The NetSuite connector lets you perform insert, delete, update, and read operations on NetSuite data.
Before you begin
Before using the NetSuite connector, do the following tasks:
- In your Google Cloud project:
- Ensure that network connectivity is set up. For information about network patterns, see Network connectivity.
- Grant the roles/connectors.admin IAM role to the user configuring the connector.
- Grant the following IAM roles to the service account that you want to use for the connector:
A service account is a special type of Google account intended to represent a non-human user that needs to authenticate and be authorized to access data in Google APIs. If you don't have a service account, you must create a service account. For more information, see Creating a service account.
- Enable the following services:
(Secret Manager API)
(Connectors API)
To understand how to enable services, see Enabling services.
If these services or permissions have not been enabled for your project previously, you are prompted to enable them when configuring the connector.
Configure the connector
A connection is specific to a data source. It means that if you have many data sources, you must create a separate connection for each data source. To create a connection, do the following:
- In the Cloud console, go to the Integration Connectors > Connections page and then select or create a Google Cloud project.
- Click + Create new to open the Create Connection page.
- In the Location section, choose the location for the connection.
- Region: Select a location from the drop-down list.
Supported regions for connectors include:
For the list of all the supported regions, see Locations.
- Click Next.
- Region: Select a location from the drop-down list.
- In the Connection Details section, complete the following:
- Connector: Select Netsuite from the drop down list of available Connectors.
- Connector version: Select the Connector version from the drop down list of available versions.
- In the Connection Name field, enter a name for the Connection instance.
Connection names must meet the following criteria:
- Connection names can use letters, numbers, or hyphens.
- Letters must be lower-case.
- Connection names must begin with a letter and end with a letter or number.
- Connection names cannot exceed 49 characters.
- Optionally, enter a Description for the connection instance.
- Optionally, enable Cloud logging,
and then select a log level. By default, the log level is set to
. - Service Account: Select a service account that has the required roles.
- Optionally, configure the Connection node settings:
- Minimum number of nodes: Enter the minimum number of connection nodes.
- Maximum number of nodes: Enter the maximum number of connection nodes.
A node is a unit (or replica) of a connection that processes transactions. More nodes are required to process more transactions for a connection and conversely, fewer nodes are required to process fewer transactions. To understand how the nodes affect your connector pricing, see Pricing for connection nodes. If you don't enter any values, by default the minimum nodes are set to 2 (for better availability) and the maximum nodes are set to 50.
- Account Id: The company account your username is associated with on NetSuite.
- Aggregate Column Mode: Indicating how aggregate columns should be treated.
- Application Id: As of version 2020.1, requests to NetSuite require an application ID.
- Custom Field Permissions: A comma separated list of custom field permissions. Gives more control than IncludeCustomFieldColumns .
- Include Child Tables: A boolean indicating if child tables should be displayed.
- Include Custom Field Columns: A boolean indicating if you would like to include custom field columns.
- Include Custom List Tables: A boolean indicating if you would like to use tables based on custom lists.
- Include Custom Record Tables: A boolean indicating if you would like to use tables based on custom record types.
- Include Reference Columns: A comma separated list representing the columns to include when retrieving data from a field representing a record reference.
- Maximum Concurrent Sessions: The maximum number of concurrent sessions available for use in the connection.
- Net Suite Date Format: The preferred date format set in NetSuite UI.
- Net Suite Long Date Format: The preferred long date format set in NetSuite UI.
- Netsuite Metadata Folder: A path to a directory to download metadata files from NetSuite. Set this for best performance.
- Report Doubles As Decimal: Indicates if doubles should be reported as decimal.
- Request Memorized Transactions: A boolean indicating if you would like to request memorized transactions when retrieving transactions from NetSuite.
- Role Id: The RoleId is the InternalId of the role that will be used to log in to NetSuite. Leave empty to use the user's default role.
Schema: The type of schema to use. You can select any of the following values:
- SuiteTalk - For SOAP based connectivity.
- SuiteSQL - For REST based connectivity.
- Use Async Services: A boolean indicating if you would like to use asynchronous services when inserting, updating, and deleting.
- Use Internal Names For Customizations: A boolean indicating if you would like to use internal names for customizations.
- Use Upserts: A boolean indicating if you would like to perform an upsert when an insert operation is used.
- User Timezone Offset: Your user timezone offset as defined in your NetSuite preferences under Home --> Preferences --> Time Zone. Ex: EST.
- Row Scan Depth: The number of rows to scan when dynamically determining columns for the table.
- Use proxy: Select this checkbox to configure a proxy server for the connection and configure the following values:
Proxy Auth Scheme: Select the authentication type to authenticate with the proxy server. The following authentication types are supported:
- Basic: Basic HTTP authentication.
- Digest: Digest HTTP authentication.
- Proxy User: A user name to be used to authenticate with the proxy server.
- Proxy Password: The Secret manager secret of the user's password.
Proxy SSL Type: The SSL type to use when connecting to the proxy server. The following authentication types are supported:
- Auto: Default setting. If the URL is an HTTPS URL, then the Tunnel option is used. If the URL is an HTTP URL, then the NEVER option is used.
- Always: The connection is always SSL enabled.
- Never: The connection is not SSL enabled.
- Tunnel: The connection is through a tunneling proxy. The proxy server opens a connection to the remote host and traffic flows back and forth through the proxy.
- In the Proxy Server section, enter details of the proxy server.
- Click + Add destination.
- Select a Destination Type.
- Host address: Specify the hostname or IP address of the destination.
