Use data quality tasks

This document shows you how to create Dataplex data quality tasks that let you schedule and run data quality checks for your built-in and external BigQuery tables.

For more information, see Data quality tasks overview.

Before you begin

This document assumes that you have an existing Dataplex lake to create the data quality task in.

Enable Google APIs and services

  1. Enable the Dataproc API.

    Enable the API

  2. Enable Private Google Access for your network and subnetwork. Enable Private Google Access on the network that you plan to use with Dataplex data quality tasks. If you don't specify a network or subnetwork when you create the Dataplex data quality task, Dataplex uses the default subnet. In that case, you need to enable Private Google Access on the default subnet.

Create a specification file

Dataplex uses open source CloudDQ as the driver program. Dataplex data quality check requirements are defined within CloudDQ YAML specification files.

As input to the data quality task, you can have a single YAML file or a single zip archive containing one or more YAML files. It's recommended that you capture the data quality check requirements in separate YAML specification files, with one file for each section.

To prepare a specification file, do the following:

  1. Create one or more CloudDQ YAML specification files that define your data quality check requirements. For more information about the required syntax, see the About the specification file section of this document.

    Save the YAML specification file in .yml or .yaml format. If you create multiple YAML specification files, save all of the files in a single zip archive.

  2. Create a Cloud Storage bucket.
  3. Upload the specification file to the Cloud Storage bucket.

About the specification file

Your CloudDQ YAML specification file needs to have the following sections:

  • Rules (defined in the top-level rules YAML node): A list of rules to run. You can create these rules from predefined rule types, such as NOT_NULL and REGEX, or you can extend them with custom SQL statements such as CUSTOM_SQL_EXPR and CUSTOM_SQL_STATEMENT. The CUSTOM_SQL_EXPR statement flags any row that custom_sql_expr evaluated to False as a failure. The CUSTOM_SQL_STATEMENT statement flags any value returned by the whole statement as a failure.

  • Row filters (defined in the top-level row_filters YAML node): SQL expressions returning a boolean value that define filters to fetch a subset of data from the underlying entity subject for validation.

  • Rule bindings (defined in the top-level rule_bindings YAML node): Defines rules and rule filters to apply to the tables.

  • Rule dimensions (defined in the rule_dimensions YAML node): Defines the allowed list of data quality rule dimensions that a rule can define in the corresponding dimension field.

    For example:

      - consistency
      - correctness
      - duplication
      - completeness
      - conformance

    The dimension field is optional for a rule. The rule dimensions section is mandatory if dimension is listed on any rule.

For more information, see the CloudDQ reference guide and the sample specification files.

Create a dataset to store the results

  • To store the results, create a BigQuery dataset.

    The dataset must be in the same region as the tables that you run the data quality task on.

    Dataplex uses this dataset, and it creates or reuses a table of your choice to store the results.

Create a service account

Create a service account that has the following Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles and permissions:

Use advanced settings

These steps are optional:

  • BigQuery runs data quality checks in the current project by default. You can choose a different project to run the BigQuery jobs. Use the --gcp_project_id TASK_ARGS argument for the --execution-args property of the task.

  • If the project ID specified to run BigQuery queries is different from the project in which the service account (specified by --execution-service-account) is created, ensure that the organization policy that disables cross-project service account usage (iam.disableServiceAccountCreation) is turned off. Also, ensure that the service account can access the BigQuery job schedule in the project where BigQuery queries are being run.


All the tables specified for a given data quality task must belong to the same Google Cloud region.

Schedule a data quality task


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Dataplex Process page.

    Go to Process

  2. Click Create task.
  3. On the Check Data Quality card, click Create task.
  4. For Dataplex lake, choose your lake.
  5. For ID, enter an ID.
  6. In the Data quality specification section, do the following:
    1. In the Select GCS file field, click Browse.
    2. Select your Cloud Storage bucket.

    3. Click Select.

  7. In the Results table section, do the following:

    1. In the Select BigQuery dataset field, click Browse.

    2. Select the BigQuery dataset to store validation outcomes.

    3. Click Select.

    4. In the BigQuery table field, enter the name of the table to store the results. If the table doesn't exist, Dataplex creates it for you. Don't use the name dq_summary because it is reserved for internal processing tasks.

