Contains API Schema definitions for the Marketplace API group.


Underlying type: string IconType represents the type of icon asset.

Appears in: - ServiceDescriptionSpec


ServiceDescription represents a description of a Marketplace service.

Appears in: - ServiceDescriptionList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ServiceDescription
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec ServiceDescriptionSpec


ServiceDescriptionDetails defines the fields available for a given section.

Appears in: - ServiceDescriptionSpec

Field Description
details string Description details HTML-formatted section.
url string Description URL, if available.


Represents a collection of ServiceDescription custom resources.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ServiceDescriptionList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items ServiceDescription array


ServiceDescriptionSpec defines a service description of a Marketplace service.

Appears in: - ServiceDescription

Field Description
serviceName string Selector value corresponding to "" label.
displayName string Display name for this service.
vendor string Vendor for this service.
description string Short description for this service.
serviceType string Type of this service for Overview page.
iconType IconType Type of icon asset.
iconSource string Source data for the icon asset, e.g. base64-encoded image.
overview string Service overview HTML-formatted section.
pricing ServiceDescriptionDetails Service pricing HTML-formatted section.
support string Service support HTML-formatted section.
terms ServiceDescriptionDetails Service terms HTML-formatted section.
contactInfo string Service contact info HTML-formatted section.
documentation ServiceDescriptionDetails Service documentation details.
categories string array Additional details for "Categories".


Represents an installed instance of a Marketplace service.

Appears in: - ServiceInstanceList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ServiceInstance
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec ServiceInstanceSpec
status ServiceInstanceStatus


Represents a collection of ServiceInstance custom resources.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ServiceInstanceList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items ServiceInstance array


Defines an installed instance of a Marketplace service.

Appears in: - ServiceInstance

Field Description
serviceVersionRef NamespacedName ServiceVersionRef references the ServiceVersion for this instance.
clusterRef NamespacedName The name of the cluster to install the service instance.
parameters JSON The parameters to configure for the service instance. This can contain arbitrary JSON data.


Defines the observed state of a Marketplace service instance.

Appears in: - ServiceInstance

Field Description
installedVersion string The currently running version. An empty string indicates no version is installed.
conditions Condition array The indicator for whether the installation is successful, or if any errors occurred.
errorStatus ErrorStatus ErrorStatus holds the most recent errors with the observed times included.


Represents a single version of a Marketplace service.

Appears in: - ServiceVersionList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ServiceVersion
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec ServiceVersionSpec


Represents a collection of ServiceVersion custom resources.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ServiceVersionList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items ServiceVersion array


Defines an available version of a Marketplace service.

Appears in: - ServiceVersion

Field Description
version string The version of this service.
entrypoint string The name of the Helm chart whose lifecycle will be managed.
defaultConfiguration string The default configuration of the Helm chart values.