If you want to establish a private connection to your backend system, do the following:
- Create a PSC service attachment.
- Create an endpoint attachment and then enter the details of the endpoint attachment in the Host address field.
- Host address: Specify the hostname or IP address of the destination.
- Optionally, click + Add label to add a label to the Connection in the form of a key/value pair.
- Click Next.
- In the Destinations section, enter details of the remote host (backend system) you want to connect to.
- Destination Type: You can specify the destination details either as a host address or a service attachment. Select any of the following destination types:
- Host address: If you want to specify the hostname or IP address of the destination.
- Service attachment: If you want to specify the private endpoint for your internal IP addresses. The service attachment, lets you hide your internal IP addresses from the external network. You can create a service attachment in Google Cloud, by using the Private Service Connect feature. For information on configuring a Private Service Connect, see Publish managed services.
Based on your selection of destination type, enter the host address or the service attachment name.
To enter additional destinations, click +Add destination.
- Click Next.
- Destination Type: You can specify the destination details either as a host address or a service attachment. Select any of the following destination types:
In the Authentication section, enter the authentication details.
- Select an Authentication type and enter the relevant details.
The following authentication types are supported by the Netsuite connection:
- Username and password
- Token Based Authentication
- OAuth 2.0 Auth Code Grant
- Click Next.
To understand how to configure these authentication types, see Configure authentication.
- Select an Authentication type and enter the relevant details.
- Review: Review your connection and authentication details.
- Click Create.
Configure authentication
Enter the details based on the authentication you want to use.
Username and password
Username and password authentication. This is valid only for Netsuite version 2020.2 or older.
- Username: Username for connector
- Password: Secret Manager Secret containing the password associated with the connector.
Token Based Authentication
Token Based Authentication for Netsuite. This can be used for both
schemes.- OAuth Client Id: the Consumer Key displayed when the application was created.
- OAuth Client Secret: Secret Manager Secret containing the consumer secret displayed when the application was created.
- OAuth Access Token: the Token Id when the access token was created.
- OAuth Access Token Secret: Secret Manager Secret containing the token secret when the access token was created.
- OAuth 2.0 - Authorization code
- Client ID: The client ID used for requesting access tokens.
- Scopes: A comma-separated list of the required scopes.
- Client secret: The client secret used for requesting access tokens.
Authorization of connection is done with a web-based user login flow. This is valid only for the SuiteQL
For the Authorization code
authentication type, after creating the connection, you
should perform a few additional steps for configuring authentication. For more information,
see Additional steps after connection creation.
Additional steps after connection creation
If you selected OAuth 2.0 - Authorization code
authentication, you must do the following additional steps after creating the connection:
- In the Connections page,
locate the newly created connection.
Notice that the Status for the new connector will be Authorization required.
- Click Authorization required.
This shows the Edit authorization pane.
- Copy the Redirect URI value to your external application.
- Verify the authorization details.
- Click Authorize.
If the authorization is successful, the connection status will be set to Active in the Connections page.
Re-authorization for Authorization code
If you are using Authorization code
authentication type and have made any configuration changes in your backend NetSuite
application, you must re-authorize your NetSuite connection. To re-authorize a connection, perform the following steps:
- Click on the required connection in the Connections page.
This opens the connection details page.
- Click Edit to edit the connection details.
- Verify the OAuth 2.0 - Authorization code details in the Authentication section.
If required, make the necessary changes.
- Click Save. This takes you to the connection details page.
- Click Edit authorization in the Authentication section. This shows the Authorize pane.
- Click Authorize.
If the authorization is successful, the connection status will be set to Active in the Connections page.
Configure NetSuite
To generate client ID, client secret, token ID and token secret, do the following:
- Create a new integration in Netsuite.
- Provide integration details such as name, and enable token-based authentication.
- Specify a callback URL, such as
. - After you submit the integration, you will receive a client ID and client secret. Save these details.
- Set up an integration user record.
- To create a token and secret, navigate to the Home page, select Manage Access Tokens, and then click on New My Access Token. You will use these details to create a token based authentication in Google Cloud.
For information about how to set up postman, see Importing the Postman Collection.
System limitations
The Netsuite connector can process 1 transaction per second, per node, and throttles any transactions beyond this limit. By default, Integration Connectors allocates 2 nodes (for better availability) for a connection.
For information on the limits applicable to Integration Connectors, see Limits.
Use the NetSuite connection in an integration
After you create the connection, it becomes available in both Apigee Integration and Application Integration. You can use the connection in an integration through the Connectors task.
- To understand how to create and use the Connectors task in Apigee Integration, see Connectors task.
- To understand how to create and use the Connectors task in Application Integration, see Connectors task.
Entity operation examples
This section lists the entity operations supported by the Netsuite connector and shows how to perform some of the entity operations in this connector.