  8. In the Service account section, select a service account from the User service account menu.

  9. Click Continue.

  10. In the Set schedule section, configure the schedule for running the data quality task.

  11. Click Create.

gcloud CLI

The following is an example execution of a data quality task that uses the Dataplex tasks gcloud CLI command:


# Google Cloud project where the Dataplex task is created.

# Google Cloud region for the Dataplex lake.

# Public Cloud Storage bucket containing the prebuilt data quality executable artifact. There is one bucket for each Google Cloud region.
export DATAPLEX_PUBLIC_GCS_BUCKET_NAME="dataplex-clouddq-artifacts-${DATAPLEX_REGION_ID}"

# The Dataplex lake where your task is created.

# The service account used for running the task. Ensure that this service account
has sufficient IAM permissions on your project, including
BigQuery Data Editor, BigQuery Job User,
Dataplex Editor, Dataproc Worker, and Service
Usage Consumer.

# If you want to use a different dataset for storing the intermediate data quality summary results
and the BigQuery views associated with each rule binding, use the following:

# The BigQuery dataset where the final results of the data quality checks are stored.
This could be the same as CLOUDDQ_BIGQUERY_DATASET.

# The BigQuery table where the final results of the data quality checks are stored.

# The unique identifier for the task.
export TASK_ID="TASK_ID"

gcloud dataplex tasks create \
    --location="${DATAPLEX_REGION_ID}" \
    --lake="${DATAPLEX_LAKE_ID}" \
    --trigger-type=ON_DEMAND \
    --execution-service-account="$DATAPLEX_TASK_SERVICE_ACCOUNT" \
    --spark-python-script-file="gs://${DATAPLEX_PUBLIC_GCS_BUCKET_NAME}/" \
    --execution-args=^::^TASK_ARGS=", ALL, ${USER_CLOUDDQ_YAML_CONFIGS_GCS_PATH}, --gcp_project_id='GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT', --gcp_region_id='${DATAPLEX_REGION_ID}', --gcp_bq_dataset_id='${TARGET_BQ_DATASET}', --target_bigquery_summary_table='${GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT}.${TARGET_BQ_DATASET}.${TARGET_BQ_TABLE}'," \
Parameter Description
USER_CLOUDDQ_YAML_CONFIGS_GCS_PATH The Cloud Storage path to your data quality YAML configurations input for the data quality task. You can have a single YAML file in .yml or .yaml format or a zip archive containing multiple YAML files.
GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT The Google Cloud project where the Dataplex task and BigQuery jobs are created.
DATAPLEX_REGION_ID The region of the Dataplex lake where the data quality task is created.
SERVICE_ACCOUNT The service account used for executing the task. Ensure this service account has sufficient IAM permissions as outlined in the Before you begin section.

For --execution-args, the following arguments need to be passed as positioned arguments, and therefore in this order:

Argument Description A precompiled executable that was passed in spark-file-uris from a public Cloud Storage bucket.
ALL Run all the rule bindings. Alternatively, you can provide specific rule bindings as a comma-separated list. For example, RULE_1,RULE_2.
gcp-project-id Project ID that runs the BigQuery queries.
gcp-region-id Region for running the BigQuery jobs for data quality validation. This region should be the same as the region for gcp-bq-dataset-id and target_bigquery_summary_table.
gcp-bq-dataset-id BigQuery dataset that is used to store the rule_binding views and intermediate data quality summary results.
target-bigquery-summary-table Table ID reference of the BigQuery table where the final results of the data quality checks are stored. Don't use the ID value dq_summary because it is reserved for internal processing tasks.
--summary_to_stdout (Optional) When this flag is passed, all the validation result rows created in the dq_summary table in the last run are logged as JSON records to Cloud Logging and stdout.


