IAM roles and permissions for Integration Connectors
Predefined roles give granular access to specific Google Cloud resources. These roles are created and maintained by Google. Google automatically updates their permissions as necessary, such as when Google Cloud adds new features or services.
The following table lists all the predefined IAM roles for Integration Connectors:
Cloud Connectors roles |
Permissions |
Connector Admin( Full access to all resources of Connectors Service. |
Custom Connectors Admin( Custom Connector is a global resource which creates custom connector within the given target project. This role grants Admin access to Custom Connector resources |
Custom Connector Viewer( Custom Connector is a global resource which creates custom connector within the given target project. This role grants Read-only access to Custom Connector & Custom Connector Version resources. |
Connectors Endpoint Attachment Admin( Endpoint Attachment is a regional resource which creates PSC connection endpoint for the given PSC Service Attachment. This role grants Admin access to Connectors Endpoint Attachment resources. |
Connectors Endpoint Attachment Viewer( Endpoint Attachment is a regional resource which creates PSC connection endpoint for the given PSC Service Attachment. This role grants Read-only access to Connectors Endpoint Attachment resources |
Connectors Event Subscriptions Admin( Event Subscription is a regional resource which creates subscriptions on events for a given connection within the given target project. This role grants Admin access to Connectors Subscription resources |
Connectors Event Subscriptions Viewer( Event Subscription is a regional resource which creates subscriptions on events for a given connection within the given target project. This role grants Read-only access to Event Subscription resources. |
Connector Invoker( Full Access to invoke all operations on Connections. |
Connector Event Listener( Full Access to listen events by connections. |
Connectors Managed Zone Admin( Managed Zone is a global resource which creates Cloud DNS Peering Zone with the given target project. This role grants Admin access to Connectors Managed Zone resources |
Connectors Managed Zone Viewer( Managed Zone is a global resource which creates Cloud DNS Peering Zone with the given target project. This role grants Read-only access to Connectors Managed Zone resources. |
Connectors Viewer( Read-only access to Connectors all resources. |
For more information about predefined roles, see Roles and permissions. For help choosing the most appropriate predefined roles, see Choose predefined roles.