gdcloud artifacts vm-images package


gdcloud artifacts vm-images package - Package a VM image file into an OCI artifact.


gdcloud artifacts vm-images package SOURCE DESTINATION [flags]


To package a VM image into a format compatible with System Artifact Registry, run:

            gdcloud artifacts vm-images package SOURCE DESTINATION \
            --name IMAGE_NAME \
            --version VERSION_NUMBER \
            --os IMAGE_OS


      --limit-object-storage-distribution string   Limit the distribution of the image to object storage in specific organizations.
                                                   Set the value to "gdchservices" to only distribute the image to the
                                                   object storage of the "gdchservices" organization.
                                                   Set the value to "none" to prevent the distribution of the image to the
                                                   object storage of any organization.
                                                   If this value is empty, the image is distributed to the
                                                   object storage of all organizations.
      --minimum-disk-size string                   Minimum size of the disk this image can be used on. For example, 10GB.
      --name string                                Name of the VM image.
      --node-vm-image                              If set, the VM image is a GDC air-gapped internal cluster node image.
      --os string                                  Operating system of the image. Must be one of: [rhel-8 rocky-linux-8 rocky-linux-9 ubuntu-2004 ubuntu-2204 ubuntu-2404 windows-10 windows-2019]
      --version string                             Version of the VM image. For example, 0.1.


These flags are available to all commands: --configuration, --format, --help, --project, --quiet.

For more information, see the gdcloud CLI reference overview page.