Google Cloud Ai Platform V1 Client - Class TrialContext (1.7.0)

Reference documentation and code samples for the Google Cloud Ai Platform V1 Client class TrialContext.

Generated from protobuf message


Google \ Cloud \ AIPlatform \ V1




Name Description
data array

Optional. Data for populating the Message object.

↳ description string

A human-readable field which can store a description of this context. This will become part of the resulting Trial's description field.

↳ parameters array<Google\Cloud\AIPlatform\V1\Trial\Parameter>

If/when a Trial is generated or selected from this Context, its Parameters will match any parameters specified here. (I.e. if this context specifies parameter name:'a' int_value:3, then a resulting Trial will have int_value:3 for its parameter named 'a'.) Note that we first attempt to match existing REQUESTED Trials with contexts, and if there are no matches, we generate suggestions in the subspace defined by the parameters specified here. NOTE: a Context without any Parameters matches the entire feasible search space.


A human-readable field which can store a description of this context.

This will become part of the resulting Trial's description field.

Type Description


A human-readable field which can store a description of this context.

This will become part of the resulting Trial's description field.

Name Description
var string
Type Description


If/when a Trial is generated or selected from this Context, its Parameters will match any parameters specified here.

(I.e. if this context specifies parameter name:'a' int_value:3, then a resulting Trial will have int_value:3 for its parameter named 'a'.) Note that we first attempt to match existing REQUESTED Trials with contexts, and if there are no matches, we generate suggestions in the subspace defined by the parameters specified here. NOTE: a Context without any Parameters matches the entire feasible search space.

Type Description


If/when a Trial is generated or selected from this Context, its Parameters will match any parameters specified here.

(I.e. if this context specifies parameter name:'a' int_value:3, then a resulting Trial will have int_value:3 for its parameter named 'a'.) Note that we first attempt to match existing REQUESTED Trials with contexts, and if there are no matches, we generate suggestions in the subspace defined by the parameters specified here. NOTE: a Context without any Parameters matches the entire feasible search space.

Name Description
var array<Google\Cloud\AIPlatform\V1\Trial\Parameter>
Type Description