Entity | Supported Operations |
CustomerPayment | LIST, GET, CREATE, UPDATE |
ItemFulfillment | LIST, GET, CREATE |
JournalEntry | LIST, GET, CREATE |
PurchaseOrder | LIST, GET, CREATE, UPDATE |
ReturnAuthorization | LIST, GET, CREATE |
VendorCredit | LIST, GET, CREATE, UPDATE |
VendorPayment | LIST, GET, CREATE, UPDATE |
CashRefund | LIST, GET, CREATE |
CashSale | LIST, GET, CREATE |
CustomerDeposit | LIST, GET |
CustomerRefund | LIST, GET |
Employee | LIST, GET |
Estimate | LIST, GET |
File | LIST, GET |
InventoryAdjustment | LIST, GET, CREATE |
InventoryItem | LIST, GET |
ItemReceipt | LIST, GET |
Opportunity | LIST, GET |
PaycheckJournal | LIST, GET, CREATE |
SupportCase | LIST, GET |
SupportCaseIssue | LIST, GET |
TransferOrder | LIST, GET, CREATE |
VendorReturnAuthorization | LIST, GET |
WorkOrder | LIST, GET |
AssemblyItem | LIST, GET |
Bin | LIST, GET |
CustomerCategory | LIST, GET |
ItemGroup | LIST, GET |
KitItem | LIST, GET |
LotNumberedAssemblyItem | LIST, GET |
LotNumberedInventoryItem | LIST, GET |
NonInventoryPurchaseItem | LIST, GET |
NonInventoryResaleItem | LIST, GET |
NonInventorySaleItem | LIST, GET |
OtherChargePurchaseItem | LIST, GET |
OtherChargeResaleItem | LIST, GET |
OtherChargeSaleItem | LIST, GET |
SerializedAssemblyItem | LIST, GET |
SerializedInventoryItem | LIST, GET |
ServicePurchaseItem | LIST, GET |
ServiceResaleItem | LIST, GET |
ServiceSaleItem | LIST, GET |
CreditMemo_itemList | CREATE |
Invoice_itemList | CREATE |
PurchaseOrder_itemList | CREATE |
SalesOrder_itemList | CREATE |
VendorBill_itemList | CREATE |
VendorCredit_itemList | CREATE |
VendorPayment_applyList | CREATE |
When you perform an insert operation in NetSuite, if all the necessary fields and data are not specified, the API to which the entity is aligned rejects the request. This results in an exception. The exception might vary based on the entity used in the insert operation. You must provide the NetSuite line items in the query to successfully insert data. You can specify the line item through the ItemListAggregate field that is available in all parent tables. The following is the format for the ItemListAggregate field:
"`<ItemList>`\n" + " <Row>\n" + " <ItemList_Item_InternalId>656</ItemList_Item_InternalId>\n" + " <ItemList_Item_Name>Iphone 15Pro</ItemList_Item_Name>\n" + " <ItemList_Line>1</ItemList_Line>\n" + " <ItemList_Description>Canon PowerShot Camera Test</ItemList_Description>\n" + " <ItemList_Amount>8500.0</ItemList_Amount>\n" + " <ItemList_Quantity>17.0</ItemList_Quantity>\n" + " <ItemList_Price_InternalId>1</ItemList_Price_InternalId>\n" + " <ItemList_Price_Name>List Price</ItemList_Price_Name>\n" + " <ItemList_Rate>500.00</ItemList_Rate>\n" + " <ItemList_Location_InternalId>1</ItemList_Location_InternalId>\n" + " <ItemList_Location_Name>02: NewYork</ItemList_Location_Name>\n" + " <ItemList_TaxCode_InternalId>-7</ItemList_TaxCode_InternalId>\n" + " <ItemList_TaxCode_Name>-Not Taxable-</ItemList_TaxCode_Name>\n" + " <ItemList_ShipGroup>1</ItemList_ShipGroup>\n" + " <ItemList_ItemIsFulfilled>false</ItemList_ItemIsFulfilled>\n" + " <CustomFieldListAggregate>\n" + " <CustomField InternalId=\"4779\" Type=\"platformCore:StringCustomFieldRef\" ScriptId=\"custcol121\">\n" + " <Value>1</Value>\n" + " </CustomField>\n" + " </CustomFieldListAggregate>\n" + " </Row>\n" + " <Row>\n" + " <ItemList_Item_InternalId>656</ItemList_Item_InternalId>\n" + " <ItemList_Item_Name>Iphone 15Pro</ItemList_Item_Name>\n" + " <ItemList_Line>4</ItemList_Line>\n" + " <ItemList_Description>Canon PowerShot Camera Test</ItemList_Description>\n" + " <ItemList_Amount>8500.0</ItemList_Amount>\n" + " <ItemList_Quantity>17.0</ItemList_Quantity>\n" + " <ItemList_Price_InternalId>1</ItemList_Price_InternalId>\n" + " <ItemList_Price_Name>List Price</ItemList_Price_Name>\n" + " <ItemList_Rate>500.00</ItemList_Rate>\n" + " <ItemList_Location_InternalId>2</ItemList_Location_InternalId>\n" + " <ItemList_Location_Name>01: California</ItemList_Location_Name>\n" + " <ItemList_TaxCode_InternalId>-7</ItemList_TaxCode_InternalId>\n" + " <ItemList_TaxCode_Name>-Not Taxable-</ItemList_TaxCode_Name>\n" + " <ItemList_ShipGroup>1</ItemList_ShipGroup>\n" + " <ItemList_ItemIsFulfilled>false</ItemList_ItemIsFulfilled>\n" + " <CustomFieldListAggregate>\n" + " <CustomField InternalId=\"4776\" Type=\"platformCore:StringCustomFieldRef\" ScriptId=\"custcol121\">\n" + " <Value>4</Value>\n" + " </CustomField>\n" + " </CustomFieldListAggregate>\n" + " </Row>\n" + "`</ItemList>`;"
Example - List all the credit memos
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickEntities
. - Select
from theEntity
list. - Select the
operation, and then click Done. - Optionally, in Task Input section of the Connectors task, you can filter your result set by specifying a filter clause. Specify the filter clause value always within the single quotes (').
