INFO command metrics

On Memorystore for Redis Cluster, the Redis INFO command returns metrics for vector data and Vector Search. This page describes the metrics that are available by using the Redis info, info modules, and info modules search commands.

Index statistic metrics

Metric Value type Description
search_total_indexed_hash_keys Integer Total count of HASH keys for all index partitions located on this node
search_number_of_indexes Integer Total count of indexes
search_number_of_attributes Integer Total count of attributes for all indexes

Query metrics

Metric Value type Description
search_failure_requests_count Integer A count of all failed requests
search_successful_requests_count Integer A count of all successful requests

Memory metrics

Metric Value type Description
search_used_memory_human Integer A human-friendly readable version of the search_used_memory_bytes metric
search_used_memory_bytes Integer The total bytes of memory that all indexes occupy

Index ingestion

Metric Value type Description
search_background_indexing_status String The status of the indexing process. NO_ACTIVITY indicates idle indexing.