  1. Replace the following:

    PROJECT_ID = "Your Dataplex Project ID"
    REGION = "Your Dataplex lake region"
    LAKE_ID = "Your Dataplex lake ID"
    SERVICE_ACC = "Your service account used for reading the data"
    DATAPLEX_TASK_ID = "Unique task ID for the data quality task"
    BUCKET_NAME = "Your Cloud Storage bucket name containing the CloudDQ configs or YAML specification"
    GCP_BQ_BILLING_PROJECT_ID = "Your BigQuery billing project"
    GCP_BQ_REGION_ID = "Your BigQuery dataset region ID" #Optional
    GCP_BQ_DATASET_ID = "Your BigQuery dataset to store the data quality summary results"
    TARGET_TABLE_NAME = "Your target table name to store the results in BigQuery dataset"
  2. Submit an HTTP POST request:
    "spark": {
        "python_script_file": f"gs://dataplex-clouddq-artifacts-us-central1/",
        "file_uris": [  f"gs://dataplex-clouddq-artifacts-us-central1/",
    "execution_spec": {
        "args": {
            "TASK_ARGS":f", ALL, gs://BUCKET_NAME/, --gcp_project_id=${GCP_BQ_BILLING_PROJECT_ID}, --gcp_region_id=${GCP_BQ_REGION_ID}, --gcp_bq_dataset_id=${GCP_BQ_DATASET_ID}, --target_bigquery_summary_table=${GCP_BQ_BILLING_PROJECT_ID}.${GCP_BQ_DATASET_ID}.${TARGET_TABLE_NAME}"
        "service_account": "SERVICE_ACC"
    "trigger_spec": {
    "type": "ON_DEMAND"
    "description": "${DATAPLEX_TASK_DESCRIPTION}"

See also Sample Airflow DAG for Dataplex data quality task.

Monitor a scheduled data quality task

See how to monitor your task.

View the results

The results of the data quality validations are stored in the BigQuery dataset and summary table that you specified, as described in Create a dataset to store the results. The summary table contains the output summary for each combination of rule binding and rule for each validation run. The output in the summary table includes the following information:

Column name Description
dataplex_lake (string) ID of the Dataplex lake containing the table being validated.
dataplex_zone (string) ID of the Dataplex zone containing the table being validated.
dataplex_asset_id (string) ID of the Dataplex asset containing the table being validated.
execution_ts (timestamp) Timestamp of when the validation query was run.
rule_binding_id (string) ID of the rule binding for which validation results are reported.
rule_id (string) ID of the rule under the rule binding for which validation results are reported.
dimension (string) Data quality dimension of the rule_id. This value can only be one of the values specified in the rule_dimensions YAML node.
table_id (string) ID of the entity for which validation results are reported. This ID is specified under the entity parameter of the respective rule binding.
column_id (string) ID of the column for which validation results are reported. This ID is specified under the column parameter of the respective rule binding.
last_modified (timestamp) The last modified timestamp of the table_id being validated.
metadata_json_string (string) Key-value pairs of the metadata parameter content specified under the rule binding or during the data quality run.
configs_hashsum (string) The hash sum of the JSON document containing the rule binding and all its associated rules, rule bindings, row filters, and entity configurations. configs_hashsum allows tracking when the content of a rule_binding ID or one of its referenced configurations has changed.
dq_run_id (string) Unique ID of the record.
invocation_id (string) ID of the data quality run. All data quality summary records generated within the same data quality execution instance share the same invocation_id.
progress_watermark (boolean) Determines whether this particular record is considered by the data quality check to determine the high watermark for incremental validation. If FALSE, the respective record is ignored when establishing the high-watermark value. This information is useful when executing test data quality validations that should not advance the high watermark. Dataplex populates this field with TRUE by default, but the value can be overridden if the --progress_watermark argument has a value of FALSE.
rows_validated (integer) Total number of records validated after applying row_filters and any high-watermark filters on the incremental_time_filter_column_id column, if specified.
complex_rule_validation_errors_count (float) Number of rows returned by a CUSTOM_SQL_STATEMENT rule.
complex_rule_validation_success_flag (boolean) Success status of CUSTOM_SQL_STATEMENT rules.
success_count (integer) Total number of records that passed validation. This field is set to NULL for CUSTOM_SQL_STATEMENT rules.
success_percentage (float) Percentage of the number of records that passed validation within the total number of records validated. This field is set to NULL for CUSTOM_SQL_STATEMENT rules.
failed_count (integer) Total number of records that failed validation. This field is set to NULL for CUSTOM_SQL_STATEMENT rules.
failed_percentage (float) Percentage of the number of records that failed validation within the total number of records validated. This field is set to NULL for CUSTOM_SQL_STATEMENT rules.
null_count (integer) Total number of records that returned null during validation. This field is set to NULL for NOT_NULL and CUSTOM_SQL_STATEMENT rules.
null_percentage (float) Percentage of the number of records that returned null during validation within the total number of records validated. This field is set to NULL for NOT_NULL and CUSTOM_SQL_STATEMENT rules.
failed_records_query For every rule that fails, this column stores a query that you can use to get failed records. In this document, see Troubleshoot failed rules with failed_records_query.