Example - Get a CreditMemo record
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickEntities
. - Select CreditMemo from the
list. - Select the
operation, and then click Done. - Set the entity ID to 1083723 which is the Key to be passed. To set the entity ID, in
the Data Mapper section of the Data Mapping, click Open Data Mapping Editor and
then enter
in the Input Value field and choose the EntityId as Local variable.Pass the entity ID directly. Passing an entity ID might throw an error if composite keys exist. In such cases, use the filter clause to specify the ID.
Example - Create a PurchaseOrder record
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickEntities
. - Select PurchaseOrder from the
list. - Select the
operation, and then click Done. - In the Data Mapper section of the Data Mapping task, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload as Local variable.{ "Entity_InternalId": "2041", "Location_InternalId": "6", " + "<ItemList>\n" + " <Row>\n" + " <ItemList_Item_InternalId>979</ItemList_Item_InternalId>\n" + " <ItemList_Line>2</ItemList_Line>\n" + " <ItemList_Amount>66500.0</ItemList_Amount>\n" + " </Row>\n" + " <Row>\n" + " <ItemList_Item_InternalId>979</ItemList_Item_InternalId>\n" + " <ItemList_Line>3</ItemList_Line>\n" + " <ItemList_Amount>16500.0</ItemList_Amount>\n" + " </Row>\n" + "</ItemList>" + ", "Email": "" }
If the integration is successful, the
response parameter has a value similar to the following:{ "InternalId": "1093053" }
Example - Create a ReturnAuthorization record
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickEntities
. - Select ReturnAuthorization from the
list. - Select the
operation, and then click Done. - In the Data Mapper section of the Data Mapping task, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload as Local variable.{ "Entity_InternalId": "1709", "Status": "Approved", " + "<ItemList>\n" + " <Row>\n" + " <ItemList_Item_InternalId>945</ItemList_Item_InternalId>\n" + " <ItemList_Line>2</ItemList_Line>\n" + " <ItemList_Amount>2500.0</ItemList_Amount>\n" + " </Row>\n" + " <Row>\n" + " <ItemList_Item_InternalId>945</ItemList_Item_InternalId>\n" + " <ItemList_Line>3</ItemList_Line>\n" + " <ItemList_Amount>16500.0</ItemList_Amount>\n" + " </Row>\n" + "</ItemList>" + " }
If the integration is successful, the
response parameter has a value similar to the following:{ "InternalId": "1093053" }
Example - Create a SalesOrder record
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickEntities
. - Select SalesOrder from the
list. - Select the
operation, and then click Done. - In the Data Mapper section of the Data Mapping task, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload as Local variable.{ " + "<ItemList>\n" + " <Row>\n" + " <ItemList_Item_InternalId>945</ItemList_Item_InternalId>\n" + " <ItemList_Line>1</ItemList_Line>\n" + " <ItemList_Amount>9990900.0</ItemList_Amount>\n" + " </Row>\n" + " <Row>\n" + " <ItemList_Item_InternalId>945</ItemList_Item_InternalId>\n" + " <ItemList_Amount>99900.0</ItemList_Amount>\n" + " </Row>\n" + "</ItemList>" + ", "Entity_InternalId": "1709" }
If the integration is successful, the
response parameter has a value similar to the following:{ "InternalId": "1093053" }
Example - Create a CreditMemo_itemList record
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickEntities
. - Select CreditMemo_itemList from the
list. - Select the
operation, and then click Done. - In the Data Mapper section of the Data Mapping task, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload as Local variable.{ "ItemList_Item_InternalId": "945", "Entity_InternalId": "1709", "Location_InternalId": "5", "ItemList_Amount": 7777777.0, "ItemList_Description": "Created" }
If the integration is successful, the
response parameter has a value similar to the following:{ "InternalId": "1093053", "ListId": "1" }
Example - Create a Customer record
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickEntities
. - Select Customer from the
list. - Select the
operation, and then click Done. - In the Data Mapper section of the Data Mapping task, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload as Local variable.{ "CompanyName": "Bcone8", "Email": "" }
If the integration is successful, the
response parameter has a value similar to the following:{ "InternalId": "4767" }
Example - Create an Invoice_itemList record
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickEntities
. - Select Invoice_itemList from the
list. - Select the
operation, and then click Done. - In the Data Mapper section of the Data Mapping task, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload as Local variable.{ "ItemList_Item_InternalId": "945", "Entity_InternalId": "1709", "ItemList_Amount": 945.0, "Item": "InvoiceItem" }
If the integration is successful, the
response parameter has a value similar to the following:{ "InternalId": "1093052", "ListId": "1" }
Example - Create a CustomerPayment record
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickEntities
. - Select CustomerPayment from the
list. - Select the
operation, and then click Done. - In the Data Mapper section of the Data Mapping task, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload as Local variable.{ "Customer_InternalId": "1714", "Payment": 9999.0 }
If the integration is successful, the
response parameter has a value similar to the following:{ "InternalId": "1090749" }
Example - Create a PurchaseOrder_itemList record
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickEntities
. - Select PurchaseOrder_itemList from the
list. - Select the
operation, and then click Done. - In the Data Mapper section of the Data Mapping task, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload as Local variable.{ "Entity_InternalId": "2041", "Location_InternalId": "6", "ItemList_Description": "Created on Jan 11", "ItemList_Item_InternalId": "979" }
If the integration is successful, the
response parameter has a value similar to the following:{ "InternalId": "1093151", "ListId": "1" }
Example - Create a SalesOrder_itemList record
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickEntities
. - Select SalesOrder_itemList from the
list. - Select the
