The Kintone connector lets you perform insert, delete, update, and read operations on Kintone database.
Before you begin
Before using the Kintone connector, do the following tasks:
- In your Google Cloud project:
- Ensure that network connectivity is set up. For information about network patterns, see Network connectivity.
- Grant the roles/connectors.admin IAM role to the user configuring the connector.
- Grant the following IAM roles to the service account that you want to use for the connector:
A service account is a special type of Google account intended to represent a non-human user that needs to authenticate and be authorized to access data in Google APIs. If you don't have a service account, you must create a service account. For more information, see Creating a service account.
- Enable the following services:
(Secret Manager API)
(Connectors API)
To understand how to enable services, see Enabling services.
If these services or permissions have not been enabled for your project previously, you are prompted to enable them when configuring the connector.
Configure the connector
A connection is specific to a data source. It means that if you have many data sources, you must create a separate connection for each data source. To create a connection, do the following:
- In the Cloud console, go to the Integration Connectors > Connections page and then select or create a Google Cloud project.
- Click + CREATE NEW to open the Create Connection page.
- In the Location section, choose the location for the connection.
- Region: Select a location from the drop-down list.
For the list of all the supported regions, see Locations.
- Click NEXT.
- Region: Select a location from the drop-down list.
- In the Connection Details section, complete the following:
- Connector: Select Kintone from the drop down list of available Connectors.
- Connector version: Select the Connector version from the drop down list of available versions.
- In the Connection Name field, enter a name for the Connection instance.
Connection names must meet the following criteria:
- Connection names can use letters, numbers, or hyphens.
- Letters must be lower-case.
- Connection names must begin with a letter and end with a letter or number.
- Connection names cannot exceed 49 characters.
- Optionally, enter a Description for the connection instance.
- Optionally, enable Cloud logging,
and then select a log level. By default, the log level is set to
. - Service Account: Select a service account that has the required roles.
- Optionally, configure the Connection node settings:
- Minimum number of nodes: Enter the minimum number of connection nodes.
- Maximum number of nodes: Enter the maximum number of connection nodes.
A node is a unit (or replica) of a connection that processes transactions. More nodes are required to process more transactions for a connection and conversely, fewer nodes are required to process fewer transactions. To understand how the nodes affect your connector pricing, see Pricing for connection nodes. If you don't enter any values, by default the minimum nodes are set to 2 (for better availability) and the maximum nodes are set to 50.
- Allow Special Characters: Determines whether or not to allow special characters. If true special characters will not be replaced.
- Check For Subtables In: A comma-separated list of Kintone apps to retrieve subtables from.
- Guest Space Id: Restrict query results to a guest space.
- Number Map To Double: Determines whether or not to change the datatype of number fields from decimal to double.
- Subtable Separator Character: The character used for dividing tables from subtables in the format tablename + char + subtable.
- Use Code For Field Name: Determines whether to use Label or Code for Field Name.
- Use Cursor: Boolean determining if cursors should be used to retrieve records.
- User Defined Views: A filepath pointing to the JSON configuration file containing your custom views.
- Use proxy: Select this checkbox to configure a proxy server for the connection and configure the following values:
Proxy Auth Scheme: Select the authentication type to authenticate with the proxy server. The following authentication types are supported:
- Basic: Basic HTTP authentication.
- Digest: Digest HTTP authentication.
- Proxy User: A user name to be used to authenticate with the proxy server.
- Proxy Password: The Secret manager secret of the user's password.
Proxy SSL Type: The SSL type to use when connecting to the proxy server. The following authentication types are supported:
- Auto: Default setting. If the URL is an HTTPS URL, then the Tunnel option is used. If the URL is an HTTP URL, then the NEVER option is used.
- Always: The connection is always SSL enabled.
- Never: The connection is not SSL enabled.
- Tunnel: The connection is through a tunneling proxy. The proxy server opens a connection to the remote host and traffic flows back and forth through the proxy.
- In the Proxy Server section, enter details of the proxy server.
- Click + Add destination.
- Select a Destination Type.
- Host address: Specify the hostname or IP address of the destination.
