Manage service accounts

Service accounts are the accounts that workloads or services use to programmatically consume resources and access microservices securely. They are a special kind of identity used by an application or workload rather than by a person. Similar to a user account, service accounts can be granted permissions and roles but they can't sign in like a human user.

Service accounts are useful for managing Google Distributed Cloud (GDC) air-gapped infrastructure, such as:

  • Internal Distributed Cloud services and workloads to securely access Distributed Cloud control plane application programming interface (API). For example, Database Services interacting with the Kubernetes APIs to create and delete databases.
  • Customer workloads in Distributed Cloud to access Distributed Cloud services and make authorized application programming interface (API) calls. For example, service accounts can manage a customer using a Vertex AI Workbench notebook to transcribe audio files using the Speech-to-Text API.
  • External workloads to federate with Distributed Cloud. For example, service accounts can manage an application external to Distributed Cloud that digitizes documents but wants to use the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) API to replace their current OCR engine.
  • Distributed Cloud services or system controllers to securely access customer resources or user clusters. For example, service accounts can manage authentication and authorization workflows where the service controllers running in admin clusters need to run workloads within the user clusters that are managed by customers.

You can manage accounts by using the GDC console or the gdcloud CLI. With the gdcloud CLI, the service identity feature is built upon the global ProjectServiceAccount API. Because service accounts are configured globally, they operate across all zones in your gdcloud universe.

Before you begin

You can create service accounts only within a project. For more information about creating a project, see Create a project.

Create a service identity

To get the permissions required to create service accounts, ask your Project IAM Admin to grant you the Project IAM Admin (project-iam-admin) role.

Users with access to service accounts can access all service accounts within a project.

To create service accounts in a project, use the GDC console or the gdcloud CLI.


  1. Sign in to the GDC console.
  2. In the navigation menu, select Identity & Access > Service identities.
  3. Click Create Service Identity. The Service Identity details page opens.
  4. In the Service identity name field, enter a name for your service identity. For example: testserviceidentity.
  5. Click Create.


Create a service identity:

gdcloud iam service-accounts create NAME \

Replace the following values:

  • NAME: the name of the ProjectServiceAccount. The name must be unique within the project namespace.
  • PROJECT: the project to create the service identity in. If gdcloud init is already set, omit the --project flag.

This command creates a ProjectServiceAccount in the project namespace on the Management API server.


  1. Create a ProjectServiceAccount custom resource YAML file, such as my-project-sa.yaml:

    kind: ProjectServiceAccount
      name: NAME
      namespace: PROJECT
      - algorithm: ALGORITHM
      id: KEY_ID
      key: KEY
      validAfter: "START_TIME"
      validBefore: "EXPIRATION_TIME"

    Replace the following variables:

    • NAME: the name of the ProjectServiceAccount resource. The name must be unique within the project namespace.
    • PROJECT: the project to create the service identity in.
    • ALGORITHM: the algorithm of the key. Only ES256 keys are supported.
    • KEY_ID: the unique identifier of the key. The ID is used to determine which key to verify against.
    • KEY: the base64-encoded public key to verify against.
    • START_TIME: the start time when the key becomes valid, such as 2025-02-07T00:59:34Z.
    • EXPIRATION_TIME: the expiration time for the key, such as 2026-02-07T00:59:34Z.
  2. Apply the ProjectServiceAccount custom resource to the global API server:

    kubectl --kubeconfig GLOBAL_API_SERVER_KUBECONFIG apply -f my-project-sa.yaml

    Replace the GLOBAL_API_SERVER_KUBECONFIG variable with the path to the kubeconfig file for the global API server.

View service identities

To view a list of service accounts in a project, use the GDC console or the gdcloud CLI.


  1. Sign in to the GDC console.
  2. Select a project.
  3. In the navigation menu, click Identity & Access > Service Identities to view the list of service accounts for the project.


List the service accounts in a project:

gdcloud iam service-accounts list \

Assign a role binding to the service identity

To assign a role binding, you must have the proper permissions. To get the permissions required to assign roles, ask your Project IAM Admin to grant you the Project IAM Admin (project-iam-admin) role.