operation, and then click Done. - In the Data Mapper section of the Data Mapping task, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload as Local variable.{ "Email": "", "Entity_InternalId": "1709", "ItemList_Item_InternalId": "945", "ItemList_Amount": 1000.0 }
If the integration is successful, the
response parameter has a value similar to the following:{ "InternalId": "1093351", "ListId": "1" }
Example - Create a Vendor record
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickEntities
. - Select Vendor from the
list. - Select the
operation, and then click Done. - In the Data Mapper section of the Data Mapping task, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload as Local variable.{ "CompanyName": "Deloitte", "LegalName": "AU Vendor" }
If the integration is successful, the
response parameter has a value similar to the following:{ "InternalId": "5067" }
Example - Create a VendorBill_itemList record
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickEntities
. - Select VendorBill_itemList from the
list. - Select the
operation, and then click Done. - In the Data Mapper section of the Data Mapping task, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload as Local variable.{ "Entity_InternalId": "2041", "ItemList_Item_InternalId": "1374", "ItemList_Amount": 700.0 }
If the integration is successful, the
response parameter has a value similar to the following:{ "InternalId": "5067" }
Example - Create a VendorCredit_itemList record
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickEntities
. - Select VendorCredit_itemList from the
list. - Select the
operation, and then click Done. - In the Data Mapper section of the Data Mapping task, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload as Local variable.{ "Entity_InternalId": "2041", "Location_InternalId": "6", "ItemList_Item_InternalId": "992", "ItemList_Description": "Created on Jan 12" }
If the integration is successful, the
response parameter has a value similar to the following:{ "InternalId": "1093353", "ListId": "1" }
Example - Create a VendorPayment_applyList record
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickEntities
. - Select VendorPayment_applyList from the
list. - Select the
operation, and then click Done. - In the Data Mapper section of the Data Mapping task, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload as Local variable.{ "ApplyList_Doc": 3339.0, "ApplyList_Apply": true, "Entity_InternalId": "1471" }
If the integration is successful, the
response parameter has a value similar to the following:{ "InternalId": "1093756", "ListId": "1" }
Example - Create a CreditMemo record
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickEntities
. - Select CreditMemo from the
list. - Select the
operation, and then click Done. - In the Data Mapper section of the Data Mapping task, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload as Local variable.{ "ItemListAggregate": " + "<ItemList>\n" + " <Row>\n" + " <ItemList_Item_InternalId>6</ItemList_Item_InternalId>\n" + " <ItemList_Line>2</ItemList_Line>\n" + " <ItemList_Amount>8800.0</ItemList_Amount>\n" + " </Row>\n" + " <Row>\n" + " <ItemList_Item_InternalId>6</ItemList_Item_InternalId>\n" + " <ItemList_Line>3</ItemList_Line>\n" + " <ItemList_Amount>9900.0</ItemList_Amount>\n" + " </Row>\n" + "</ItemList>" + ", "Entity_InternalId": "11", "Email": "" }
If the integration is successful, the
response parameter has a value similar to the following:{ "InternalId": "106" }
Example - Create an Invoice record
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickEntities
. - Select Invoice from the
list. - Select the
operation, and then click Done. - In the Data Mapper section of the Data Mapping task, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload as Local variable.{ "ItemListAggregate": " + "<ItemList>\n" + " <Row>\n" + " <ItemList_Item_InternalId>6</ItemList_Item_InternalId>\n" + " <ItemList_Line>1</ItemList_Line>\n" + " <ItemList_Amount>7998500.0</ItemList_Amount>\n" + " </Row>\n" + " <Row>\n" + " <ItemList_Item_InternalId>6</ItemList_Item_InternalId>\n" + " <ItemList_Line>2</ItemList_Line>\n" + " <ItemList_Amount>6500.0</ItemList_Amount>\n" + " </Row>\n" + "</ItemList>" + ", "Memo": "May9" }
If the integration is successful, the
response parameter has a value similar to the following:{ "InternalId": "206" }
Example - Create an ItemFulfillment record
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickEntities
. - Select ItemFulfillment from the
list. - Select the
operation, and then click Done. - In the Data Mapper section of the Data Mapping task, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload as Local variable.{ "CreatedFrom_InternalId": "411", "ShipStatus": "_picked" }
If the integration is successful, the
response parameter has a value similar to the following:{ "InternalId": "412" }
Example - Create a JournalEntry record
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickEntities
. - Select JournalEntry from the
list. - Select the
operation, and then click Done. - In the Data Mapper section of the Data Mapping task, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload as Local variable.{ "Subsidiary_InternalId": "1", "Memo": "Journal Entry created on April 2", "LineListAggregate":" + "<LineList>\n" + " <Row>\n" + " <LineList_Account_InternalId>1</LineList_Account_InternalId>\n" + " <LineList_Line>1</LineList_Line>\n" + " <LineList_credit>500.0</LineList_credit>\n" + " </Row>\n" + " <Row>\n" + " <LineList_Account_InternalId>1</LineList_Account_InternalId>\n" + " <LineList_Line>1</LineList_Line>\n" + " <LineList_debit>500.00</LineList_debit>\n" + " </Row>\n" + "</LineList>" + " }
If the integration is successful, the
response parameter has a value similar to the following:{ "InternalId": "612" }
Example - Create a PurchaseOrder record
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickEntities
. - Select PurchaseOrder from the
list. - Select the
operation, and then click Done. - In the Data Mapper section of the Data Mapping task, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload as Local variable.{ "Entity_InternalId": "2041", "Location_InternalId": "6", " + "<ItemList>\n" + " <Row>\n" + " <ItemList_Item_InternalId>979</ItemList_Item_InternalId>\n" + " <ItemList_Line>2</ItemList_Line>\n" + " <ItemList_Amount>66500.0</ItemList_Amount>\n" + " </Row>\n" + " <Row>\n" + " <ItemList_Item_InternalId>979</ItemList_Item_InternalId>\n" + " <ItemList_Line>3</ItemList_Line>\n" + " <ItemList_Amount>16500.0</ItemList_Amount>\n" + " </Row>\n" + "</ItemList>" + ", "Email": "" }