If you want to establish a private connection to your backend system, do the following:
- Create a PSC service attachment.
- Create an endpoint attachment and then enter the details of the endpoint attachment in the Host address field.
- Host address: Specify the hostname or IP address of the destination.
- Optionally, click + ADD LABEL to add a label to the Connection in the form of a key/value pair.
- Click NEXT.
- In the Destinations section, enter details of the remote host (backend system) you want to connect to.
- Destination Type: Select a Destination Type.
- Select Host address from the list to specify the hostname or IP address of the destination.
- If you want to establish a private connection to your backend systems, select Endpoint attachment from the list, and then select the required endpoint attachment from the Endpoint Attachment list.
If you want to establish a public connection to your backend systems with additional security, you can consider configuring static outbound IP addresses for your connections, and then configure your firewall rules to allowlist only the specific static IP addresses.
To enter additional destinations, click +ADD DESTINATION.
- Click NEXT.
- Destination Type: Select a Destination Type.
In the Authentication section, enter the authentication details.
- Select an Authentication type and enter the relevant details.
The following authentication types are supported by the Kintone connection:
- Username and password
- API Token
- Click NEXT.
To understand how to configure these authentication types, see Configure authentication.
- Select an Authentication type and enter the relevant details.
- Review: Review your connection and authentication details.
- Click Create.
Configure authentication
Enter the details based on the authentication you want to use.
Username and password
- Username: Username for connector
- Password: Secret Manager Secret containing the password associated with the connector.
- Basic Auth Password: The additional password required for domains using basic authentication.
- Basic Auth User: The additional username required for domains using basic authentication.
API Token
- API Token: Secret Manager Secret containing the API Token for authentication.
- App Id: The AppId used along with the APIToken for authentication.
Connection configuration samples
This section lists the sample values for the various fields that you configure when you create a Kintone connection.
Basic auth connection type
For the basic authentication connection type, use the username and password that you get when you create the new Kintone instance.
Field name | Details |
Location | europe-west1 |
Connector | Kintone |
Connector version | 1 |
Connection Name | kintone-conn-free-trial |
Enable Cloud Logging | Yes |
Service Account | |
Check For Subtables in | * |
Use Code For Field Name | Yes |
Use Cursor | Yes |
Minimum number of nodes | 2 |
Maximum number of nodes | 2 |
Destination Type(Server) | Host address |
Host address | |
Username | USERNAME |
Password | PASSWORD |
Secret version | 2 |
API token connection type
For information about how to get the API token, see API access token.
Field name | Details |
Location | europe-west1 |
Connector | Kintone |
Connector version | 1 |
Connection Name | kintone-api-token-conn |
Enable Cloud Logging | Yes |
Service Account | |
Check For Subtables in | * |
Subtable Separator Character | _ |
Use Code For Field Name | Yes |
Use Cursor | Yes |
Minimum number of nodes | 2 |
maximum number of nodes | 50 |
Destination Type(Server) | Host address |
Host address | |
API Token | API_Token_PostmanApplication |
AppId | 4 |
Secret version | 1 |
OAuth connection type
This section lists the sample values for the various fields that you configure when you create a Kintone connection using OAuth and provides information about how to create a Kintone account and configure it.
Kintone account creation and configuration
- For information about how to create a Kintone account, see Create a free Kintone Instance.
- For information about how to add an OAuth client, see Adding OAuth client.
- For information about how to create a new Space, see Create a Space.
- For information about how to create an app, see Create an app from scratch.
- For information about how to create a thread, see Create a thread.
Field name | Details |
Location | europe-west1 |
Connector | Kintone |
Connector version | 1 |
Connection Name | kintone-oauth-conn |
Enable Cloud Logging | Yes |
Service Account | |
Check For Subtables in | * |
Subtable Separator Character | _ |
Use Code For Field Name | Yes |
Use Cursor | Yes |
Minimum number of nodes | 2 |
maximum number of nodes | 50 |
Destination Type(Server) | Host address |
Host address | |
Client ID | CLIENT_ID |
Scopes | k:app_settings:write k:app_settings:read k:app_record:read k:app_record:write k:file:read k:file:write |
Client Secret | CLIENT_SECRET |
Secret version | 2 |
Entities, operations, and actions
All the Integration Connectors provide a layer of abstraction for the objects of the connected application. You can access an application's objects only through this abstraction. The abstraction is exposed to you as entities, operations, and actions.
- Entity: An entity can be thought of as an object, or a collection of properties, in the
connected application or service. The definition of an entity differs from a connector to a
connector. For example, in a database connector, tables are the entities, in a
file server connector, folders are the entities, and in a messaging system connector,
queues are the entities.
However, it is possible that a connector doesn't support or have any entities, in which case the
list will be empty. - Operation: An operation is the activity that you can perform on an entity. You can perform
any of the following operations on an entity:
Selecting an entity from the available list, generates a list of operations available for the entity. For a detailed description of the operations, see the Connectors task's entity operations. However, if a connector doesn't support any of the entity operations, such unsupported operations aren't listed in the
list. - Action: An action is a first class function that is made available to the integration
through the connector interface. An action lets you make changes to an entity or entities, and
vary from connector to connector. Normally, an action will have some input parameters, and an output
parameter. However, it is possible
that a connector doesn't support any action, in which case the
list will be empty.
System limitations
The Kintone connector can process 5 transactions per second, per node, and throttles any transactions beyond this limit. By default, Integration Connectors allocates 2 nodes (for better availability) for a connection.
For information on the limits applicable to Integration Connectors, see Limits.
This section lists the actions supported by the connector. To understand how to configure the actions, see Action examples.
AppsDeployStatus action
This action gets app deployment statuses
Input parameters of the AppsDeployStatus action
Parameter Name | Data Type | Required | Description |
AppIds | String | Yes | The Id of the app. This can be a list of comma-separated Ids. |
GuestSpaceId | String | No | This parameter is used for apps that are in the guest space. Do not add this parameter if the connection property GuestSpaceId is specified in the connection string. |
For example on how to configure the AppsDeployStatus
see Action examples.
CreateApp action
This action creates apps.
Input parameters of the CreateApp action
Parameter Name | Data Type | Required | Description |
Name | String | Yes | Specify the name of the application in less than 64 characters. |
Space | String | No | The Id of the space. Do not specify this if the connection property GuestSpaceId is set in the connection string. |
ThreadId | String | No | The Id of the space. Do not specify this if the connection property GuestSpaceId is set in the connection string. |
IsGuestSpace | Boolean | No | This is a boolean value that indicates whether the Space parameter is a normal space or a guest space. Set this value to true for guest spaces. The default value is false. |
For example on how to configure the CreateApp
see Action examples.
DeleteGuests action
This action let users Delete Guests.
Input parameters of the DeleteGuests action
Parameter Name | Data Type | Required | Description |
Guests | String | Yes | A list of email addresses of Guest users. Up to 100 Guests can be deleted. |
For example on how to configure the DeleteGuests
see Action examples.
DeployApps action
This action lets you deploy apps.
Input parameters of the DeployApps action
Parameter Name | Data Type | Required | Description |
AppId | String | Yes | The App Id. This can be a list of comma-separated Ids. |
Revision | String | No | Specify the revision of the setting that reflects the operational environment. If the specified revision is not up to date, the request will fail. |
Revert | Boolean | No | If you want to cancel the change to the application settings, set this to true. The default value is false. |
GuestSpaceId | String | No | This parameter is used for apps that are in the guest space. Do not add this parameter if the connection property GuestSpaceid is specified in the connection string. |
For example on how to configure the DeployApps
see Action examples.
DownloadFile action
This action let users download files from an attachment field in an app.
Input parameters of the DownloadFile action
Parameter Name | Data Type | Required | Description |
FileKey | String | Yes | The Id of the file. |
HasBytes | Boolean | No | Whether to download content as bytes. The valid values are true or false .
If set to true , the file is downloaded as a Base64 encoded string.
By default, the |
For example on how to configure the DownloadFile
see Action examples.
UpdateAssignees action
This action let users update assignees.
Input parameters of the UpdateAssignees action
Parameter Name | Data Type | Required | Description |
AppId | String | Yes | The App Id. |
RecordId | String | Yes | RecordId |
Assignees | String | Yes | The user codes of the assignees. If empty, no users will be assigned. The maximum number of assignees is 100. |
Revision | String | No | The revision number of the record before updating the assignees. If the specified revision is not the latest revision, the request will result in an error. |
GuestSpaceId | String | No | This parameter is used for apps that are in the guest space. Do not add this parameter if the connection property GuestSpaceId is specified in the connection string. |
For example on how to configure the UpdateAssignees
see Action examples.
AddGuests action
This action let users add Guests.
Input parameters of the AddGuests action
Parameter Name | Data Type | Required | Description |
Name | String | false | The display name of the user. Must be between 1 - 128 characters. |
Code | String | No | The email address (log in name) of the Guest user. |
Password | String | No | The log in password of the Guest user. It must be alphanumeric. |
Timezone | String | No | The timezone of the Guest user. |
Locale | String | No | The language settings of the Guest user. Available values are auto, en, zh, ja. If not provided, auto will be set as default. |
Image | String | No | The profile image of the Guest user. Specify a fileKey of an uploaded file. |
SurNameReading | String | No | The Phonetic Surname settings of the Guest User. The maximum limit is 64 characters. |
GivenNameReading | String | No | The Phonetic Given Name settings of the Guest User. The maximum limit is 64 characters. |
Company | String | No | The Company name to display on the Guest User's profile. |
Division | String | No | The Department name to display on the Guest User's profile. |
Phone | String | No | The Phone number to display on the Guest User's profile. |
CallTo | String | No | The Skype Name of the Guest user. |
GuestsAggregate | String | No | The Guests Aggregate. |
For example on how to configure the AddGuests
see Action examples.
UploadFile action
This action lets you upload a file.
Input parameters of the UploadFile action
Parameter Name | Data Type | Required | Description |
FileName | String | Yes | The name you would like to give the document. If none is specified, the file name specified in the FullPath input will be used. |
Content | String | No | The content as InputStream to be uploaded when FullPath is not specified. |
ContentBytes | String | No | Bytes content (as a Base64 string) to upload as a file. Use this to upload binary data. |
AppId | String | No | The Kintone App Id. This is required when AttachToApp set to true. |
HasBytes | Boolean | No | Whether to upload content as bytes. The valid values are true or false .
If set to true , the file content should be Base64 encoded string.
By default, the |
AddThreadComment action
This action let users add comments in thread
Input parameters of the AddThreadComment action
Parameter Name | Data Type | Required | Description |
SpaceId | Integer | Yes | The Id of the space. |
ThreadId | Integer | Yes | The Id of the thread. |
Text | String | No | The comment contents. A line break can be specified by LF. The maximum characters of the comment is 65535. Required, if files is not set. |
Mentions | String | No | An array including mentions, that notify other Kintone users. |
Files | String | No | An array including data of attachment files. The maximum number of the files is 5. Required, if text is not set. |
For example on how to configure the AddThreadComment
see Action examples.
UpdateThread action
This action let you update a thread
Input parameters of the UpdateThread action
Parameter Name | Data Type | Required | Description |
ThreadId | Integer | Yes | The Thread ID. The Thread ID can be found in the URL of the Thread. |
Name | String | No | The new name of the Thread. Must be between 1 - 128 characters. The name will not be updated if this parameter is ignored. The Thread name of single threaded Spaces cannot be updated. |
Body | String | No | The contents of the Thread body. |
For example on how to configure the UpdateThread
see Action examples.
Action examples
This section describes how to perform some of the actions in this connector.
Example - Get app deployment status
This example gets the app deployment status.
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickActions
. - Select the
action, and then click Done. - In the Task Input section of the Connectors task, click
and then enter a value similar to the following in theDefault Value
field:{ "AppIds": "4" }
If the action is successful, the
task's connectorOutputPayload
parameter will have a value similar to the following:
{ "AppId": "4", "Status": "SUCCESS", "success": "true" }
Example - Create an app
This example creates a new app.
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickActions
. - Select the
action, and then click Done. - In the Task Input section of the Connectors task, click
and then enter a value similar to the following in theDefault Value
field:{ "Name": "NewApp" }
If the action is successful, the
task's connectorOutputPayload
parameter will have a value similar to the following:
[{ "AppId": "20", "Revision": "2", "Success": "true" }]
Example - Deploy an app
This example deploys an app
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickActions
. - Select the
action, and then click Done. - In the Task Input section of the Connectors task, click
and then enter a value similar to the following in theDefault Value
field:{ "AppId": "19", "Revision": "2" }
If the action is successful, the
task's connectorOutputPayload
parameter will have a value similar to the following:
[{ "Success": "true" }]
Example - Download a file
This example downloads a file present in an app.
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickActions
. - Select the
action, and then click Done. - In the Task Input section of the Connectors task, click
and then enter a value similar to the following in theDefault Value
field:{ "FileKey": "2024022706351283F683AABB3A4FA09AF1D28049" }
If the action is successful, the
task's connectorOutputPayload
parameter will have a value similar to the following:
[{ "Success": "True", "Content": "Record number, Number, Text\n49, 162, Hello" }]
Example - Update an assignee
This example updates an assignee.
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickActions
. - Select the
action, and then click Done. - In the Task Input section of the Connectors task, click
and then enter a value similar to the following in theDefault Value
field:{ "FileKey": "2024022706351283F683AABB3A4FA09AF1D28049" }
If the action is successful, the
task's connectorOutputPayload
parameter will have a value similar to the following:
[{ "Success": "True", "Content": "Record number, Number, Text\n49, 162, Hello" }]
Example - Add a guest
This example adds a guest.
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickActions
. - Select the
action, and then click Done. - In the Task Input section of the Connectors task, click
and then enter a value similar to the following in theDefault Value
field:{ "GuestsAggregate": "[{\"name\":\"Testuser\",\"code\":\"\", \"password\":\"test@123\",\"timezone\":\"America/Los_Angeles\", \"company\":\"Company Name\",\"division\": \"Sales\", \"callto\":\"SkypeCallTo\",\"locale\":\"en\"}]" }
If the action is successful, the
task's connectorOutputPayload
parameter will have a value similar to the following:
[{ "Success": "true" }]
Example - Delete a guest
This example deletes a guest.
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickActions
. - Select the
action, and then click Done. - In the Task Input section of the Connectors task, click
and then enter a value similar to the following in theDefault Value
field:{ "Guests": "[\"\"]" }
If the action is successful, the
task's connectorOutputPayload
parameter will have a value similar to the following:
[{ "Success": "true" }]
Example - Upload a file
This example shows how to upload a file.
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickActions
. - Select the
action, and then click Done. - In the Task Input section of the Connectors task, click
and then enter a value similar to the following in theDefault Value
field:{ "FileName": "GoogleCloud_Upload_File.txt", "AppId": "9", "Content": "Hello" }
If the action is successful, the
task's connectorOutputPayload
parameter will have a value similar to the following:
[{ "FileKey": "4e3b6ca9-0028-41c6-9662-53b151ef9b35", "Success": "true", "Id": null, "Revision": null }]
Example - Add a thread comment
This example shows how to add a thread comment.
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickActions
. - Select the
action, and then click Done. - In the Task Input section of the Connectors task, click
and then enter a value similar to the following in theDefault Value
field:{ "SpaceId": 1.0, "ThreadId": 1.0, "Text": "Test Comment" }
If the action is successful, the
task's connectorOutputPayload
parameter will have a value similar to the following:
[{ "Id": "3", "Success": "true" }]
Example - Update a thread
This example shows how to update a thread.
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickActions
. - Select the
action, and then click Done. - In the Task Input section of the Connectors task, click
and then enter a value similar to the following in theDefault Value
field:{ "ThreadId": 1.0, "Name": "updated thread" }
If the action is successful, the
task's connectorOutputPayload
parameter will have a value similar to the following:
[{ "Success": "true" }]
Entity operation examples
This section shows how to perform some of the entity operations in this connector.
Example - List all apps
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickEntities
. - Select
from theEntity
list. - Select the
operation, and then click Done. - Optionally, in Task Input section of the Connectors task, you can filter your result set by specifying a filter clause. Specify the filter clause value always within the single quotes (').
You can perform the List operation on the Record and Comments entities as well.
Example - Get an app
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickEntities
. - Select
from theEntity
list. - Select the
operation, and then click Done. - In the Task Input section of the Connectors task, click EntityId and
then enter
in the Default Value field.Here,
is a unique record ID in theApps
You can perform the Get operation on the following entities as well: Deploy, Record, FormFields, FormLayout, Views, GeneralSettings, ProcessManagement, AppPermission, RecordPermission, FieldPermission, GeneralNotification, PerRecordNotification, ReminderNotification, GraphSettings, ActionSettings, Space, SpaceMembers
Example - Delete a record
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickEntities
. - Select
from theEntity
list. - Select the
operation, and then click Done. - In the Task Input section of the Connectors task, click entityId and
then enter
in the Default Value field.
You can perform the Delete operation on the Comments entities as well.
Example - Create a record
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickEntities
. - Select
from theEntity
list. - Select the
operation, and then click Done. - In the Task Input section of the Connectors task, click
and then enter a value similar to the following in theDefault Value
field:{ "Text": "HelloDemo" }
Running this example, returns a response similar to the following in the connector task's
output variable:{ "RecordId": 29.0 }
Example - Update a record
- In the
Configure connector task
dialog, clickEntities
. - Select
from theEntity
list. - Select the
operation, and then click Done. - In the Task Input section of the Connectors task, click
and then enter a value similar to the following in theDefault Value
field:{ "Text_area": "updatedemo" }
- Click entityId, and then enter
in the Default Value field.Running this example, returns a response similar to the following in the connector task's
output variable:{ "RecordId": "22" }
Use terraform to create connections
You can use the Terraform resource to create a new connection.To learn how to apply or remove a Terraform configuration, see Basic Terraform commands.
To view a sample terraform template for connection creation, see sample template.
When creating this connection by using Terraform, you must set the following variables in your Terraform configuration file:
Parameter name | Data type | Required | Description |
allow_special_characters | BOOLEAN | False | Determines whether or not to allow special characters. If true special characters will not be replaced. |
check_for_subtables_in | STRING | True | A comma-separated list of Kintone apps to retrieve subtables from. |
guest_space_id | STRING | False | Restrict query results to a guest space. |
number_map_to_double | BOOLEAN | False | Determines whether or not to change the datatype of number fields from decimal to double. |
subtable_separator_character | STRING | True | The character used for dividing tables from subtables in the format tablename + char + subtable. |
use_code_for_field_name | BOOLEAN | False | Determines whether to use Label or Code for Field Name. |
use_cursor | BOOLEAN | False | Boolean determining if cursors should be used to retrieve records. |
user_defined_views | STRING | False | A filepath pointing to the JSON configuration file containing your custom views. |
proxy_enabled | BOOLEAN | False | Select this checkbox to configure a proxy server for the connection. |
proxy_auth_scheme | ENUM | False | The authentication type to use to authenticate to the ProxyServer proxy. Supported values are: BASIC, DIGEST, NONE |
proxy_user | STRING | False | A user name to be used to authenticate to the ProxyServer proxy. |
proxy_password | SECRET | False | A password to be used to authenticate to the ProxyServer proxy. |
proxy_ssltype | ENUM | False | The SSL type to use when connecting to the ProxyServer proxy. Supported values are: AUTO, ALWAYS, NEVER, TUNNEL |
Use the Kintone connection in an integration
After you create the connection, it becomes available in both Apigee Integration and Application Integration. You can use the connection in an integration through the Connectors task.
- To understand how to create and use the Connectors task in Apigee Integration, see Connectors task.
- To understand how to create and use the Connectors task in Application Integration, see Connectors task.
Get help from the Google Cloud community
You can post your questions and discuss this connector in the Google Cloud community at Cloud Forums.What's next
- Understand how to suspend and resume a connection.
- Understand how to monitor connector usage.
- Understand how to view connector logs.