Google Cloud Ai Platform V1 Client - Class RuntimeConfig (1.7.0)

Reference documentation and code samples for the Google Cloud Ai Platform V1 Client class RuntimeConfig.

The runtime config of a PipelineJob.

Generated from protobuf message


Google \ Cloud \ AIPlatform \ V1 \ PipelineJob




Name Description
data array

Optional. Data for populating the Message object.

↳ parameters array|Google\Protobuf\Internal\MapField

Deprecated. Use RuntimeConfig.parameter_values instead. The runtime parameters of the PipelineJob. The parameters will be passed into PipelineJob.pipeline_spec to replace the placeholders at runtime. This field is used by pipelines built using PipelineJob.pipeline_spec.schema_version 2.0.0 or lower, such as pipelines built using Kubeflow Pipelines SDK 1.8 or lower.

↳ gcs_output_directory string

Required. A path in a Cloud Storage bucket, which will be treated as the root output directory of the pipeline. It is used by the system to generate the paths of output artifacts. The artifact paths are generated with a sub-path pattern {job_id}/{task_id}/{output_key} under the specified output directory. The service account specified in this pipeline must have the storage.objects.get and storage.objects.create permissions for this bucket.

↳ parameter_values array|Google\Protobuf\Internal\MapField

The runtime parameters of the PipelineJob. The parameters will be passed into PipelineJob.pipeline_spec to replace the placeholders at runtime. This field is used by pipelines built using PipelineJob.pipeline_spec.schema_version 2.1.0, such as pipelines built using Kubeflow Pipelines SDK 1.9 or higher and the v2 DSL.

↳ failure_policy int

Represents the failure policy of a pipeline. Currently, the default of a pipeline is that the pipeline will continue to run until no more tasks can be executed, also known as PIPELINE_FAILURE_POLICY_FAIL_SLOW. However, if a pipeline is set to PIPELINE_FAILURE_POLICY_FAIL_FAST, it will stop scheduling any new tasks when a task has failed. Any scheduled tasks will continue to completion.

↳ input_artifacts array|Google\Protobuf\Internal\MapField

The runtime artifacts of the PipelineJob. The key will be the input artifact name and the value would be one of the InputArtifact.


Deprecated. Use RuntimeConfig.parameter_values instead. The runtime parameters of the PipelineJob. The parameters will be passed into PipelineJob.pipeline_spec to replace the placeholders at runtime. This field is used by pipelines built using PipelineJob.pipeline_spec.schema_version 2.0.0 or lower, such as pipelines built using Kubeflow Pipelines SDK 1.8 or lower.

Type Description


Deprecated. Use RuntimeConfig.parameter_values instead. The runtime parameters of the PipelineJob. The parameters will be passed into PipelineJob.pipeline_spec to replace the placeholders at runtime. This field is used by pipelines built using PipelineJob.pipeline_spec.schema_version 2.0.0 or lower, such as pipelines built using Kubeflow Pipelines SDK 1.8 or lower.

Name Description
var array|Google\Protobuf\Internal\MapField
Type Description


Required. A path in a Cloud Storage bucket, which will be treated as the root output directory of the pipeline. It is used by the system to generate the paths of output artifacts. The artifact paths are generated with a sub-path pattern {job_id}/{task_id}/{output_key} under the specified output directory. The service account specified in this pipeline must have the storage.objects.get and storage.objects.create permissions for this bucket.

Type Description


Required. A path in a Cloud Storage bucket, which will be treated as the root output directory of the pipeline. It is used by the system to generate the paths of output artifacts. The artifact paths are generated with a sub-path pattern {job_id}/{task_id}/{output_key} under the specified output directory. The service account specified in this pipeline must have the storage.objects.get and storage.objects.create permissions for this bucket.

Name Description
var string
Type Description


The runtime parameters of the PipelineJob. The parameters will be passed into PipelineJob.pipeline_spec to replace the placeholders at runtime. This field is used by pipelines built using PipelineJob.pipeline_spec.schema_version 2.1.0, such as pipelines built using Kubeflow Pipelines SDK 1.9 or higher and the v2 DSL.

Type Description


The runtime parameters of the PipelineJob. The parameters will be passed into PipelineJob.pipeline_spec to replace the placeholders at runtime. This field is used by pipelines built using PipelineJob.pipeline_spec.schema_version 2.1.0, such as pipelines built using Kubeflow Pipelines SDK 1.9 or higher and the v2 DSL.

Name Description
var array|Google\Protobuf\Internal\MapField
Type Description


Represents the failure policy of a pipeline. Currently, the default of a pipeline is that the pipeline will continue to run until no more tasks can be executed, also known as PIPELINE_FAILURE_POLICY_FAIL_SLOW.

However, if a pipeline is set to PIPELINE_FAILURE_POLICY_FAIL_FAST, it will stop scheduling any new tasks when a task has failed. Any scheduled tasks will continue to completion.

Type Description


Represents the failure policy of a pipeline. Currently, the default of a pipeline is that the pipeline will continue to run until no more tasks can be executed, also known as PIPELINE_FAILURE_POLICY_FAIL_SLOW.

However, if a pipeline is set to PIPELINE_FAILURE_POLICY_FAIL_FAST, it will stop scheduling any new tasks when a task has failed. Any scheduled tasks will continue to completion.

Name Description
var int
Type Description


The runtime artifacts of the PipelineJob. The key will be the input artifact name and the value would be one of the InputArtifact.

Type Description


The runtime artifacts of the PipelineJob. The key will be the input artifact name and the value would be one of the InputArtifact.

Name Description
var array|Google\Protobuf\Internal\MapField
Type Description