Supported monitoring metrics for Memorystore for Redis

This page lists Cloud Monitoring metrics available for Memorystore for Redis, and describes what each metric measures.

To learn how to view Memorystore for Redis metrics, see Monitoring Redis instances.

Cloud Monitoring metrics

The following metrics are available when using Cloud Monitoring:

Metric name Full endpoint URL Description
Average TTL Shows the average Time To Live (TTL) of all keys with TTLs.
Blocked Clients Number of blocked clients.
Seconds Lagging This metric shows the number of seconds that the replica is lagging behind the primary. Displayed as the current time minus the time that the replica acknowledged receiving the message of incoming bytes.
Bytes Pending Replication The number of bytes that have not been replicated to the replica. This is the difference between replication byte offset (primary) and replication byte offset (replica). You will observe an increase in bytes pending as the primary replicates to the replica during a failover.
Cache Hit Ratio The ratio of successful Redis database calls and unsuccessful calls. A call is successful when the Redis database returns the value which the caller requested. A higher cache-hit ratio means the cache is being more fully utilized, which is beneficial for your application.
Calls The number of Redis commands made per minute on your Redis instance. These include all open source Redis commands such as SET, GET, HSET, etc. This metric does not count Memorystore for Redis commands like 'create', 'update', etc.
Connected Clients The number of clients connected to the Redis instance.
CPU Seconds CPU usage time per minute used by the Redis server, broken down by the system/user space and parent/child relationship. CPU seconds shows a total of all threads for the redis server main process. If you want to see the CPU usage for the main thread only, you can view the Main Thread CPU Seconds metric.
Evicted Keys The number of keys evicted due to the maxmemory limit.
Expirable Keys The number of keys that have an expiration set in this instance. If empty, the chart for this metric displays "no data".
Main Thread CPU Seconds CPU-seconds consumed by the Redis server main thread, broken down by system/user space and parent/child relationship. This metric is helpful for identifying CPU usage spikes on the main thread.
Maximum Memory Maximum amount of memory in the instance that keys can consume. Keys are evicted after reaching this maxmemory limit in accordance with the eviction policy set on the instance.
Memory Usage Ratio Memory usage as a ratio of maximum memory.
Misses Number of failed lookups of keys in the main dictionary.
Node Role Returns a value indicating the node role. 1 indicates primary and 0 indicates replica.
Persisting RDB Indicates if a RDB save is ongoing. 1 indicates yes and 0 indicates no.
Pub/Sub Channels Global number of Pub/Sub channels with client subscriptions for Memorystore for Redis.
Pub/Sub Patterns Global number of Pub/Sub patterns with client subscriptions for Memorystore for Redis.
Rejected Connections Number of connections rejected because of the maxclients limit, memory pressure, or an invalid TLS connection on in-transit encryption enabled instances.
Replication Byte Offset (Primary) The number of bytes that primary has produced and is sending to the replica. You can subtract Replication Byte Offset (Replica) from Replication Byte Offset (Primary) to determine the size of any replication delay. No difference means the replica is fully in sync.
Replication Byte Offset (Replica) The number of bytes that have been acknowledged by the replica. You can subtract Replication Byte Offset (Replica) from Replication Byte Offset (Primary) to determine the size of any replication delay. No difference means the replica is fully in sync.
System Memory Usage Ratio Used memory as a ratio of total available system memory. Total available system memory is the memory you provisioned for your instance plus additional memory that Memorystore provides for overhead processes.
Time in System Memory Overload The amount of time in microseconds the instance is in system memory overload mode.
Time per Call Average time per call over 1 minute by command.
Total Connections Received Total number of connections accepted by the server.
Total Time of Calls Total amount of time spent per open source Redis command (e.g. SET, GET, HSET, etc…) in microseconds over the last second. For example if SET used 800,000 microseconds it would mean that it took 80% of one CPU core to process all SET commands combined.
Total Traffic to Redis Total number of bytes sent to/from Redis (includes bytes from commands themselves, payload data, and delimiters).
Uptime Uptime of the currently running Redis server process
Used Memory Total number of bytes allocated by the Redis server process.

Memorystore for Redis instance details metrics

The following metrics are available on the instance details page of your Memorystore for Redis instance:

Metric name Description
Memory Usage / Max Memory A chart that shows memory usage compared to the maxmemory limit for your instance.
Evicted Keys / Expired Keys A chart that displays the number of evicted keys and expired keys.
Connected Clients / Blocked Clients A chart that displays the number of connected clients and blocked clients.
Network Bytes In/Out A chart that displays the number of bytes sent and received by the instance over a given period.
CPU seconds A chart that displays CPU seconds used by the instance over a given period of time.

RDB Snapshots metrics

The following metrics help you manage RDB Snapshots for Memorystore for Redis.

Snapshot monitoring metrics

Metric name Full endpoint URL Description
Snapshot mode Indicates if the RDB snapshot mode is enabled
Next snapshot time Seconds until the next scheduled snapshot.

Snapshot status metrics

Metric name Full endpoint URL Description
RDB snapshot in progress Indicates if RDB snapshot is in progress. When the metric value is true, then an RDB snapshot is in progress.
RDB snapshot elapsed time Indicates increasing time elapsed while creating the current snapshot.
RDB snapshot attempts count Indicates number of snapshot attempts every minute.
RDB snapshot last status Indicates status of the most recent snapshot attempt.
RDB snapshot duration Indicates the total time required to write the last successful snapshot, not including failed attempts.
RDB snapshot age Indicates time elapsed since the start of the last successful snapshot.

Snapshot recovery metrics

Metric name Full endpoint URL Description
RDB recovery in progress Indicates if recovery from an RDB snapshot is in progress. When the metric value is true, then a recovery is in progress.
RDB recovery elapsed time Indicates increasing time elapsed for an in-progress recovery from an RDB snapshot.
RDB recovery estimated time Indicates the expected recovery time when using the last successful snapshot for recovery.
RDB recovery remaining time Indicates remaining time to finish recovery from an RDB snapshot.
RDB recovery attempts Indicates number of recovery attempts since the last successful recovery attempt.
RDB recovery last status Indicates status of the most recent recovery.
RDB recovery last duration Indicates time it took to restore the last snapshot.
RDB Snapshot Size Indicates the size of the snapshot.
RDB Load progress During a recovery, indicates how many bytes have loaded. 0 if the recovery is not active.