Contains API Schema definitions for the Cluster group.
Appears in: - NodePool
Field | Description |
gpuPartitionScheme string |
GPUPartitionScheme indicates the scheme that will be used to partition the GPUs into MIGs. This scheme and GPU DeviceModel jointly decide the MIG profiles. For example, mixed-1 on H100L 94GB together determines GPU to be partitioned into one 4g.47gb and one 3g.47gb. |
Underlying type: string
Indicates a specific type of release channel.
Appears in: - ReleaseChannel
Specifies a GDC user cluster in an air-gapped configuration.
Appears in: - ClusterList
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string |
Cluster |
metadata ObjectMeta |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec ClusterSpec |
status ClusterStatus |
Represents a collection of clusters.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string |
ClusterList |
metadata ListMeta |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items Cluster array |
Specifies the cluster network configuration.
Appears in: - ClusterSpec
Field | Description |
podCIDRSize integer |
The size of network ranges from which pod virtual IP addresses are allocated. If unset, a default value 21 is used. |
serviceCIDRSize integer |
The size of network ranges from which service virtual IP addresses are allocated. If unset, a default value 23 is used. |
Appears in: - Cluster
Field | Description |
initialVersion ClusterVersion |
The GDC air-gapped version information of the user cluster during cluster creation. Optional. Default to use the latest applicable version. Immutable. |
releaseChannel ReleaseChannel |
The release channel a cluster is subscribed to. When a cluster is subscribed to a release channel, GDC maintains the cluster versions for users. Optional. Mutable. |
clusterNetwork ClusterNetwork |
The cluster network configuration. If unset, the default configurations with pod and service CIDR sizes are used. Optional. Mutable. |
loadBalancer LoadBalancer |
The load balancer configuration. If unset, the default configuration with the ingress service IP address size is used. Optional. Mutable. |
nodePools NodePool array |
The list of node pools for the cluster worker nodes. Optional. Mutable. |
Underlying type: string
Indicates the state of the cluster.
Appears in: - ClusterStatus
Defines the observed state of the cluster.
Appears in: - Cluster
Field | Description |
conditions Condition array |
The latest observations of the cluster state. Conditions such as Reconciling and Stalled indicate whether the last cluster reconciliation succeeded. |
errorStatus ErrorStatus |
The observed error status of the cluster. |
workerNodePoolStatuses NodePoolStatus array |
A list of observed statuses of the worker node pools. |
controlPlaneConditions Condition array |
Whether the control plane is ready. |
componentsConditions Condition array |
Whether the user cluster components have successfully deployed. |
versionStatus VersionStatus |
The installed version information of the cluster. |
clusterState ClusterState |
The state of the cluster. The following states are available:
Specifies the version information of a GDC user cluster in an air-gapped configuration.
Appears in: - ClusterSpec
Field | Description |
kubernetesVersion string |
The Kubernetes version of the GDC user cluster. |
Specifies the load balancer configuration.
Appears in: - ClusterSpec
Field | Description |
ingressServiceIPSize integer |
The size of non-overlapping IP pools used by the load balancer typed services. If unset, a default value 20 is used. |
Specifies the NodePool
custom resource configuration.
Appears in: - ClusterSpec
Field | Description |
name string |
The name of the node pool. |
nodeCount integer |
The desired number of nodes in the provisioned node pool. |
machineTypeName string |
The name of the machine types that are used to provision nodes. |
taints Taint array |
The taints assigned to the nodes of this node pool. |
labels object (keys:string, values:string) |
The labels assigned to nodes of this node pool. It contains a list of key/value pairs. |
acceleratorOptions AcceleratorConfig |
AcceleratorOptions indicates the desired configuration of accelerators within the NodePool. It's only valid if the chosen MachineType contains accelerators. |
Defines the observed state of a NodePool
Appears in: - ClusterStatus
Field | Description |
name string |
The name of the node pool. |
conditions Condition array |
The latest observations of the node pool's state. |
readyNodes integer |
The number of nodes that are ready to serve. |
reconcilingNodes integer |
The number of nodes that are reconciling. |
stalledNodes integer |
The number of nodes that are stalled. |
unknownNodes integer |
The number of nodes whose statuses are unknown. |
readyTimestamp Time |
The time a node pool is in ready status. This value will never change once it's set. |
kubernetesVersion string |
The version of Kubernetes running on this node pool's nodes. |
Indicates which release channel a cluster is subscribed to.
Appears in: - ClusterSpec
Field | Description |
channel Channel |
If unset, defaults to be UNSPECIFIED . |
Represents the configuration of a user cluster upgrade request, such as the cluster reference and the target Kubernetes version.
Appears in: - UserClusterUpgradeRequestList
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string |
UserClusterUpgradeRequest |
metadata ObjectMeta |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec UserClusterUpgradeRequestSpec |
status UserClusterUpgradeRequestStatus |
Represents a collection of UserClusterUpgradeRequest
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string |
UserClusterUpgradeRequestList |
metadata ListMeta |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items UserClusterUpgradeRequest array |
Provides the specification, such as the desired state, of a
Appears in: - UserClusterUpgradeRequest
Field | Description |
clusterRef LocalObjectReference |
A reference to the GDC user cluster object to which the upgrade applies. |
targetVersion string |
The target Kubernetes user cluster version. |
Appears in: - UserClusterUpgradeRequest
Field | Description |
conditions Condition array |
The current upgrade state. Known condition types: Succeeded. |
startTime Time |
The observed start time for the current upgrade. |
Defines the installed version information of the cluster.
Appears in: - ClusterStatus
Field | Description |
componentVersion string |
The component version of the cluster. |
kubernetesVersion string |
The Kubernetes version of the cluster. |