After you create a patch job, you can use the following procedures to review and manage your patches:
- List patch jobs: View a list of all active and completed jobs.
- List VM instance details: Review patch status for your VM instances.
- Describe patch job: Get details about a specific patch job.
- Cancel a patch job: Cancel a specific patch job.
You can manage your patch jobs using either the Google Cloud console, the Google Cloud CLI, or REST.
Before you begin
- Review OS Config quotas.
If you haven't already, then set up authentication.
Authentication is
the process by which your identity is verified for access to Google Cloud services and APIs.
To run code or samples from a local development environment, you can authenticate to
Compute Engine by selecting one of the following options:
Select the tab for how you plan to use the samples on this page:
When you use the Google Cloud console to access Google Cloud services and APIs, you don't need to set up authentication.
After installing the Google Cloud CLI, initialize it by running the following command:
gcloud init
If you're using an external identity provider (IdP), you must first sign in to the gcloud CLI with your federated identity.
- Set a default region and zone.
To use the REST API samples on this page in a local development environment, you use the credentials you provide to the gcloud CLI.
After installing the Google Cloud CLI, initialize it by running the following command:
gcloud init
If you're using an external identity provider (IdP), you must first sign in to the gcloud CLI with your federated identity.
For more information, see Authenticate for using REST in the Google Cloud authentication documentation.
Owners of a project have full access to run and manage patch jobs. For all other users, you need to grant permissions. You can grant one of the following granular roles:
: Contains permissions to run, cancel, get, and list patch jobs. It also contains permissions to view instance details for a patch job.roles/osconfig.patchJobViewer
: Contains permissions for read-only access to get and list patch jobs. It also contains permissions to view instance details for a patch job.
List patch jobs
View a list of all active and completed jobs.
- In the Google Cloud console, go to the Compute Engine > VM Manager > Patch page.
- Select the Patch Jobs tab.
Use the
os-config patch-jobs list
command to list patch jobs.
gcloud compute os-config patch-jobs list
For the Google Cloud CLI, the default output returns the 10 most recent
patch jobs whether they are completed or active. You can override
this setting, by using the --limit
The output resembles the following:
ID NAME DESCRIPTION CREATE_TIME UPDATE_TIME STATE TARGETED_INSTANCES 23b0815e-1c94-4dc6-91b1-30a6da395cb9 2019-11-05T20:22:54.150Z 2019-11-06T19:40:08.641Z COMPLETED_WITH_ERRORS 4 4116ad72-bd57-4e48-94dc-7a577dc707b6 2019-08-23T20:36:03.068Z 2019-08-23T20:36:15.984Z CANCELED 2 06856cbe-9a7b-498e-9105-9ae4eb566511 2019-08-12T20:27:38.410Z 2019-08-12T20:28:37.583Z SUCCEEDED 1 04a15964-9eaa-4282-96f5-9cd535352cf6 2019-08-12T17:48:22.938Z 2019-08-12T17:48:42.274Z SUCCEEDED 0 21dc1e06-deee-4e3a-821e-8082a32abde5 testing patch job reboot 2019-07-24T22:45:07.451Z 2019-07-25T00:44:44.459Z TIMED_OUT 1
You can use more flags to filter, order, and format your search.
For example, to filter the above output to list only the URIs for the
patch jobs that have a status of SUCCEEDED
sorted by creation time and in
ascending order, run the following command:
gcloud compute os-config patch-jobs list \ --filter="state=SUCCEEDED" \ --sort-by="create_time" --uri
The output resembles the following:
For a full list of flags, review the
os-config patch-jobs list
In the API, create a GET
request to the
method. Replace project-id
with your project ID.
List all VM instance details for a specific patch job
Review the patch job status for the full list of VM instances that use OS patch management.
- In the Google Cloud console, go to the Compute Engine > VM Manager > Patch page.
- Select the Patch Jobs tab.
- Click the name of the patch job that you want to review.
- Scroll-down to Updated VM instances.
Use the
os-config patch-jobs list-instance-details
command to list the details for all VMs in a specific patch job.
Replace patch-job-id
with the ID for your
patch job.
gcloud compute os-config patch-jobs list-instance-details patch-job-id
For example, to view the details for all instances that are a
part of patch job 23b0815e-1c94-4dc6-91b1-30a6da395cb9
, run the following
gcloud compute os-config patch-jobs list-instance-details 23b0815e-1c94-4dc6-91b1-30a6da395cb9
The output resembles the following:
NAME ZONE STATE FAILURE_REASON instance-1 us-central1-a SUCCEEDED guest-policy-test-instance us-east1-c TIMED_OUT Instance timed out while in state: APPLYING_PATCHES after PT1H2.225S my-centos us-west1-b SUCCEEDED my-windows us-west1-b FAILED Error running pre-patch step: fork/exec /tmp/ no such file ..."
You can use more flags to filter, order, and format your search.
For example, to list details for all inactive VMs sorted
by instance name in descending order, run the following command. Replace
with the ID for your patch job.
gcloud compute os-config patch-jobs list-instance-details patch-job-id \ --filter="state=INACTIVE" \ --sort-by="~name"
For a full list of flags, review the
os-config patch-jobs list-instance-details
In the API, create a GET
request to the
Replace the following:
: Your project ID.patch-job-id
: Your patch job ID.
Describe patch jobs
Review detailed information for a patch job.
- In the Google Cloud console, go to the Compute Engine > VM Manager > Patch page.
- Select the Patch Jobs tab.
- Click the name of the patch job that you want to review.
- Review the Update info section.
Use the
os-config patch-jobs describe
command to describe a patch job. Replace
with the ID for your patch job.
gcloud compute os-config patch-jobs describe patch-job-id
For example, to view information about
patch job 23b0815e-1c94-4dc6-91b1-30a6da395cb9
, run the following command:
gcloud compute os-config patch-jobs describe 23b0815e-1c94-4dc6-91b1-30a6da395cb9
The output resembles the following:
createTime: '2019-11-05T20:22:54.150Z' errorMessage: Completed with 2 instance failure(s). filter: id=* instanceDetailsSummary: instancesFailed: '1' instancesSucceeded: '2' instancesTimedOut: '1' instanceFilter: {} name: projects/1234567/patchJobs/23b0815e-1c94-4dc6-91b1-30a6da395cb9 patchConfig: {} percentComplete: 100.0 state: COMPLETED_WITH_ERRORS updateTime: '2019-11-06T19:40:08.641Z'
In the API, create a GET
request to the
Replace the following:
: Your project ID.patch-job-id
: Your patch job ID.
Cancel patch jobs
When cancelling a patch job, the OS Config agent finishes the sub-task that it is on but does not continue after that. Sub-task refers to a task performed by the agent that cannot be halted.
For example, if the patch job is canceled while the VM instance is rebooting, the reboot (and any potential post-reboot auto-patching) still runs to completion, but the agent does not initiate additional tasks for that patch job.
- In the Google Cloud console, go to the Compute Engine > VM Manager > Patch page.
- Select the Patch Jobs tab.
- Expand the Actions menu for the patch job that you want to cancel.
- Select Cancel.
Use the
os-config patch-jobs cancel
command to cancel a patch job. Replace
with the ID for your patch job.
gcloud compute os-config patch-jobs cancel patch-job-id
In the API, create a POST
request to the
Replace the following:
: Your project ID.patch-job-id
: Your patch job ID.
What's next?
- Learn more about Patch.
- Learn more about patch compliance status.
- Create a patch job.
- Schedule patch jobs.