Evaluate an agent

After developing an agent, you can use Gen AI evaluation service to evaluate the agent's ability to complete tasks and goals for a given use case.

Define evaluation metrics

Begin with an empty list of metrics (i.e. metrics = []) and add the relevant metrics to it. To include additional metrics:

Final response

Final response evaluation follows the same process as model-based evaluation. For details, see Define your evaluation metrics.

Exact match


If the predicted trajectory is identical to the reference trajectory, with the exact same tool calls in the exact same order, the trajectory_exact_match metric returns a score of 1, otherwise 0.

Input parameters:

  • predicted_trajectory: The list of tool calls used by the agent to reach the final response.
  • reference_trajectory: The expected tool use for the agent to satisfy the query.

In-order match


If the predicted trajectory contains all the tool calls from the reference trajectory in the same order, and may also have extra tool calls, the trajectory_in_order_match metric returns a score of 1, otherwise 0.

Input parameters:

  • predicted_trajectory: The predicted trajectory used by the agent to reach the final response.
  • reference_trajectory: The expected predicted trajectory for the agent to satisfy the query.

Any-order match


If the predicted trajectory contains all the tool calls from the reference trajectory, but the order doesn't matter and may contain extra tool calls, then the trajectory_any_order_match metric returns a score of 1, otherwise 0.

Input parameters:

  • predicted_trajectory: The list of tool calls used by the agent to reach the final response.
  • reference_trajectory: The expected tool use for the agent to satisfy the query.



The trajectory_precision metric measures how many of the tool calls in the predicted trajectory are actually relevant or correct according to the reference trajectory. It is a float value in the range of [0, 1]: the higher the score, more precise the predicted trajectory.

Precision is calculated as follows: Count how many actions in the predicted trajectory also appear in the reference trajectory. Divide that count by the total number of actions in the predicted trajectory.

Input parameters:

  • predicted_trajectory: The list of tool calls used by the agent to reach the final response.
  • reference_trajectory: The expected tool use for the agent to satisfy the query.



The trajectory_recall metric measures how many of the essential tool calls from the reference trajectory are actually captured in the predicted trajectory. It is a float value in the range of [0, 1]: the higher the score, the better the recall of the predicted trajectory.

Recall is calculated as follows: Count how many actions in the reference trajectory also appear in the predicted trajectory. Divide that count by the total number of actions in the reference trajectory.

Input parameters:

  • predicted_trajectory: The list of tool calls used by the agent to reach the final response.
  • reference_trajectory: The expected tool use for the agent to satisfy the query.

Single tool use

from vertexai.preview.evaluation import metrics


The trajectory_single_tool_use metric checks if a specific tool that is specified in the metric spec is used in the predicted trajectory. It doesn't check the order of tool calls or how many times the tool is used, just whether it's present or not. It is a value of 0 if the tool is absent, 1 otherwise.

Input parameters:

  • predicted_trajectory: The list of tool calls used by the agent to reach the final response.


You can define a custom metric as follows:

from vertexai.preview.evaluation import metrics

def word_count(instance):
  response = instance["response"]
  score = len(response.split(" "))
  return {"word_count": score}

  metrics.CustomMetric(name="word_count", metric_function=word_count)

The following two performance metrics are always included in the results. You don't need to specify them in EvalTask:

  • latency (float): Time taken (in seconds) by the agent to respond.
  • failure (bool): 0 if the agent invocation succeeded, 1 otherwise.

Prepare evaluation dataset

To prepare your dataset for final response or trajectory evaluation:

Final response

The data schema for final response evaluation is similar to that of model response evaluation.

Exact match

The evaluation dataset needs to provide the following inputs:

Input parameters:

  • predicted_trajectory: The list of tool calls used by the agent to reach the final response.
  • reference_trajectory: The expected tool use for the agent to satisfy the query.

In-order match

The evaluation dataset needs to provide the following inputs:

Input parameters:

  • predicted_trajectory: The predicted trajectory used by the agent to reach the final response.
  • reference_trajectory: The expected predicted trajectory for the agent to satisfy the query.

Any-order match

The evaluation dataset needs to provide the following inputs:

Input parameters:

  • predicted_trajectory: The list of tool calls used by the agent to reach the final response.
  • reference_trajectory: The expected tool use for the agent to satisfy the query.


