Set routing and best path selection modes

The following Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network settings control how all Cloud Routers work within the network:

  • Advertised routes are controlled by the dynamic routing mode of the VPC network.

  • Learned routes are controlled by both the dynamic routing mode and the best path selection mode of the VPC network.

The dynamic routing mode of a VPC network is either regional (default) or global.

The best path selection mode of a VPC network is either legacy (default) or standard. As a best practice, we recommend using legacy best path selection mode for critical workloads. Standard best path selection mode is in Preview.

For more information about best path selection modes, see Best path selection.

You can specify the dynamic routing mode and the best path selection mode when you create a VPC network, or when you update a VPC network.

View a VPC network's dynamic routing and best path selection modes

To view the current dynamic routing mode and best path selection mode of a VPC network, follow these steps.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the VPC networks page.

    Go to VPC networks

  2. To view a network's details page, click the network's name.

  3. In the Dynamic routing mode section, the value indicates the type of dynamic routing mode, either Regional or Global.


Run the gcloud beta compute networks describe command:

 gcloud beta compute networks describe NETWORK_NAME 

Replace the following:

  • NETWORK_NAME: the name of the VPC network
  • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the project that contains the VPC network

In the output:

  • The routingMode is the dynamic routing mode of the VPC network. Its value is either REGIONAL or GLOBAL.

  • The bgpBestPathSelectionMode is the best path selection mode of the VPC network. Its value is either LEGACY or STANDARD.

  • If the best path selection mode (bgpBestPathSelectionMode) is STANDARD, the output might contain the following additional items:

    • bgpAlwaysCompareMed: Values are either True or False. If bgpAlwaysCompareMed isn't included in the output, the implied default value is False.

    • bgpInterRegionCost: Values are either DEFAULT or ADD_COST_TO_MED. If bgpInterRegionCost isn't included in the output, the implied default value is DEFAULT.


Use the networks.get method:


Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the project that contains the VPC network
  • NETWORK_NAME: the name of the VPC network

In the output:

  • routingMode is the dynamic routing mode of the VPC network. Its value is either REGIONAL or GLOBAL.

  • bgpBestPathSelectionMode is the best path selection mode of the VPC network. Its value is either LEGACY or STANDARD.

  • If the best path selection mode, bgpBestPathSelectionMode, is STANDARD, the output might contain the following additional items:

    • bgpAlwaysCompareMed: Values are either True or False. If bgpAlwaysCompareMed isn't included in the output, the implied default value is False.

    • bgpInterRegionCost: Values are either DEFAULT or ADD_COST_TO_MED. If bgpInterRegionCost isn't included in the output, the implied default value is DEFAULT.

Change a VPC network's dynamic routing and best path selection modes

To change either the current dynamic routing mode, best path selection mode, or both of a VPC network, follow these steps.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the VPC networks page.

    Go to VPC networks

  2. To view a network's details page, click the network's name.

  3. To modify the network, click Edit.

  4. In the Dynamic routing mode section, select Regional or Global.

  5. To confirm, click Save.


To set the dynamic routing and best path selection modes when creating a new VPC network, use the gcloud beta compute networks create command:

  gcloud beta compute networks create NETWORK_NAME 

To change the dynamic routing and best path selection modes for an existing VPC network, use the gcloud beta compute networks update command:

  gcloud beta compute networks update NETWORK_NAME 

If you set --bgp-best-path-selection-mode=STANDARD, you can also use the --bgp-bps-always-compare-med, --no-bgp-bps-always-compare-med, or --bgp-bps-inter-region-cost flag:

  gcloud beta compute networks create|update NETWORK_NAME 
--bgp-bps-inter-region-cost=COST_MODE --project=PROJECT_ID

Replace the following:

  • NETWORK_NAME: the name of the VPC network to modify
  • DYNAMIC_ROUTING_MODE: the dynamic routing mode to use—specify REGIONAL or GLOBAL. The default value is REGIONAL.
  • BEST_PATH_SELECTION_MODE: the best path selection mode to use—specify LEGACY or STANDARD. The default value is LEGACY.
  • The following are only applicable when using STANDARD best path selection mode. These flags must be omitted if you use LEGACY best path selection mode.
    • --bgp-bps-always-compare-med: use this flag to always compare MED without considering the neighbor ASN values.
    • --no-bgp-bps-always-compare-med: use this flag to conditionally compare MED values within each neighbor ASN.
    • COST_MODE: controls whether an inter-region cost is added to the received MED value—specify DEFAULT or ADD-COST-TO-MED.
    • DEFAULT doesn't add inter-region costs to MED values.
    • ADD-COST-TO-MED adds inter-region costs to MED values.


To set the dynamic routing and best path selection modes when creating a new VPC network, use the networks.insert method:

  "routingConfig": {
    "routingMode": "DYNAMIC_ROUTING_MODE"
    "bgpBestPathSelectionMode": "BEST_PATH_SELECTION_MODE"
    "bgpAlwaysCompareMed": True | False
    "bgpInterRegionCost": "COST"

To change the dynamic routing and best path selection modes for an existing VPC network, use the networks.patch method:

  "routingConfig": {
    "routingMode": "DYNAMIC_ROUTING_MODE"
    "bgpBestPathSelectionMode": "BEST_PATH_SELECTION_MODE"
    "bgpAlwaysCompareMed": True | False
    "bgpInterRegionCost": "COST"

Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the project that contains the VPC network to modify
  • NETWORK_NAME: the name of the VPC network to modify
  • DYNAMIC_ROUTING_MODE: the dynamic routing mode to use—specify REGIONAL or GLOBAL. The default value is REGIONAL.
  • BEST_PATH_SELECTION_MODE: the best path selection mode to use—specify LEGACY or STANDARD. The default value is LEGACY.
  • COST: controls whether an inter-region cost is added to the received MED value—specify DEFAULT or ADD-COST-TO-MED.
    • DEFAULT does not add inter-region costs to MED values.
    • ADD-COST-TO-MED adds inter-region costs to MED values.

When bgpAlwaysCompareMed is True, always compare MED without considering the neighbor ASN values. When False, conditionally compare MED values within each neighbor ASN. The default is False. bgpAlwaysCompareMed is optional when bgpBestPathSelectionMode is STANDARD but must be omitted when bgpBestPathSelectionMode is LEGACY.

When bgpBestPathSelectionMode is STANDARD, bgpInterRegionCost is optional but must be omitted when bgpBestPathSelectionMode is LEGACY.

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