OS Config quotas

Request quotas

When you use the Google Cloud CLI or the Google Cloud console, you are also making requests to the API and these requests count towards your request quota. If you use service accounts to access the API, that also counts towards your quota.

Quotas are enforced at intervals of every 60 seconds. That means that if you reach a specific limit anytime within 60 seconds, you need to wait for your quota bucket to refresh to make more requests.

Per user quotas

Quota group Detail Default quota
Read requests
  • Description: Quota for *.get, *.describe, and *.list methods.
  • Metric: osconfig.googleapis.com/read_requests

    View this quota in the Google Cloud console:

    Go to Quotas

60 requests per user per minute
Write requests
  • Description: Quota for *.create, *.update, *.exec, *.cancel, and *.delete methods.
  • Metric: osconfig.googleapis.com/write_requests

    View this quota in the Google Cloud console:

    Go to Quotas

60 requests per user per minute
Lookup requests (Legacy beta)
  • Description: Quota for *.lookupEffectiveGuestPolicy method.
  • Metric: osconfig.googleapis.com/lookup_requests

    View this quota in the Google Cloud console:

    Go to Quotas

600 requests per user per minute

Per region quotas

Quota group Detail Default quota
Read requests
  • Description: Quota for *.get, *.describe, and *.list methods.
  • Metric: osconfig.googleapis.com/regional_zonal_read_requests

    View this quota in the Google Cloud console:

    Go to Quotas

100 requests per region per minute
Write requests
  • Description: Quota for *.create, *.update, *.patch, *.cancel, and *.delete methods.
  • Metric: osconfig.googleapis.com/regional_zonal_write_requests

    View this quota in the Google Cloud console:

    Go to Quotas

60 requests per region per minute

Allocation quotas

Allocation quotas are the maximum number of resources you can create of that resource type. OS Config resources include the following: patch deployments, OS policy assignments, and guest policies.

The following quotas don't reset over time and instead are released when you release the resource.

Resource Detail Default quota
Patch jobs
  • Description: Quota for the number of patch jobs that can be created in a project.
  • Metric: osconfig.googleapis.com/patch_deployment_count

    View this quota in the Google Cloud console:

    Go to Quotas

100 patch jobs per project
OS policy assignments
  • Description: Quota for the number of OS policy assignments that can be created for each zone in a project.
  • Metric: osconfig.googleapis.com/os_policy_assignment_count

    View this quota in the Google Cloud console:

    Go to Quotas

20 OS policy assignments per zone per project
Guest policies (Legacy beta)
  • Description: Quota for the number of guest policies that can be created in a project.
  • Metric: osconfig.googleapis.com/guest_policy_count

    View this quota in the Google Cloud console:

    Go to Quotas

100 guest policies per project

Manage request and allocation quotas

To manage the request and allocation quotas for your project, do the following:

  • Follow the best practices for preserving API rate limits.
  • Use the Google Cloud console to view and edit request quotas:

    Go to Quotas

    • If you want to lower request quotas, see Capping usage.
    • If you need higher request quotas than the default maximum, request a higher quota limit. In your request, add information showing the consumption rate in your environment. These include VM Manager audit logs or other error messages stating that the rate limit is exceeded. It's also useful to include information such as future growth plans, region or zone spread, and any additional requirements or dependencies.

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