For BigQuery entities, a view is created for every rule_binding containing the SQL validation logic of the latest execution. You can find these views in the BigQuery dataset specified in the argument --gcp-bq-dataset-id.

Cost optimizations

Data quality tasks are executed as BigQuery jobs in your project. To control the cost for running data quality jobs, use BigQuery pricing on the project where your BigQuery jobs run. For more information, see BigQuery workload management.

Incremental validations

Often, you have tables that are updated routinely with new partitions (new rows). If you don't want to revalidate old partitions in every run, you can use incremental validations.

For incremental validations, you must have a TIMESTAMP or DATETIME type column in your table where the column value monotonically increases. You can use the columns that your BigQuery table is partitioned on.

To specify incremental validation, specify a value for incremental_time_filter_column_id=TIMESTAMP/DATETIME type column as part of a rule binding.

When you specify a column, the data quality task considers only rows with a TIMESTAMP value greater than the timestamp of the last data quality task that ran.

Example specification files

To use these samples, create a BigQuery dataset named sales. Then, create a fact table named sales_orders and add sample data by running a query with the following GoogleSQL statements:

CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE sales.sales_orders
 last_modified_timestamp TIMESTAMP,
 customer_id STRING,
 item_id STRING,
 amount NUMERIC,
 transaction_currency STRING

INSERT INTO sales.sales_orders
(id, last_modified_timestamp, customer_id, item_id, amount, transaction_currency)

Sample 1

The following code sample creates data quality checks for validating these values:

  • amount: values are zero or positive numbers.
  • item_id: an alphanumeric string of 5 alphabetical characters, followed by 15 digits.
  • transaction_currency: an allowed currency type, as defined by a static list. The static list of this sample allows GBP and JPY as currency types. This validation only applies to rows marked as international.
# The following `NONE` row filter is required.
   filter_sql_expr: |-
 # This filters for rows marked as international (INTNL).
   filter_sql_expr: |-
      REGEXP_CONTAINS(item_id, 'INTNL')

# Rule dimensions are optional but let you aggregate reporting.
  - consistency
  - correctness
  - duplication
  - completeness
  - conformance
  - integrity

# Rules can apply to multiple tables or columns.
   rule_type: CUSTOM_SQL_EXPR
   dimension: correctness
     custom_sql_expr: |-
       $column >= 0

   rule_type: REGEX
   dimension: conformance
     pattern: |-

   rule_type: CUSTOM_SQL_EXPR
   dimension: integrity
     custom_sql_expr: |-
      $column in ('GBP', 'JPY')

# Rule bindings associate rules to columns within tables.
   entity_uri: bigquery://projects/PROJECT_ID/datasets/DATASET_ID/tables/sales_orders
   column_id: amount
   row_filter_id: NONE

   entity_uri: bigquery://projects/PROJECT_ID/datasets/DATASET_ID/tables/sales_orders
   column_id: item_id
   row_filter_id: NONE

   entity_uri: bigquery://projects/PROJECT_ID/datasets/DATASET_ID/tables/sales_orders
   column_id: transaction_currency
   row_filter_id: INTERNATIONAL_ITEMS

Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_ID: your project ID.
  • DATASET_ID: the dataset ID.

Sample 2

If the table to be checked is part of a Dataplex lake, you can specify the tables using lake or zone notation. This lets you aggregate your results by lake or zone. For example, you can generate a zone level score.

To use this sample, create a Dataplex lake with the lake ID operations and the zone ID procurement. Then, add the table sales_orders as an asset to the zone.

