Dialogflow CX Messenger JavaScript events

Dialogflow CX Messenger triggers a variety of events that you can create event listeners for. Some events have a detail object field, which provides more information about the event.


The agent dialog is first loaded.

Detail properties:

  • none

For example:

window.addEventListener('df-messenger-loaded', () => {
  // Messenger is now ready.


The chat is opened or closed.

Detail properties:

  • isOpen (boolean): new state of the chat

For example:

window.addEventListener('df-chat-open-changed', (event) => {
  console.log(`Chat is ${event.detail.isOpen ? 'open' : 'closed'}`);


The user entered text.

Detail properties:

  • input (string): value the user entered

For example:

window.addEventListener('df-user-input-entered', (event) => {


A request sent to the Dialogflow backend.

Detail properties:

  • data (object): data container
  • data.requestBody (object): request that was sent

For example:

window.addEventListener('df-request-sent', (event) => {
  console.log('Request', event.detail.data.requestBody);
window.addEventListener('df-request-sent', (event) => {
  event.preventDefault(); // Messenger won't send the request.

  // Send request yourself.


A response has arrived to the agent dialog.

Detail properties:

  • data (object): data container
  • data.messages (object[]): list of parsed response messages
  • raw (object): verbatim response that was received

For example:

window.addEventListener('df-response-received', (event) => {
  // Remove all non-text messages.
  event.detail.data.messages = event.detail.data.messages.filter(message => {
    return message.type === 'text';
window.addEventListener('df-response-received', (event) => {
  event.preventDefault(); // Messenger won't handle the response.

  const messenger = document.querySelector('df-messenger');
  event.detail.data.messages.forEach(message => {
    if (message.type === 'text') {


A request to the backend fails.

Detail properties:

  • error (object): error that occurred

For example:

window.addEventListener('df-messenger-error', (event) => {


The session with the agent expired.

Detail properties:

  • none

For example:

window.addEventListener('df-session-expired', () => {
  const messenger = document.querySelector('df-messenger');
  messenger.renderCustomText(`*Session expired*`, /* isBot= */ true);
  messenger.startNewSession({ retainHistory: true });


The session has ended.

Detail properties:

  • none

For example:

window.addEventListener('df-session-ended', () => {
  const messenger = document.querySelector('df-messenger');
  messenger.renderCustomText(`*Session ended*`, /* isBot= */ true);
  messenger.startNewSession({ retainHistory: true });


URLs of suggested resources.

Detail properties:

  • suggestedUrls (string[]): list of suggested URLs

For example:

window.addEventListener('df-url-suggested', (event) => {
  if (event.detail.suggestedUrls.length === 1) {
    window.location.href = event.detail.suggestedUrls[0];


User clicked the accordion.

Detail properties:

  • none


User clicked a button.

Detail properties:

  • actionLink (string): anchor href of the clicked button, if specified
  • event (string): event of the clicked button, if specified
  • languageCode (string): language code of the event if specified, otherwise the main language code
  • text (string): text of the clicked button
window.addEventListener('df-button-clicked', (event) => {
  event.preventDefault(); // Messenger won't send the "event" request.

  // Handle "event" yourself.


User clicked a chip.

Detail properties:

  • actionLink (string): anchor href of the clicked chip, if specified
  • text (string): text of the clicked chip


User clicked a citation.

Detail properties:

  • actionLink (string): anchor href of the citation
  • title (string): title of the citation


User clicked an info-card.

Detail properties:

  • actionLink (string): anchor href of the info-card
  • title (string): title of the info-card


User clicked a list element.

Detail properties:

  • actionLink (string): anchor href of the list element, if specified
  • event (string): event of the clicked list element, if specified
  • languageCode (string): language code of the event if specified, otherwise the main language code
  • title (string): title of the list element
window.addEventListener('df-list-element-clicked', (event) => {
  event.preventDefault(); // Messenger won't send the "event" request.

  // Handle "event" yourself.


User clicked an image.

Detail properties:

  • actionLink (string): anchor href of the image, if specified