Automate your deployment

This document is an overview of deploy automation.

You can configure Cloud Deploy to automatically perform release-related and rollout-related tasks for a given delivery pipeline. These tasks include release promotion and phase advancement.

Learn more about the resources used for release automation in Cloud Deploy.

Learn more about how to set up the rules that define how these automations work.

Actions you can automate

In Cloud Deploy, you can automate the following release and rollout activities:

  • Promote a release

    You can configure Cloud Deploy to promote your release automatically, upon a successful rollout to a target. For example, if you have three targets, dev, staging, and prod, you can configure an automation such that the release is promoted to prod, without further human interaction, upon a successful deployment into staging.

  • Advance a rollout

    You can configure Cloud Deploy to advance a rollout from one phase to the next, after a successful rollout to the previous target. Phase advancement is available only in targets that use a canary deployment strategy.

How does automation work?

Each automation is tied to the delivery pipeline for which it's used. You can't share an automation across multiple delivery pipelines.

The following is the general process for configuration and execution of an automation:

  1. You configure an Automation

    This automation is associated with one delivery pipeline.

  2. You register that automation using gcloud deploy apply.

    This creates the Automation resource.

  3. You invoke the delivery pipeline associated with this automation by creating a release.

  4. The rollout is successful into at least one target.

  5. In the target that this automation is configured for...

    If the automation is promoteReleaseRule:

    1. Execution waits for the rollout to succeed into the source target. The source target is the selector.targets configured for the automation, not in the AutomationRule.

    2. If there is a wait time configured, execution waits for that time also.

    3. The release is automatically promoted to the next target in the pipeline progression, or to a specific target, if indicated.

    If the automation is advanceRolloutRule and the target uses a canary deployment strategy:

    1. Execution waits for the identified source phase, if there is one.

      The sourcePhase property is optional, and if no source phases are specified, each phase in the rollout is advanced automatically. The automatic phase advancement happens when the source phase is IN_PROGRESS, subject to wait time.

    2. If there is a wait time configured, execution waits for that time also.

      When you're automating a canary deployment, you use this wait time to specify the duration of each canary phase.

    3. The rollout is automatically advanced from that source phase to the next phase in the rollout.

    4. If there's an additional source phase, it's treated the same, including the same wait time, if applicable.

Automation resources

There are two Cloud Deploy resources that are specifically for automation:

  • Automation

    An Automation is a child resource of a delivery pipeline, and it includes the following information:

    • A pointer to the target or targets for which the automation is used
    • The rule or rules that govern what the automation does and how it does it

    Configuration for the Automation resource is described in the document About the automation resource.

    When you run gcloud deploy apply against a file that includes an automation configuration (kind: Automation), Cloud Deploy creates an automation resource, which associates a delivery pipeline and a target or targets with one or more automation rules.

  • Automation run

    The AutomationRun is an instance of an automation. It's a pointer to its corresponding Automation resource, plus information about the rollout that spawned it, and other metadata.

    The automation run is created when an automation is triggered.

Learn more about automation resources.

Automation rules

An automation rule defines an action that can be taken on your delivery pipeline automatically, as well as details about how the automation is to be performed.

Learn more about automation rules.

Identity and Access Management roles and permissions required

In addition to the permissions you need to run any Cloud Deploy delivery pipeline, and to perform the tasks to be automated (like advancing a rollout), there are several permissions that are needed in order to perform certain operations on the Automation and AutomationRun resources:

  • clouddeploy.automations.create
  • clouddeploy.automations.delete
  • clouddeploy.automations.get
  • clouddeploy.automations.list
  • clouddeploy.automations.update
  • clouddeploy.automationRuns.cancel
  • clouddeploy.automationRuns.get
  • clouddeploy.automationRuns.list

In addition to these permissions, each automation rule might require further permissions to perform the automated operation. See Configure automation rules for the specific permissions needed per automation rule.

See IAM roles and permissions For more information, including which Cloud Deploy roles include these permissions.

Create an automation

You can create an automation, including using any of the available automation rules, by configuring an automation, then creating the automation resource using gcloud deploy apply

See the following section (Configuring automation), and Configuring automation rules.

Configuring automation

See the Configuration file schema for details on how to configure the Automation resource.

Automation rule configuration

In addition to this automation configuration, you specify automation rules. Configuration is different for each of the available rules.

See Using automation rules for descriptions of each of the available rules.

Suspend an automation

You can suspend an existing resource without deleting it. This can be useful for testing an automation without affecting the delivery pipeline. When you suspend an automation, the automation isn't run, but platform logs are still generated.

  1. In the Automation configuration, Update the suspended property to true.

  2. Run gcloud deploy apply against that configuration file.

  3. Platform logs are still generated when the automation is instantiated, even if it's suspended. You can use this to test and debug the automation without affecting the delivery pipeline.

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