# This is a convenience section that allows you to shorten the entity_uri
   projects: PROJECT_ID
   locations: REGION_ID
   lakes: operations
   zones: procurement

# You have to define a NONE row filter
   filter_sql_expr: |-
   filter_sql_expr: |-
      REGEXP_CONTAINS(item_id, 'INTNL')

# rule dimensions are optional but allow you to aggregate reporting.
  - consistency
  - correctness
  - duplication
  - completeness
  - conformance
  - integrity

# Rules can be shared across tables or columns.
   rule_type: CUSTOM_SQL_EXPR
   dimension: correctness
     custom_sql_expr: |-
       $column >= 0

   rule_type: REGEX
   dimension: conformance
     pattern: |-

   rule_type: CUSTOM_SQL_EXPR
   dimension: integrity
     custom_sql_expr: |-
      $column in ('GBP', 'JPY')

#rule bindings associate rules to {table, column}
   entity_uri: dataplex://projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/REGION_ID/lakes/operations/zones/procurement/entities/sales_orders
   column_id: amount
   row_filter_id: NONE

   entity_uri: dataplex://zones/procurement/entities/sales_orders # omitting projects/locations/lakes from uri path to use the default values specified in metadata_registry_defaults
   column_id: item_id
   row_filter_id: NONE

   entity_uri: dataplex://zones/procurement/entities/sales_orders
   column_id: transaction_currency
   row_filter_id: INTERNATIONAL_ITEMS

Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_ID: your project ID.
  • REGION_ID: the region ID of the Dataplex lake in which the table exists, such as us-central1.

Sample 3

This example enhances Sample 2 by adding a custom SQL check to see if the ID values are unique.

# This is a convenience section that allows you to shorten the entity_uri
   projects: PROJECT_ID
   locations: REGION_ID
   lakes: operations
   zones: procurement

# You have to define a NONE row filter
   filter_sql_expr: |-
   filter_sql_expr: |-
      REGEXP_CONTAINS(item_id, 'INTNL')

# rule dimensions are optional but allow you to aggregate reporting.
  - consistency
  - correctness
  - duplication
  - completeness
  - conformance
  - integrity

# Rules can be shared across tables or columns.
# This rule is parameterized with column_names as parameter
   dimension: duplication
       - column_names
     custom_sql_statement: |-
       select a.*
       from data a
       inner join (
         from data
         group by $column_names
         having count(*) > 1
       ) duplicates
       using ($column_names)

   rule_type: CUSTOM_SQL_EXPR
   dimension: correctness
     custom_sql_expr: |-
       $column >= 0

   rule_type: REGEX
   dimension: conformance
     pattern: |-

   rule_type: CUSTOM_SQL_EXPR
   dimension: integrity
     custom_sql_expr: |-
      $column in ('GBP', 'JPY')

#rule bindings associate rules to {table, column}

   entity_uri: dataplex://projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/REGION_ID/lakes/operations/zones/procurement/entities/sales_orders
   column_id: id
   row_filter_id: NONE
         column_names: "id"

   entity_uri: dataplex://zones/procurement/entities/sales_orders # omitting projects/locations/lakes from uri path to use the default values specified in metadata_registry_defaults
   column_id: amount
   row_filter_id: NONE

   entity_uri: dataplex://zones/procurement/entities/sales_orders
   column_id: item_id
   row_filter_id: NONE

   entity_uri: dataplex://zones/procurement/entities/sales_orders
   column_id: transaction_currency
   row_filter_id: INTERNATIONAL_ITEMS

Sample 4

This example enhances Sample 3 by adding incremental validations using the last_modified_timestamp column. You can add incremental validations for one or more rule bindings.

# This is a convenience section that allows you to shorten the entity_uri
   projects: PROJECT_ID
   locations: REGION_ID
   lakes: operations
   zones: procurement

# You have to define a NONE row filter
   filter_sql_expr: |-
   filter_sql_expr: |-
      REGEXP_CONTAINS(item_id, 'INTNL')

# rule dimensions are optional but allow you to aggregate reporting.
  - consistency
  - correctness
  - duplication
  - completeness
  - conformance
  - integrity

# Rules can be shared across tables or columns.
# This rule is parameterized with column_names as parameter
   dimension: duplication
       - column_names
     custom_sql_statement: |-
       select a.*
       from data a
       inner join (
         from data
         group by $column_names
         having count(*) > 1
       ) duplicates
       using ($column_names)

   rule_type: CUSTOM_SQL_EXPR
   dimension: correctness
     custom_sql_expr: |-
       $column >= 0

   rule_type: REGEX
   dimension: conformance
     pattern: |-

   rule_type: CUSTOM_SQL_EXPR
   dimension: integrity
     custom_sql_expr: |-
      $column in ('GBP', 'JPY')