Use either the GDC console or the gdcloud CLI to assign a role binding.


  1. Sign in to the GDC console.
  2. Select a project.
  3. In the navigation menu, select Identity & Access > Access.
  4. In the Member list, click Add member. You see the Users and roles page.
  5. Select Service identity in the Member type list.
  6. In the Service identity list, select the service identity you want to assign a role binding.
  7. In the Role list, select the role that you want to assign to the service identity, such as Backup Creator.
  8. Optional: To add another role, click Add another role. Select the additional role.
  9. Click Add.


This command creates and names the project role binding to bind the specified role with the ProjectServiceAccount on the Management API server:

gdcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding \
    --project=PROJECT \
    --role=ROLE \
    --role-namespace=ROLE_NAMESPACE \

Replace the following values:

  • PROJECT: the project to create the role binding in. If gdcloud init is already set, then you can omit the --project flag.
  • ROLE: the predefined role to assign to the ProjectServiceAccount. Specify roles in the format Role/name where Role is the Kubernetes type IAMRole, and name is the name of the predefined role. For example, to assign the Project Viewer role, set the role to IAMRole/project-viewer.
  • ROLE_NAMESPACE: the namespace of the role to bind with the service account. This is only applicable if your universe has multiple zones.
  • NAME: the name of the service identity to use.

Delete a service identity

To delete service accounts in a project, use the GDC console or the gdcloud CLI.


  1. Sign in to the GDC console.
  2. In the navigation menu, select Identity & Access > Service Identities.
  3. Select the checkbox of the service identity you want to delete.
  4. Click Delete.
  5. The confirmation dialog appears. In the Confirm by typing the following below field, enter remove.
  6. Click Delete.


Run the following command to delete a service identity:

gdcloud iam service-accounts delete NAME \

Create and add key pairs

To create and add key pairs in a project, use the GDC console or the gdcloud CLI.


  1. Sign in to the GDC console.
  2. In the navigation menu, select Identity & Access > Service Identities.
  3. Click the name of the service identity you want to add in the key.
  4. Click Create New Key.
  5. The new key appears in the Keys list, and a dialog confirms you've created the key successfully.


This command creates the application default credentials JSON file and the public and private key pairs:

gdcloud iam service-accounts keys create APPLICATION_DEFAULT_CREDENTIALS_FILENAME \
    --project=PROJECT \
    --iam-account=NAME \

Replace the following values:

  • PROJECT : selects the project to create the key for. If gdcloud init is already set, then you can omit the --project flag.
  • NAME: the name of the service identity to add the key for.
  • CA_CERTIFICATE_PATH: Optional: the certificate authority (CA) certificate path to verify the authentication endpoint. If you do not specify this path, the system CA certificates are used. You must install the CA in the system CA certificates.

Distributed Cloud adds the public key to the ProjectServiceAccount keys you use to verify the JSON web tokens (JWT) the private key signs. The private key is written to the application default credentials JSON file.

The following example shows the application default credentials JSON file:

"type": "gdch_service_account",
"format_version": "1",
"project": "project_name",
"private_key_id": "abcdef1234567890",
"private_key": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\nETC\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
"name": "service_identity_name",
"ca_cert_path": "service_identity_name",
"token_uri": "https://service-identity.<Domain>/authenticate"

This example uses the following values:

  • project: the project namespace in the organization.
  • private_key_id: the ID assigned to the key.
  • private_key: the private key the CLI generates.
  • name: the name of the service identity.
  • token_uri: the address of the authentication endpoint.

List credentials for service accounts

List the public keys from a specific ProjectServiceAccount in the project:

gdcloud iam service-accounts keys list \
    --project=PROJECT \

Delete credentials

To delete the public key, use the GDC console or the gdcloud CLI.


  1. Sign in to the GDC console.
  2. In the navigation menu, select Identity & Access > Service Identities.
  3. Click the name of the service identity that has the key you want to delete.
  4. Click Delete.
  5. In the confirmation dialog, click Delete.


Remove the public key with the key ID from the specific ProjectServiceAccount in the project:

gdcloud iam service-accounts keys delete KEY_ID \
    --project=PROJECT \