If the integration is successful, the
response parameter has a value similar to the following:{ "InternalId": "1116228" }
Example - Create a VendorBill record
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickEntities
. - Select VendorBill from the
list. - Select the
operation, and then click Done. - In the Data Mapper section of the Data Mapping task, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload as Local variable.{"Entity_InternalId": "12", " + "<ItemList>\n" + " <Row>\n" + " <ItemList_Item_InternalId>7</ItemList_Item_InternalId>\n" + " <ItemList_Line>1</ItemList_Line>\n" + " <ItemList_Amount>77700.0</ItemList_Amount>\n" + + " </Row>\n" + " <Row>\n" + " <ItemList_Item_InternalId>7</ItemList_Item_InternalId>\n" + " <ItemList_Line>2</ItemList_Line>\n" + " <ItemList_Amount>888888</ItemList_Amount>\n" + + " </Row>\n" + "</ItemList>;" + "}
If the integration is successful, the
response parameter has a value similar to the following:{ "InternalId": "816" }
Example - Create a VendorCredit record
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickEntities
. - Select VendorCredit from the
list. - Select the
operation, and then click Done. - In the Data Mapper section of the Data Mapping task, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload as Local variable.{"Entity_InternalId": "12", " + "<ItemList>\n" + " <Row>\n" + " <ItemList_Item_InternalId>7</ItemList_Item_InternalId>\n" + " <ItemList_Line>1</ItemList_Line>\n" + " <ItemList_Amount>77700.0</ItemList_Amount>\n" + " </Row>\n" + " <Row>\n" + " <ItemList_Item_InternalId>7</ItemList_Item_InternalId>\n" + " <ItemList_Line>2</ItemList_Line>\n" + " <ItemList_Amount>888888</ItemList_Amount>\n" + " </Row>\n" + "</ItemList>;" + "}
If the integration is successful, the
response parameter has a value similar to the following:{ "InternalId": "818" }
Example - Create a VendorPayment record
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickEntities
. - Select VendorPayment from the
list. - Select the
operation, and then click Done. - In the Data Mapper section of the Data Mapping task, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload as Local variable.{ "Entity_InternalId": "12", "ApplyList_Apply": true, "ApplyList_Doc": 714.0 }
If the integration is successful, the
response parameter has a value similar to the following:{ "InternalId": "1025", "ListId": "1" }
Example - Create a TRANSFERORDER record
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickEntities
. - Select TRANSFERORDER from the
list. - Select the
operation, and then click Done. - In the Data Mapper section of the Data Mapping task, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload as Local variable.{ "Location_InternalId": "1", "TransferLocation_InternalId": "3", "ItemListAggregate": " + "<ItemList>\n" + " <Row>\n" + " <ItemList_Item_InternalId>8</ItemList_Item_InternalId>\n" + " <ItemList_Line>1</ItemList_Line>\n" + " <ItemList_Amount>77700.0</ItemList_Amount>\n" + " </Row>\n" + " <Row>\n" + " <ItemList_Item_InternalId>8</ItemList_Item_InternalId>\n" + " <ItemList_Line>2</ItemList_Line>\n" + " <ItemList_Amount>888888</ItemList_Amount>\n" + " </Row>\n" + "</ItemList>;" }
If the integration is successful, the
response parameter has a value similar to the following:{ "InternalId": "1337" }
Example - Create a CashSale record
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickEntities
. - Select CashSale from the
list. - Select the
operation, and then click Done. - In the Data Mapper section of the Data Mapping task, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload as Local variable.{ "Entity_InternalId": "10", "Location_InternalId": "3", "ItemListAggregate": "<ItemList>\n" + " <Row>\n" + " <ItemList_Item_InternalId>8</ItemList_Item_InternalId>\n" + " <ItemList_Line>1</ItemList_Line>\n" + " <ItemList_Amount>77700.0</ItemList_Amount>\n" + " </Row>\n" + " <Row>\n" + " <ItemList_Item_InternalId>8</ItemList_Item_InternalId>\n" + " <ItemList_Line>2</ItemList_Line>\n" + " <ItemList_Amount>888888</ItemList_Amount>\n" + " </Row>\n" + "</ItemList>;" }
If the integration is successful, the
response parameter has a value similar to the following:{ "InternalId": "1234" }
Example - Create a PaycheckJournal record
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickEntities
. - Select PaycheckJournal from the
list. - Select the
operation, and then click Done. - In the Data Mapper section of the Data Mapping task, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload as Local variable.{ "Employee_InternalId": "8", "Account_InternalId": "314", "EarningListAggregate": "<EarningList>\n" + " <Row>\n" + " <EarningList_PayrollItem_InternalId>2</EarningList_PayrollItem_InternalId>\n" + " <EarningList_Amount>1998</EarningList_Amount>\n" + " </Row>\n" + "</EarningList>;" }
If the integration is successful, the
response parameter has a value similar to the following:{ "InternalId": "1746" }
Example - Create an InventoryAdjustment record
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickEntities
. - Select InventoryAdjustment from the
list. - Select the
operation, and then click Done. - In the Data Mapper section of the Data Mapping task, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload as Local variable.{ "Account_InternalId": "1", "AdjLocation_InternalId": "1", "Location_InternalId": "3", "InventoryListAggregate": "<InventoryList>\n" + " <Row>\n" + " <InventoryList_Item_InternalId>8</InventoryList_Item_InternalId>\n" + " <InventoryList_Line>1</InventoryList_Line>\n" + " <InventoryList_Location_InternalId>1</InventoryList_Location_InternalId>\n" + " <InventoryList_AdjustQtyBy>100</InventoryList_AdjustQtyBy>\n" + " </Row>\n" + "</InventoryList>;" }
If the integration is successful, the
response parameter has a value similar to the following:{ "InternalId": "1640" }
Example - Create a CashRefund record
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickEntities
. - Select CashRefund from the
list. - Select the