The evaluation dataset needs to provide the following inputs:

Input parameters:

  • predicted_trajectory: The list of tool calls used by the agent to reach the final response.
  • reference_trajectory: The expected tool use for the agent to satisfy the query.


The evaluation dataset needs to provide the following inputs:

Input parameters:

  • predicted_trajectory: The list of tool calls used by the agent to reach the final response.
  • reference_trajectory: The expected tool use for the agent to satisfy the query.

Single tool use

The evaluation dataset needs to provide the following inputs:

Input parameters:

  • predicted_trajectory: The list of tool calls used by the agent to reach the final response.

For illustration purposes, the following is an example of an evaluation dataset.

  import pandas as pd

  eval_dataset = pd.DataFrame({
    "predicted_trajectory": [
      [ # example 1
          "tool_name": "set_device_info",
          "tool_input": {"device_id": "device_3", "updates": {"status": "OFF"}}
      [ # example 2
          "tool_name": "get_user_preferences",
          "tool_input": {"user_id": "user_z"},
        }, {
          "tool_name": "set_temperature",
          "tool_input": {"location": "Living Room", "temperature": 23},
    "reference_trajectory": [
      [ # example 1
          "tool_name": "set_device_info",
          "tool_input": {"device_id": "device_2", "updates": {"status": "OFF"}},
      [ # example 2
          "tool_name": "get_user_preferences",
          "tool_input": {"user_id": "user_y"},
        }, {
          "tool_name": "set_temperature",
          "tool_input": {"location": "Living Room", "temperature": 23},

Example datasets

We have provided the following example datasets to demonstrate how you can evaluate agents:

  • "on-device": Evaluation dataset for an On-Device Home Assistant. The agent helps with queries such as "Schedule the air conditioning in the bedroom so that it is on between 11pm and 8am, and off the rest of the time."

  • "customer-support": Evaluation dataset for a Customer Support Agent. The agent helps with queries such as "Can you cancel any pending orders and escalate any open support tickets?"

  • "content-creation": Evaluation dataset for a Marketing Content Creation Agent. The agent helps with queries such as "Reschedule campaign X to be a one-time campaign on social media site Y with a 50% reduced budget, only on December 25, 2024."

To import the example datasets:

  1. Install and initialize the gcloud CLI.

  2. Download the evaluation dataset.

    On Device

    gcloud storage cp gs://cloud-ai-demo-datasets/agent-eval-datasets/on-device/eval_dataset.json .

    Customer Support

    gcloud storage cp gs://cloud-ai-demo-datasets/agent-eval-datasets/customer-support/eval_dataset.json .

    Content Creation

    gcloud storage cp gs://cloud-ai-demo-datasets/agent-eval-datasets/content-creation/eval_dataset.json .
  3. Load the dataset examples

    import json
    eval_dataset = json.loads(open('eval_dataset.json').read())

Generate evaluation results

To generate evaluation results, run the following code:

from vertexai.preview.evaluation import EvalTask

eval_task = EvalTask(dataset=eval_dataset, metrics=metrics)
eval_result = eval_task.evaluate(runnable=agent)

View and interpret results

The evaluation results are displayed as follows:

Tables for agent evaluation metrics

The evaluation results contain the following information:

Final response metrics

Row-wise metrics:

  • response: Final response generated by the agent.
  • latency_in_seconds: Time taken (in seconds) to generate the response.
  • failure: Indicates whether a valid response was generated or not.
  • score: A score calculated for the response specified in the metric spec.
  • explanation: The explanation for the score specified in the metric spec.

Summary metrics:

  • mean: Average score for all instances.
  • standard deviation: Standard deviation for all the scores.

Trajectory metrics

Row-wise metrics:

  • predicted_trajectory: Sequence of tool calls followed by agent to reach the final response.
  • reference_trajectory: Sequence of expected tool calls.
  • score: A score calculated for the predicted trajectory and reference trajectory specified in the metric spec.
  • latency_in_seconds: Time taken (in seconds) to generate the response.
  • failure: Indicates whether a valid response was generated or not.

Summary metrics:

  • mean: Average score for all instances.
  • standard deviation: Standard deviation for all the scores.

What's next

Try the following notebooks: