
BackupRepositoryManager is the Schema for the backuprepositorymanagers API

Appears in: - BackupRepositoryManagerList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string BackupRepositoryManager
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec BackupRepositoryManagerSpec
status BackupRepositoryManagerStatus


BackupRepositoryManagerList contains a list of BackupRepositoryManager

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string BackupRepositoryManagerList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items BackupRepositoryManager array


BackupRepositoryManagerSpec defines the desired state of BackupRepositoryManager

Appears in: - BackupRepositoryManager

Field Description
backupRepositorySpec BackupRepositorySpec BackupRepositorySpec contains all the details needed to create a backup repository inside a user cluster. Note that the ImportPolicy field of the BackupRepositorySpec will not be honored here. The created BackupRepository will be "ReadWrite" if the cluster it is being created in is the ReadWriteCluster. It will be "ReadOnly" if the cluster it is being created in exists in the ReadOnlyClusters list. This field is immutable.
readWriteCluster NamespacedName ReadWriteCluster specifies the single cluster ( which has permission to create a ReadWrite backup repository using the data in the BackupRepositorySpec field. A ReadWrite repository can be used to schedule/create Backups, BackupPlans, and Restores, and is effectively owned by the cluster it is created in. NOTE: A BackupRepository can only be used as ReadWrite by at most one k8s cluster. This field is mutable.
readOnlyClusters NamespacedName array ReadOnlyClusters specifies the list of clusters ( which have permission to create a ReadOnly backup repository using the data in the BackupRepositorySpec field. A ReadOnly repository can only be used to import and view backups. No new backups/resources can be created in this repository, but restores can use and reference read-only backups for restoration. Intended to import backups from another cluster for a cross-cluster restore. There is no restriction on how often a BackupRepository can be used as ReadOnly. This field is mutable.


BackupRepositoryManagerStatus defines the observed state of BackupRepositoryManager

Appears in: - BackupRepositoryManager

Field Description
backupCount integer BackupCount is the total number of backups that have been created inside the storage bucket that the BackupRepositorySpec points to.
backupPlanCount integer BackupPlanCount is the total number of backup plans that have been created inside the storage bucket that the BackupRepositorySpec points to.
restoreCount integer RestoreCount is the total number of restores that have been created inside the storage bucket that the BackupRepositorySpec points to.
restorePlanCount integer RestorePlanCount is the total number of restore plans that have been created inside the storage bucket that the BackupRepositorySpec points to.
clusterStatuses ClusterStatus array ClusterStatuses contains the current status in regard to creating the desired backup repository in each cluster. The list will contain an entry for all clusters specified in the ReadOnlyClusters list as well as the ReadWriteCluster. The backup repository being successfully created in a cluster is indicated by its entry in the ClusterStatuses array having the "Ready" condition as "True", otherwise it will be "False".
conditions Condition Conditions indicates whether or not the Backup Repository Manager and its created backup repositories are in a healthy state.
errorStatus ErrorStatus The most recent errors from reconciliation with the observed times included.


Represents the retention policy for a Backup

Appears in: - ClusterBackupSpec

Field Description
deleteLockDays integer The number of days from the creation of this backup backup for which deletion is blocked. For backups created automatically from a backup schedule, this field is set to the value of ClusterBackupPlan.RetentionPolicy.backup_delete_block_days. For backups created manually that leave this field unspecified, the service assigns the value of ClusterBackupPlan.RetentionPolicy.backup_delete_block_days. If a backup is created where the value of this field is less than the value of ClusterBackupPlan.RetentionPolicy.backup_delete_block_days, an invalid response is returned from the service. This field must be an integer value between 0-90. This field must only be increased by an update request, or an invalid response is returned by the service. Note, this field only applies to backups with a Succeeded state.
retainDays integer The number of days to keep this cluster backup for, after which it is automatically deleted. This is calculated from the create_time of the cluster backup. If this field is not specified or set to 0, it means the backup is not automatically deleted. For cluster backups automatically created from a schedule, this field is assigned the value of ClusterBackupPlan.RetentionPolicy.backup_retain_days. For backups created manually that leave this field unspecified, the service assigns the value of ClusterBackupPlan.RetentionPolicy.backup_retain_days. If a backup is created where the value of this field is less than the value of delete_lock_days, an invalid response is returned by the service. This field must only be increased by an update request, or an invalid response is returned by the service.


Appears in: - ClusterBackupList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ClusterBackup
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec ClusterBackupSpec
status ClusterBackupStatus


Represents an inner message type that defines the configuration of creating a backup from this backup plan.

Appears in: - ClusterBackupPlanSpec - ClusterBackupSpec

Field Description
backupScope BackupScope The resource selection scope of a backup. Examples include all_namespaces, selected namespaces, and selected applications. You must specify a single value for backup_scope. The BackupScope value must be one of the following types: BackupConfig_AllNamespaces, BackupConfig_SelectedNamespaces, or BackupConfig_SelectedApplications.
clusterBackupRepositoryName string The name of the ClusterBackupRepositoryRef resource identifying the secondary storage for this ClusterBackupPlan resource.
includeVolumeData boolean Specifies whether volume data is backed up. If unset, the default is false.
includeSecrets boolean Specifies whether secrets are backed up. If unset, the default is false.
volumeStrategy VolumeStrategy The type of volume backup to perform.


Represents a list of cluster backups.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ClusterBackupList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items ClusterBackup array


Appears in: - ClusterBackupPlanList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ClusterBackupPlan
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec ClusterBackupPlanSpec
status BackupPlanStatus


Represents a list of ClusterBackups

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ClusterBackupPlanList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items ClusterBackupPlan array


Represents an API that wraps around the backupv1.BackupPlan custom resource. They are mostly identical, but there are some fields that are selectively omitted.

Appears in: - ClusterBackupPlan

Field Description
targetCluster TargetCluster The cluster that will backed up.
backupSchedule Schedule The scheduled backup creation under this backup plan.
clusterBackupConfig ClusterBackupConfig The backup configuration of this backup plan.
retentionPolicy RetentionPolicy The lifecycle of backups created under this plan.
description string A user-specified descriptive string for this backup plan.
deactivated boolean Specifies whether the plan has been deactivated. Setting this field to "true" locks the plan meaning no further updates are allowed, including changes to the deactivated field. It also prevents new backups from being created under this plan, both manually or scheduled. Default to "false".


Defines the schema for the ClusterBackupRepository API.

Appears in: - ClusterBackupRepositoryList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ClusterBackupRepository
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec ClusterBackupRepositorySpec
status ClusterBackupRepositoryStatus


Contains a list of ClusterBackupRepository resources.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ClusterBackupRepositoryList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items ClusterBackupRepository array


Defines the desired state of the ClusterBackupRepositorySpec resource.

Appears in: - ClusterBackupRepository

Field Description
secretReference SecretReference A reference to an Access Secret which is dependent on your storage system of choice. This Secret is used requests to this endpoint. For example, an S3 Access Secret.
endpoint string The endpoint used to access the cluster backup repository.
type RepositoryType The type of the cluster backup repository. For example, S3 or Google Cloud Storage. This tells the agent which storage system or API to use.
s3Options S3Options The data used for configuring access to an S3-compatible BackupRepo resource.
importPolicy ImportPolicy The policy that determines whether this backup repository is read-only or read-write.
force boolean Specifies the action that a read-write backup repository takes if the storage bucket that it is initialized with has already been claimed by a different backup repository. If True, the new backup repository still claims ownership of the storage bucket by replacing the existing sentinel file with its own sentinel file. If False, the creation of the new backup repository fails with an error. The default value is False. This must only be used if the sentinel file that is overridden no longer has a backup repository, otherwise that backup repository enters an error state which might cause undesired side effects.


Defines the observed state of ClusterBackupRepository resource.

Appears in: - ClusterBackupRepository

Field Description
sentinelEtag string A field that connects a backup repository to the sentinel file that it owns.
reconciliationError ReconciliationError The errors that have occurred during the most recent reconciliation attempt for the backup repository.
reconciliationErrorMessage string The error messages that might have occurred during reconciliation.
errorStatus ErrorStatus The most recent errors from reconciliation with the observed times included.
conditions Condition array Specifies the status of the cluster backup repository. Supported conditions include InitialImportDone.


Represents an API that wraps around the backupv1.Backup custom resource. They are mostly identical, but there are some fields that are selectively omitted.

Appears in: - ClusterBackup

Field Description
targetCluster TargetCluster The name of the cluster that will backed up.
clusterBackupPlanName string The name of the cluster backup plan from which this backup was created.
backupConfig ClusterBackupConfig A configuration that is used when this backup is generated from the given backup plan. This must be copied from the cluster backup plan that this cluster backup was generated by, rather than a reference. This field must not be set by the user, and must only be set by the backup plan scheduler and the ManualBackupRequest resource.
description string An optional string description of the backup. This field has no impact on functionality.
manual boolean Specifies whether the cluster backup resource was created manually. If True, this backup has been created manually, If False, this cluster backup has been created automatically from the backup plan schedule.
retentionPolicy BackupRetentionPolicy Retention policy for the Backup.


Defines the observed state of a cluster backup.

Appears in: - ClusterBackup

Field Description
clusterMetadata ClusterMetadata The metadata of the cluster.
conditions Condition array Specifies the status of the cluster backup. Supported conditions include JobCreated.
jobCreated boolean Specifies whether a backup job has been created for this cluster backup.
state BackupState The current state of the cluster backup.
stateReason string A human-readable description of why the backup is in the current state.
errorStatus ErrorStatus The most recent errors with the observed times included.
createTime Time The timestamp of when this backup resource was created. This can be converted to and from RFC 3339.
updateTime Time The timestamp of when this cluster backup was last updated. This can be converted to and from RFC 3339.
resourceCount integer The total number of resources backed up.
volumeCount integer The total number of volumes backed up.
sizeBytes integer The total size, measured in bytes.
podCount integer The total number of workload pods backed up.
deleteLockExpireTime Time The time when the deletion lock will expire. This is an output only field calculated from the combined value of create_time and delete_lock_days, and is updated accordingly when the delete_lock_days field of a cluster backup is updated. Note, this field only applies to cluster backups with a Succeeded state.
retainExpireTime Time The time when the cluster backup is automatically deleted. It's an output only field calculated from the combined value of create_time and retain_days, and is updated accordingly when the retain_days field of a cluster backup has been updated.
completeTime Time The completion time of the cluster backup.


Defines the schema for the ClusterRestore API.

Appears in: - ClusterRestoreList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ClusterRestore
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec ClusterRestoreSpec
status ClusterRestoreStatus


Defines the configuration of a ClusterRestore.

Appears in: - ClusterRestorePlanSpec - ClusterRestoreSpec

Field Description
volumeDataRestorePolicy VolumeDataRestorePolicy The policy to use for volume data restoration. Provides a default value of NO_VOLUME_DATA_RESTORATION if no value is specified.
clusterResourceConflictPolicy ClusterResourceConflictPolicy The policy that resolves conflicts when restoring cluster-scoped resources. This request is invalid if this field has a value of CLUSTER_RESOURCE_CONFLICT_POLICY_UNSPECIFIED and cluster_resource_restore_scope is specified.
namespacedResourceRestoreMode NamespacedResourceRestoreMode The restoration mode to use for namespaced resources. The request is invalid if this field has a value of NAMESPACED_RESOURCE_RESTORE_MODE_UNSPECIFIED and namespaced_resource_restore_scope is specified.
clusterResources ClusterResourceSelection The non-namespaced resources to be restored. If this field is not specified, no cluster resource is restored. Note, even though PersistentVolume resources are non-namespaced, they are handled separately. See the VolumeDataRestorePolicy resource for details. Specifying a PersistentVolume GroupKind in this list does not determine whether a PersistentVolume is restored.
namespacedResourceAllowlist GroupKind array The specific namespaced resources to restore. If defined, only the resources defined in this allowlist are restored.
namespacedResourceRestoreScope BackupScope The selected namespace resources to restore. One of the entries must be specified along with a valid Type. The Type values that are valid to be assigned to restoreScope are AllNamespaces, SelectedNamespaces, or SelectedApplications.
substitutionRules SubstitutionRule array The rules followed during the substitution of backed-up Kubernetes resources. An empty list means no substitution will occur. Substitution rules are applied sequentially in the order defined. This order matters, as changes made by a rule may impact the matching logic of the subsequent rule. Only one of SubstitutionRules or TransformationRules can be specified for a given restore operation.
transformationRules TransformationRule array The rules followed during the transformation of backed-up Kubernetes resources. An empty list means no transformation will happen. Transformation rules are applied sequentially in the order defined. This order matters, as changes made by a rule may impact the matching logic of a subsequent rule. Only one of SubstitutionRules or TransformationRules can be specified for a given restore operation.
clusterBackupRepositoryRef string The name of the cluster backup repository which identifies the repository for the restore resource. This field must be attached in read-write mode. If this field is not supplied then it will be selected using the following logic: 1. If the backup that we are performing the restore on points to a read-write repository in the current cluster, this repository is selected. 2. If the backup that we are performing a restore on points to a read-only repository, any read-write repository from the cluster is selected and used.


Represents a list of cluster restores.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ClusterRestoreList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items ClusterRestore array


Defines the schema for the ClusterRestorePlan API.

Appears in: - ClusterRestorePlanList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ClusterRestorePlan
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec ClusterRestorePlanSpec
status RestorePlanStatus


Represents a list of ClusterRestorePlan resources.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ClusterRestorePlanList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items ClusterRestorePlan array


Represents an API that wraps around the backupv1.RestorePlan custom resource. They are mostly identical, but there are some fields that are selectively omitted. Defines the desired state of the 'ClusterRestorePlan'.

Appears in: - ClusterRestorePlan

Field Description
targetCluster TargetCluster The cluster where data will be restored.
clusterBackupPlanName string The name of the cluster backup plan from which cluster backups may be used as the source for cluster restores created using this ClusterRestorePlan. This field is required and immutable.
clusterRestoreConfig ClusterRestoreConfig The cluster restore configuration of this cluster restore plan.
description string A user-specified descriptive string for this cluster restore plan.


Represents an API that wraps around the backupv1.Restore custom resource. Defines the desired state of a ClusterRestore.

Appears in: - ClusterRestore

Field Description
targetCluster TargetCluster The cluster where data will be restored.
clusterBackupName string The name of the cluster backup, which must be in the same namespace as the cluster restore.
clusterRestorePlanName string The name of the cluster restore plan from which this cluster restore inherited its ClusterRestoreConfig resource.
clusterRestoreConfig ClusterRestoreConfig The configuration of the cluster restore.
description string An optional description of the cluster restore. This has no impact on functionality.
filter Filter Filter can be used to further refine the resource selection of the cluster restore beyond the coarse-grained scope defined in the ClusterRestorePlan.


Defines the observed state of a cluster restore.

Appears in: - ClusterRestore

Field Description
conditions Condition array Specifies the status of the cluster restore. Supported conditions include JobCreated.
state RestoreState The current state of the cluster restore.
stateReason string A human-readable description of why the cluster restore is in the current state.
errorStatus ErrorStatus The most recent errors with the observed times included.
resourcesRestoredCount integer The number of resources restored in this cluster restore action.
resourcesExcludedCount integer The number of resources excluded in this cluster restore action.
resourcesFailedCount integer The number of resources that failed to be restored in this cluster restore action.
restoredVolumesCount integer The number of volumes restored in this cluster restore action.
startTime Time The create time of the cluster restore process.
completeTime Time The end time of the cluster restore process.


ClusterStatus contains backup repository creation status for a given cluster.

Appears in: - BackupRepositoryManagerStatus

Field Description
cluster NamespacedName
conditions Condition array


Defines the schema for the ClusterVolumeBackup API.

Appears in: - ClusterVolumeBackupList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ClusterVolumeBackup
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec ClusterVolumeBackupSpec
status ClusterVolumeBackupStatus


Contains a list of ClusterVolumeBackup resources.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ClusterVolumeBackupList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items ClusterVolumeBackup array


Defines the desired state of a cluster volume backup.

Appears in: - ClusterVolumeBackup

Field Description
cluster TargetCluster The name of the cluster that this cluster volume backup maintains data for.
clusterBackupName string The name of the associated backup. Each cluster volume backup must be associated with a backup. It will always be in the same namespace.
clusterBackupPlanName string The name of the backup plan from which the asssociated backup was created. It will always be in the same namespace.
sourcePVC TypedObjectReference The source persistent volume claim from which the cluster volume backup is taken from.


Defines the observed state of a cluster volume backup.

Appears in: - ClusterVolumeBackup

Field Description
volumeBackupHandle string An underlying cluster volume backup handle, which uniquely identifies a cluster volume backup inside of a backup repository. This handle doesn't have a unified format and is treated as an opaque string.
format VolumeBackupFormat A cluster volume backup format. For example, PD, Portable, etc.
storageBytes integer The size of the cluster volume backup in the backup storage. For incremental backups this value may dynamically change if one of the previous volume backups was deleted.
diskSizeBytes integer The minimum size of the disk to which this volume backup can be restored.
state VolumeBackupState The current state of the volume backup.
message string A human-readable message indicating details about why the backup is in this state.
completeTime Time The timestamp when this ClusterVolumeBackup resource was completed in the text format of RFC 3339.


Represents an API that wraps around the backupv1.VolumeRestore custom resource. Defines the schema for the ClusterVolumeRestore API.

Appears in: - ClusterVolumeRestoreList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ClusterVolumeRestore
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec ClusterVolumeRestoreSpec
status VolumeRestoreStatus


Represents a list of ClusterVolumeRestore resources.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ClusterVolumeRestoreList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items ClusterVolumeRestore array


Defines the desired state of a cluster volume restore.

Appears in: - ClusterVolumeRestore

Field Description
targetCluster TargetCluster The name of the cluster where volume will be restored.
clusterRestoreName string The name of the cluster restore resource that created this cluster volume restore.
clusterVolumeBackupName string The name of the cluster volume backup resource that we are restoring.
targetPvc NamespacedName The target PersistentVolumeClaim resource to be restored.


Defines the schema for the DeleteClusterBackupRequest API.

Appears in: - DeleteClusterBackupRequestList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string DeleteClusterBackupRequest
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec DeleteClusterBackupRequestSpec
status DeleteClusterBackupRequestStatus


Contains a list of DeleteBackupRequest resources.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string DeleteClusterBackupRequestList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items DeleteClusterBackupRequest array


Defines the desired state of the DeleteClusterBackupRequest resource.

Appears in: - DeleteClusterBackupRequest

Field Description
clusterBackupRef string The name of the ClusterBackup resource to be deleted. Note, the ClusterBackup resource must exist in the same namespace as the DeleteClusterBackupRequest resource.


Defines the observed state of DeleteClusterBackupRequest resource.

Appears in: - DeleteClusterBackupRequest

Field Description
timeToExpire Time The time the resource expires.
statusField StatusFields The status of the observed state of DeleteClusterBackupRequest resource.


Defines the schema for the ManualClusterBackupRequest API.

Appears in: - ManualClusterBackupRequestList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ManualClusterBackupRequest
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec ManualClusterBackupRequestSpec
status ManualClusterBackupRequestStatus


Contains a list of ManualClusterBackupRequest resources.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ManualClusterBackupRequestList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items ManualClusterBackupRequest array


Defines the desired state of a ManualClusterBackupRequest resource.

Appears in: - ManualClusterBackupRequest

Field Description
clusterBackupName string The name of the cluster backup to be created. It is created inside of the same namespace as the ManualClusterBackupRequest resource.
clusterBackupPlanRef string The name of the cluster backup plan from which the ClusterBackupConfig resource is pulled. Note, it is expected that the cluster backup plan exists in the same namespace as the ManualClusterBackupRequest resource.
description string A user-specified descriptive string for the cluster backup created by this ManualClusterBackupRequest resource.
deleteLockDays integer The number of days from the create_time of this backup for which deletion is blocked. For backups automatically created from a schedule, this field is given the value of BackupPlan.RetentionPolicy.backup_delete_block_days. If a Backup is created with this field unspecified, it is given the value of BackupPlan.RetentionPolicy.backup_delete_block_days. If this Backup is created with this field set to a value less than the value of ClusterBackupPlan.RetentionPolicy.backup_delete_block_days, an invalid response is returned from the agent. This field must be a value within 0-90. This field must only be increased by an update request, or an invalid response is returned by the agent. Note that this field only applies to backups with a Succeeded state.
retainDays integer The number of days to keep this backup for, after which it is automatically deleted. If this field is not specified or set to 0, it means the backup is not automatically deleted. For backups automatically created from a backup schedule, this field is assigned the value of BackupPlan.RetentionPolicy.backup_default_retain_days. For created backups that leave this field unspecified, the agent uses the value of ClusterBackupPlan.RetentionPolicy.backup_default_retain_days. The creation of a backup with this field set to a value less than delete_lock_days results in an invalid response from the agent. This field must only be increased in an update request, or an invalid response is returned by the agent immediately.


Defines the observed state of a ManualClusterBackupRequest resource.

Appears in: - ManualClusterBackupRequest

Field Description
timeToExpire Time The time the resource expires.
statusField StatusFields The status of the observed state a of ManualClusterBackupRequest resource.


Defines the schema for the ManualClusterRestoreRequest API.

Appears in: - ManualClusterRestoreRequestList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ManualClusterRestoreRequest
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec ManualClusterRestoreRequestSpec
status ManualRestoreRequestStatus


Represents a list of ManualClusterRestoreRequest resources.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ManualClusterRestoreRequestList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items ManualClusterRestoreRequest array


Defines the desired state of a ManualClusterRestoreRequest resource.

Appears in: - ManualClusterRestoreRequest

Field Description
clusterRestoreName string The name of the cluster restore to be created.
clusterRestorePlanName string The name of the cluster restore plan to pull the ClusterRestoreConfig resource from.
clusterBackupName string The name of the cluster backup that is being restored. Note, it is expected that the cluster restore plan and cluster backup exist in the same namespace as the ManualClusterRestoreRequest resource.
description string A user-specified descriptive string for the cluster restore created by this ManualClusterRestoreRequest resource.
filter Filter Filter which can be used to further refine the resource selection of the cluster restore beyond the coarse-grained scope defined in the ClusterRestorePlan.


Represents a Cluster whose data will be backed up or restored.

Appears in: - ClusterBackupPlanSpec - ClusterBackupSpec - ClusterRestorePlanSpec - ClusterRestoreSpec - ClusterVolumeBackupSpec - ClusterVolumeRestoreSpec

Field Description
targetClusterType TargetClusterType The type of Cluster
targetClusterName TypedLocalObjectReference In case of a UserCluster, the name refers to a GDC Cluster inside of the same namespace under the Group Kind. For the Managemnet API, this field should be left empty.


Underlying type: string

Appears in: - TargetCluster