operation, and then click Done. - In the Data Mapper section of the Data Mapping task, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload as Local variable.{ "Entity_InternalId": "10", "Location_InternalId": "3", "ItemListAggregate": "<ItemList>\n" + " <Row>\n" + " <ItemList_Item_InternalId>8</ItemList_Item_InternalId>\n" + " <ItemList_Line>1</ItemList_Line>\n" + " <ItemList_Amount>799.0</ItemList_Amount>\n" + " </Row>\n" + " <Row>\n" + " <ItemList_Item_InternalId>8</ItemList_Item_InternalId>\n" + " <ItemList_Line>2</ItemList_Line>\n" + " <ItemList_Amount>666</ItemList_Amount>\n" + " </Row>\n" + "</ItemList>;" }
If the integration is successful, the
response parameter has a value similar to the following:{ "InternalId": "1232" }
Example - Update a CreditMemo record
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickEntities
. - Select CreditMemo from the
list. - Select the
operation, and then click Done. - In the Data Mapper section of the Data Mapping task, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload/FilterClause as Local variable.{ "Email2": "" }
- Set the entity ID in Data Mapper to the entity of the CreditMemo. To set the entity ID, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload/FilterClause as Local variable.Alternately, instead of specifying the entityId, you can also set the filterClause to
.Running this example, returns a response similar to the following in the Connector task's
output variable:{ "InternalId": "1090651" }
Example - Update a Customer record
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickEntities
. - Select Customer from the
list. - Select the
operation, and then click Done. - In the Data Mapper section of the Data Mapping task, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload/FilterClause as Local variable.{ "Email": "" }
- Set the entity ID in Data Mapper to the entity of the Customer. To set the entity ID, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload/FilterClause as Local variable.Alternately, instead of specifying the entityId, you can also set the filterClause to
.Running this example, returns a response similar to the following in the Connector task's
output variable:{ "InternalId": "4767" }
Example - Update an Invoice record
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickEntities
. - Select Invoice from the
list. - Select the
operation, and then click Done. - In the Data Mapper section of the Data Mapping task, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload/FilterClause as Local variable.{ "Email2": "" }
- Set the entity ID in Data Mapper to the entity of the Invoice. To set the entity ID, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload/FilterClause as Local variable.Alternately, instead of specifying the entityId, you can also set the filterClause to
.Running this example, returns a response similar to the following in the Connector task's
output variable:{ "InternalId": "1083927" }
Example - Update a CustomerPayment record
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickEntities
. - Select CustomerPayment from the
list. - Select the
operation, and then click Done. - In the Data Mapper section of the Data Mapping task, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload/FilterClause as Local variable.{ "Customer_InternalId": "1714", "Payment": 7.77777777E8 }
- Set the entity ID in Data Mapper to the entity of the CustomerPayment. To set the entity ID, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload/FilterClause as Local variable.Alternately, instead of specifying the entityId, you can also set the filterClause to
.Running this example, returns a response similar to the following in the Connector task's
output variable:{ "InternalId": "1090749" }
Example - Update a PurchaseOrder record
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickEntities
. - Select PurchaseOrder from the
list. - Select the
operation, and then click Done. - In the Data Mapper section of the Data Mapping task, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload/FilterClause as Local variable.{ "Message": "Aspirin Updated" }
- Set the entity ID in Data Mapper to the entity of the PurchaseOrder. To set the entity ID, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload/FilterClause as Local variable.Alternately, instead of specifying the entityId, you can also set the filterClause to
.Running this example, returns a response similar to the following in the Connector task's
output variable:{ "InternalId": "1000" }
Example - Update a SalesOrder record
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickEntities
. - Select PurchaseOrder from the
list. - Select the
operation, and then click Done. - In the Data Mapper section of the Data Mapping task, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload/FilterClause as Local variable.{ "Email": "", "Entity_InternalId": "1709", "Item_InternalId": "945" }
- Set the entity ID in Data Mapper to the entity of the SalesOrder. To set the entity ID, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload/FilterClause as Local variable.Alternately, instead of specifying the entityId, you can also set the filterClause to
.Running this example, returns a response similar to the following in the Connector task's
output variable:{ "InternalId": "1086949" }
Example - Update a Vendor record
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickEntities
. - Select Vendor from the
list. - Select the
operation, and then click Done. - In the Data Mapper section of the Data Mapping task, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload/FilterClause as Local variable.{ "CompanyName": "Deloitte_Updated" }
- Set the entity ID in Data Mapper to the entity of the Vendor. To set the entity ID, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload/FilterClause as Local variable.Alternately, instead of specifying the entityId, you can also set the filterClause to
.Running this example, returns a response similar to the following in the Connector task's
output variable:{ "InternalId": "4567" }
Example - Update a VendorBill record
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickEntities
. - Select VendorBill from the
list. - Select the
operation, and then click Done. - In the Data Mapper section of the Data Mapping task, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload/FilterClause as Local variable.{ "Memo": "Memo_Jan 11" }
