Class Scorecard (1.0.2)

A widget showing the latest value of a metric, and how this value relates to one or more thresholds.

Defines the optional additional chart shown on the scorecard. If neither is included - then a default scorecard is shown.

Will cause the scorecard to show a spark chart.


builtins.object > google.protobuf.pyext._message.CMessage > builtins.object > google.protobuf.message.Message > Scorecard



A gauge chart shows where the current value sits within a pre-defined range. The upper and lower bounds should define the possible range of values for the scorecard’s query (inclusive).

The upper bound for this gauge chart. The value of the chart should always be less than or equal to this.


A sparkChart is a small chart suitable for inclusion in a table-cell or inline in text. This message contains the configuration for a sparkChart to show up on a Scorecard, showing recent trends of the scorecard’s timeseries.

The lower bound on data point frequency in the chart implemented by specifying the minimum alignment period to use in a time series query. For example, if the data is published once every 10 minutes it would not make sense to fetch and align data at one minute intervals. This field is optional and exists only as a hint.