: true
      isCa: false
  2. To only allow certificates with DNS-type SANs, execute following gcloud command:


    gcloud privateca templates create server-tls \
      --predefined-values-file leaf_server_tls_values.yaml \
      --copy-sans --no-copy-subject \
      --identity-cel-expression "subject_alt_names.all(san, san.type == DNS)"

    For more information about the gcloud privateca templates create command, see gcloud privateca templates create.

DNS server TLS certificates with only test domains

To create a certificate template for issuing server TLS certificates with DNS SANs limited to test domains, use the following gcloud command:


gcloud privateca templates create server-tls \
  --predefined-values-file leaf_server_tls_values.yaml \
  --copy-sans --no-copy-subject \
  --identity-cel-expression "subject_alt_names.all(san, san.type == DNS && san.value.endsWith(''))"

The contents of the leaf_server_tls_values.yaml file must be the same as the previous example.

For more information about using CEL expressions to ensure DNS names start or end with a particular string, see CEL example expressions.

Workload identity certificates

To create a certificate template for issuing mutual TLS (mTLS) certificates, use the following instructions:

  1. Create a file with the name leaf_mtls_values.yaml and add the following end-entity mutual TLS configuration to it.


        digitalSignature: true
        keyEncipherment: true
        serverAuth: true
        clientAuth: true
      isCa: false
  2. To only allow certificates with SPIFFE URI SANs, use the following gcloud command:


    gcloud privateca templates create workload-spiffe \
      --predefined-values-file leaf_mtls_values.yaml \
      --copy-sans --no-copy-subject \
      --identity-cel-expression "subject_alt_names.all(san, san.type == URI && san.value.startsWith('spiffe://'))"

    For more information about the gcloud privateca templates create command, see gcloud privateca templates create.

For more information about using CEL expressions to ensure DNS names start or end with a particular string, see CEL example expressions.

Grant access to the certificate template

You can use a certificate template if you have the CA Service Certificate Template User (roles/privateca.templateUser) role. We recommend that the authors of a certificate template grant the CA Service Certificate Template User role to the members in the organization who might use that certificate template.

To grant the CA Service Certificate Template User (roles/privateca.templateUser) role to everyone in the domain, use the following gcloud command:


gcloud privateca templates add-iam-policy-binding TEMPLATE_ID \
  --member "" \
  --role "roles/privateca.templateUser"

Replace the following:

  • TEMPLATE_ID: the unique identifier of the certificate template.

For more information about the gcloud privateca templates add-iam-policy-binding command, see gcloud privateca templates add-iam-policy-binding.

For more information about IAM roles for CA Service, and their associated permissions, see Access control with IAM.

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