- Set the entity ID in Data Mapper to the entity of the VendorBill. To set the entity ID, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload/FilterClause as Local variable.Alternately, instead of specifying the entityId, you can also set the filterClause to
.Running this example, returns a response similar to the following in the Connector task's
output variable:{ "InternalId": "3339" }
Example - Update a VendorCredit record
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickEntities
. - Select VendorCredit from the
list. - Select the
operation, and then click Done. - In the Data Mapper section of the Data Mapping task, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload/FilterClause as Local variable.{ "Memo": "16253" }
- Set the entity ID in Data Mapper to the entity of the VendorCredit. To set the entity ID, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload/FilterClause as Local variable.Alternately, instead of specifying the entityId, you can also set the filterClause to
.Running this example, returns a response similar to the following in the Connector task's
output variable:{ "InternalId": "1091549" }
Example - Update a VendorPayment record
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickEntities
. - Select VendorPayment from the
list. - Select the
operation, and then click Done. - In the Data Mapper section of the Data Mapping task, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload/FilterClause as Local variable.{ "Memo": "Jan8" }
- Set the entity ID in Data Mapper to the entity of the VendorPayment. To set the entity ID, click
Open Data Mapping Editor
and then enter a value similar to the following in theInput Value
field and choose the EntityId/ConnectorInputPayload/FilterClause as Local variable.Alternately, instead of specifying the entityId, you can also set the filterClause to
.Running this example, returns a response similar to the following in the Connector task's
output variable:{ "InternalId": "1082627" }
Use terraform to create connections
You can use the Terraform resource to create a new connection.To learn how to apply or remove a Terraform configuration, see Basic Terraform commands.
To view a sample terraform template for connection creation, see sample template.
When creating this connection by using Terraform, you must set the following variables in your Terraform configuration file:
Parameter name | Data type | Required | Description |
account_id | STRING | True | The company account your username is associated with on NetSuite. |
aggregate_column_mode | STRING | False | Indicating how aggregate columns should be treated. |
application_id | STRING | False | As of version 2020.1, requests to NetSuite require an application ID. |
custom_field_permissions | STRING | False | A comma separated list of custom field permissions. Gives more control than IncludeCustomFieldColumns . |
include_child_tables | BOOLEAN | False | A boolean indicating if child tables should be displayed. |
include_custom_field_columns | BOOLEAN | False | A boolean indicating if you would like to include custom field columns. |
include_custom_list_tables | BOOLEAN | False | A boolean indicating if you would like to use tables based on custom lists. |
include_custom_record_tables | BOOLEAN | False | A boolean indicating if you would like to use tables based on custom record types. |
include_reference_columns | STRING | False | A comma separated list representing the columns to include when retrieving data from a field representing a record reference. |
maximum_concurrent_sessions | INTEGER | False | The maximum number of concurrent sessions available for use in the connection. |
net_suite_date_format | STRING | False | The preferred date format set in NetSuite UI. |
net_suite_long_date_format | STRING | False | The preferred long date format set in NetSuite UI. |
netsuite_metadata_folder | STRING | False | A path to a directory to download metadata files from NetSuite. Set this for best performance. |
report_doubles_as_decimal | BOOLEAN | False | Indicates if doubles should be reported as decimal. |
request_memorized_transactions | BOOLEAN | False | A boolean indicating if you would like to request memorized transactions when retrieving transactions from NetSuite. |
role_id | STRING | False | The RoleId is the InternalId of the role that will be used to log in to NetSuite. Leave empty to use the user's default role. |
schema | STRING | True | The type of schema to use. |
use_async_services | BOOLEAN | False | A boolean indicating if you would like to use asynchronous services when inserting, updating, and deleting. |
use_internal_names_for_customizations | BOOLEAN | False | A boolean indicating if you would like to use internal names for customizations. |
use_upserts | BOOLEAN | False | A boolean indicating if you would like to perform an upsert when an insert operation is used. |
user_timezone_offset | STRING | False | Your user timezone offset as defined in your NetSuite preferences under Home --> Preferences --> Time Zone. Ex: EST. |
row_scan_depth | STRING | False | The number of rows to scan when dynamically determining columns for the table. |
verbosity | STRING | False | Verbosity level for connection, varies from 1-5. Higher verbosity level will log all the communication details (request,response & ssl certificates). |
proxy_enabled | BOOLEAN | False | Select this checkbox to configure a proxy server for the connection. |
proxy_auth_scheme | ENUM | False | The authentication type to use to authenticate to the ProxyServer proxy. Supported values are: BASIC, DIGEST, NONE |
proxy_user | STRING | False | A user name to be used to authenticate to the ProxyServer proxy. |
proxy_password | SECRET | False | A password to be used to authenticate to the ProxyServer proxy. |
proxy_ssltype | ENUM | False | The SSL type to use when connecting to the ProxyServer proxy. Supported values are: AUTO, ALWAYS, NEVER, TUNNEL |
Get help from the Google Cloud community
You can post your questions and discuss this connector in the Google Cloud community at Cloud Forums.What's next
- Understand how to suspend and resume a connection.
- Understand how to monitor connector usage.
- Understand how to view connector logs.