Contains API Schema definitions for the Cluster group.


Appears in: - NodePool

Field Description
gpuPartitionScheme string GPUPartitionScheme indicates the scheme that will be used to partition the GPUs into MIGs. This scheme and GPU DeviceModel jointly decide the MIG profiles. For example, mixed-1 on H100L 94GB together determines GPU to be partitioned into one 4g.47gb and one 3g.47gb.


Underlying type: string Indicates a specific type of release channel.

Appears in: - ReleaseChannel


Specifies a GDC user cluster in an air-gapped configuration.

Appears in: - ClusterList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string Cluster
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec ClusterSpec
status ClusterStatus


Represents a collection of clusters.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ClusterList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items Cluster array


Specifies the cluster network configuration.

Appears in: - ClusterSpec

Field Description
podCIDRSize integer The size of network ranges from which pod virtual IP addresses are allocated. If unset, a default value 21 is used.
serviceCIDRSize integer The size of network ranges from which service virtual IP addresses are allocated. If unset, a default value 23 is used.


Appears in: - Cluster

Field Description
initialVersion ClusterVersion The GDC air-gapped version information of the user cluster during cluster creation. Optional. Default to use the latest applicable version. Immutable.
releaseChannel ReleaseChannel The release channel a cluster is subscribed to. When a cluster is subscribed to a release channel, GDC maintains the cluster versions for users. Optional. Mutable.
clusterNetwork ClusterNetwork The cluster network configuration. If unset, the default configurations with pod and service CIDR sizes are used. Optional. Mutable.
loadBalancer LoadBalancer The load balancer configuration. If unset, the default configuration with the ingress service IP address size is used. Optional. Mutable.
nodePools NodePool array The list of node pools for the cluster worker nodes. Optional. Mutable.


Underlying type: string Indicates the state of the cluster.

Appears in: - ClusterStatus


Defines the observed state of the cluster.

Appears in: - Cluster

Field Description
conditions Condition array The latest observations of the cluster state. Conditions such as Reconciling and Stalled indicate whether the last cluster reconciliation succeeded.
errorStatus ErrorStatus The observed error status of the cluster.
workerNodePoolStatuses NodePoolStatus array A list of observed statuses of the worker node pools.
controlPlaneConditions Condition array Whether the control plane is ready.
componentsConditions Condition array Whether the user cluster components have successfully deployed.
versionStatus VersionStatus The installed version information of the cluster.
clusterState ClusterState The state of the cluster. The following states are available:
  • Running: the cluster has been created and is usable.
  • Reconciling: some work is actively being done on the cluster.
  • Deleting: the cluster is being deleted.
  • Error: some errors occurred while reconciling/provisioning the cluster.


Specifies the version information of a GDC user cluster in an air-gapped configuration.

Appears in: - ClusterSpec

Field Description
kubernetesVersion string The Kubernetes version of the GDC user cluster.


Specifies the load balancer configuration.

Appears in: - ClusterSpec

Field Description
ingressServiceIPSize integer The size of non-overlapping IP pools used by the load balancer typed services. If unset, a default value 20 is used.


Specifies the NodePool custom resource configuration.

Appears in: - ClusterSpec

Field Description
name string The name of the node pool.
nodeCount integer The desired number of nodes in the provisioned node pool.
machineTypeName string The name of the machine types that are used to provision nodes.
taints Taint array The taints assigned to the nodes of this node pool.
labels object (keys:string, values:string) The labels assigned to nodes of this node pool. It contains a list of key/value pairs.
acceleratorOptions AcceleratorConfig AcceleratorOptions indicates the desired configuration of accelerators within the NodePool. It's only valid if the chosen MachineType contains accelerators.


Defines the observed state of a NodePool resource.

Appears in: - ClusterStatus

Field Description
name string The name of the node pool.
conditions Condition array The latest observations of the node pool's state.
readyNodes integer The number of nodes that are ready to serve.
reconcilingNodes integer The number of nodes that are reconciling.
stalledNodes integer The number of nodes that are stalled.
unknownNodes integer The number of nodes whose statuses are unknown.
readyTimestamp Time The time a node pool is in ready status. This value will never change once it's set.
kubernetesVersion string The version of Kubernetes running on this node pool's nodes.


Indicates which release channel a cluster is subscribed to.

Appears in: - ClusterSpec

Field Description
channel Channel If unset, defaults to be UNSPECIFIED.


Represents the configuration of a user cluster upgrade request, such as the cluster reference and the target Kubernetes version.

Appears in: - UserClusterUpgradeRequestList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string UserClusterUpgradeRequest
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec UserClusterUpgradeRequestSpec
status UserClusterUpgradeRequestStatus


Represents a collection of UserClusterUpgradeRequest resources.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string UserClusterUpgradeRequestList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items UserClusterUpgradeRequest array


Provides the specification, such as the desired state, of a UserClusterUpgradeRequest resource.

Appears in: - UserClusterUpgradeRequest

Field Description
clusterRef LocalObjectReference A reference to the GDC user cluster object to which the upgrade applies.
targetVersion string The target Kubernetes user cluster version.


Appears in: - UserClusterUpgradeRequest

Field Description
conditions Condition array The current upgrade state. Known condition types: Succeeded.
startTime Time The observed start time for the current upgrade.


Defines the installed version information of the cluster.

Appears in: - ClusterStatus

Field Description
componentVersion string The component version of the cluster.
kubernetesVersion string The Kubernetes version of the cluster.