Class Aggregation (1.0.2)

Describes how to combine multiple time series to provide different views of the data. Aggregation consists of an alignment step on individual time series (alignment_period and per_series_aligner) followed by an optional reduction step of the data across the aligned time series (cross_series_reducer and group_by_fields). For more details, see Aggregation </monitoring/api/learn_more#aggregation>__.

The approach to be used to align individual time series. Not all alignment functions may be applied to all time series, depending on the metric type and value type of the original time series. Alignment may change the metric type or the value type of the time series. Time series data must be aligned in order to perform cross-time series reduction. If crossSeriesReducer is specified, then perSeriesAligner must be specified and not equal ALIGN_NONE and alignmentPeriod must be specified; otherwise, an error is returned.

The set of fields to preserve when crossSeriesReducer is specified. The groupByFields determine how the time series are partitioned into subsets prior to applying the aggregation function. Each subset contains time series that have the same value for each of the grouping fields. Each individual time series is a member of exactly one subset. The crossSeriesReducer is applied to each subset of time series. It is not possible to reduce across different resource types, so this field implicitly contains resource.type. Fields not specified in groupByFields are aggregated away. If groupByFields is not specified and all the time series have the same resource type, then the time series are aggregated into a single output time series. If crossSeriesReducer is not defined, this field is ignored.


builtins.object > google.protobuf.pyext._message.CMessage > builtins.object > google.protobuf.message.Message > Aggregation