#rule bindings associate rules to {table, column}

   entity_uri: dataplex://projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/REGION_ID/lakes/operations/zones/procurement/entities/sales_orders
   column_id: id
   row_filter_id: NONE
   incremental_time_filter_column_id: last_modified_timestamp
         column_names: "id"

   entity_uri: dataplex://zones/procurement/entities/sales_orders # omitting projects/locations/lakes from uri path to use the default values specified in metadata_registry_defaults
   column_id: amount
   row_filter_id: NONE
   incremental_time_filter_column_id: last_modified_timestamp

   entity_uri: dataplex://zones/procurement/entities/sales_orders
   column_id: item_id
   row_filter_id: NONE
   incremental_time_filter_column_id: last_modified_timestamp

   entity_uri: dataplex://zones/procurement/entities/sales_orders
   column_id: transaction_currency
   row_filter_id: INTERNATIONAL_ITEMS
   incremental_time_filter_column_id: last_modified_timestamp

Troubleshoot failed rules with failed_records_query

For every rule that fails, the summary table stores a query in the failed_records_query column that you can use to get failed records.

To debug, you can also use reference columns in your YAML file, which lets you join the output of failed_records_query with the original data to get the entire record. For example, you can specify a primary_key column or a compound primary_key column as a reference column.

Specify reference columns

To generate reference columns, you can add the following to your YAML specification:

  1. The reference_columns section. In this section, you can create one or more reference column sets, with each set specifying one or more columns.

  2. The rule_bindings section. In this section, you can add a line to a rule binding that specifies a reference column ID (reference_columns_id) to use for the rules in that rule binding. It should be one of the reference column sets specified in the reference_columns section.

For example, the following YAML file specifies a reference_columns section and defines three columns: id, last_modified_timestamp, and item_id as part of the ORDER_DETAILS_REFERENCE_COLUMNS set. The following example uses the sample table sales_orders.

      - id
      - last_modified_timestamp
      - item_id
  rule_type: CUSTOM_SQL_EXPR
    custom_sql_expr: |-

  filter_sql_expr: |-

  entity_uri: bigquery://projects/PROJECT_ID/datasets/DATASET_ID/tables/sales_orders
  column_id: amount
  row_filter_id: NONE

Using the failed records query

The failed records query generates a row for every record that has a rule that failed. It includes the column name that triggered the failure, the value that triggered the failure, and the values for the reference columns. It also includes metadata that you can use to relate to the execution of the data quality task.

The following is an example of the output from a failed records query for the YAML file described in Specify reference columns. It shows a failure for column amount and a failed value of -10. It also records the corresponding value for the reference column.

_dq_validation_invocation_id _dq_validation_rule_binding_id _dq_validation_rule_id _dq_validation_column_id _dq_validation_column_value _dq_validation_dimension _dq_validation_simple_rule_row_is_valid _dq_validation_complex_rule_validation_errors_count _dq_validation_complex_rule_validation_success_flag id last_modified_timestamp item_id
10a25be9-8dfa-446c-a42c-75f6bb4a49d9 TRANSACTION_AMOUNT_VALID VALUE_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE amount -10 FALSE order1 2022-01-22T02:30:06.321Z bad_item_id

Use failed records queries for CUSTOM_SQL_STATEMENT rules

For CUSTOM_SQL_STATEMENT rules, failed record queries include the custom_sql_statement_validation_errors column. The custom_sql_statement_validation_errors column is a nested column with fields that match the output of your SQL statement. Reference columns are not included in failed records queries for CUSTOM_SQL_STATEMENT rules.

For example, your CUSTOM_SQL_STATEMENT rule might look like this:

      - existing_id
      - replacement_id
       (SELECT product_name, product_key FROM data
       where $existing_id != $replacement_id)
The results for this example will contain one or more rows for the custom_sql_statement_validation_errors column, with a row for every occurrence where existing_id!=replacement_id.

When rendered in JSON, the contents of a cell in this column might look like this:

  "custom_sql_statement_valdation_errors" :{

You can join these results to the original table with a nested reference like join on custom_sql_statement_valdation_errors.product_key.

What's next