Update BGP route policies

This guide describes how to do the following updates to BGP route policies for Cloud Router:

Remove a BGP route policy

Run the following:

gcloud compute routers remove-route-policy ROUTER_NAME \

Replace the following:

  • ROUTER_NAME: the name of your Cloud Router
  • BGP_ROUTE_POLICY_NAME: the name of the BGP route policy that you want to remove

Add a BGP route policy term

Run the following:

gcloud compute routers add-route-policy-term ROUTER_NAME \
    --policy-name=BGP_ROUTE_POLICY_NAME \
    --priority=PRIORITY \

Replace the following:

  • ROUTER_NAME: the name of your Cloud Router
  • BGP_ROUTE_POLICY_NAME: the name of the BGP route policy that you want to export
  • PRIORITY: the order of this term within the BGP route policy, where lower values indicate higher priority. The accepted range is [0, 2^31).
  • CEL_MATCH_EXPRESSION: a Common Expression Language (CEL) element that matches routes that this term applies to
  • CEL_ACTIONS_EXPRESSION: a semicolon separated CEL expression for actions to take for items that match this rule

Update a BGP route policy term

Run the following:

gcloud compute routers update-route-policy-term ROUTER_NAME \
    --policy-name=BGP_ROUTE_POLICY_NAME \
    --priority=PRIORITY \

Replace the following:

  • ROUTER_NAME: the name of your Cloud Router
  • BGP_ROUTE_POLICY_NAME: the name of the BGP route policy that you want to export
  • PRIORITY: The order of this term within the BGP route policy, where lower values indicate higher priority. The accepted range is [0, 2^31).
  • CEL_MATCH_EXPRESSION: a CEL element that matches routes that this term applies to
  • CEL_ACTIONS_EXPRESSION: a semicolon separated CEL expression for actions to take for items that match this rule
  • BGP_ROUTE_POLICY_NAME: the name of the BGP route policy that you want to export

Remove a BGP route policy term

Run the following:

gcloud compute routers remove-route-policy-term ROUTER_NAME \
    --policy-name=BGP_ROUTE_POLICY_NAME \

Replace the following:

  • ROUTER_NAME: the name of your Cloud Router
  • BGP_ROUTE_POLICY_NAME: the name of the BGP route policy that you want to export
  • PRIORITY: the order of this term within the BGP route policy, where lower values indicate higher priority. The accepted range is [0, 2^31).