Generate text from an image

This sample demonstrates how to use the Gemini model to generate text from an image. The model is a large-scale transformer-based language model that can generate coherent and informative text.

Code sample


Before trying this sample, follow the Go setup instructions in the Vertex AI quickstart using client libraries. For more information, see the Vertex AI Go API reference documentation.

To authenticate to Vertex AI, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

import (


// generateMultimodalContent generates a response into w, based upon the  provided image.
func generateMultimodalContent(w io.Writer, projectID, location, modelName string) error {
	// location := "us-central1"
	// model := "gemini-1.5-flash-001"
	ctx := context.Background()

	client, err := genai.NewClient(ctx, projectID, location)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to create client: %w", err)
	defer client.Close()

	model := client.GenerativeModel(modelName)
	// configure the safety settings thresholds
	model.SafetySettings = []*genai.SafetySetting{
			Category:  genai.HarmCategoryHarassment,
			Threshold: genai.HarmBlockLowAndAbove,
			Category:  genai.HarmCategoryDangerousContent,
			Threshold: genai.HarmBlockLowAndAbove,

	// Given an image file URL, prepare image file as genai.Part
	img := genai.FileData{
		MIMEType: mime.TypeByExtension(filepath.Ext("320px-Felis_catus-cat_on_snow.jpg")),
		FileURI:  "gs://cloud-samples-data/generative-ai/image/320px-Felis_catus-cat_on_snow.jpg",

	res, err := model.GenerateContent(ctx, img, genai.Text("describe this image."))
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to generate contents: %w", err)

	fmt.Fprintf(w, "generated response: %s\n", res.Candidates[0].Content.Parts[0])
	return nil

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