Learn about speech recognition features

Speech-to-Text is one of the three Vertex AI pre-trained APIs on Google Distributed Cloud (GDC) air-gapped. The Speech-to-Text service recognizes speech in audio files and transcribes audio into text. Speech-to-Text meets data residency and compliance requirements.

The following table describes the key capabilities of Speech-to-Text:

Key capabilities
Transcription Apply advanced deep learning neural network algorithms for automatic speech recognition.
Models Deploy recognition models that are less than 1 GB in size and consume minimal resources.
API compatible Use the Speech-to-Text API and its client libraries to send audio and receive a text transcription from the Speech-to-Text service.

Supported audio encodings for Speech-to-Text

The Speech-to-Text API supports a number of different encodings. The following table lists supported audio codecs:

Codec Name Lossless Usage notes
FLAC Free Lossless Audio Codec Yes 16-bit or 24-bit required for streams
LINEAR16 Linear PCM Yes 16-bit linear pulse-code modulation (PCM) encoding. The header must contain the sample rate.
MULAW μ-law No 8-bit PCM encoding
OGG_OPUS Opus encoded audio frames in an Ogg container No Sample rate must be one of 8000 Hz, 12000 Hz, 16000 Hz, 24000 Hz, or 48000 Hz

FLAC is both an audio codec and an audio file format. To transcribe audio files using FLAC encoding, you must provide them in the .FLAC file format, which includes a header containing metadata.

Speech-to-Text supports WAV files with LINEAR16 or MULAW encoded audio.

For more information on Speech-to-Text audio codecs, consult the AudioEncoding reference documentation.

If you have a choice when encoding the source material, use a lossless encoding such as FLAC or LINEAR16 for better speech recognition.

Speech-to-Text features

Speech-to-Text on Distributed Cloud has the following three methods to perform speech recognition:

  • Synchronous recognition: sends audio data to the Speech-to-Text API, performs recognition on that data, and returns results after audio processing. Synchronous recognition requests are limited to one minute or less of audio data.

  • Asynchronous recognition: sends audio data to the Speech-to-Text API and initiates a long-running operation. Using this operation, you can periodically poll for recognition results. Use asynchronous requests for audio data of any duration up to 480 minutes.

  • Streaming recognition: performs recognition on audio data provided within a bidirectional stream. Streaming requests are designed for real-time recognition purposes, such as capturing live audio from a microphone. Streaming recognition provides interim results while audio is being captured, allowing results to appear, for example, while a user is still speaking.

Requests contain configuration parameters and audio data. The following sections describe these recognition requests, the responses they generate, and how to handle those responses in more detail.

Synchronous requests and responses

A Speech-to-Text synchronous recognition request is the simplest method for performing recognition on speech audio data. Speech-to-Text can process up to one minute of speech audio data sent in a synchronous request. After Speech-to-Text processes and recognizes all of the audio, it returns a response.

Speech-to-Text must return a response before processing the next request. Speech-to-Text typically processes audio faster than real-time, on average processing 30 seconds of audio in 15 seconds. In cases of poor audio quality, your recognition request can take significantly longer.

Speech recognition requests

A synchronous Speech-to-Text API request comprises a speech recognition configuration and audio data. The following example shows a request:

    "config": {
        "encoding": "LINEAR16",
        "sample_rate_hertz": 16000,
        "language_code": "en-US",
    "audio": {
        "content": "ZkxhQwAAACIQABAAAAUJABtAA+gA8AB+W8FZndQvQAyjv..."

All Speech-to-Text synchronous recognition requests must include a speech recognition config field of type RecognitionConfig. A RecognitionConfig object contains the following required sub-fields:

  • encoding: specifies the encoding scheme of the supplied audio. This field is of type AudioEncoding. If you have a choice in a codec, prefer a lossless encoding such as FLAC or LINEAR16 for best performance. For a list of supported audio encoding formats, see Supported audio encodings for Speech-to-Text. The encoding field is optional for FLAC and WAV files, which include the encoding in the file header.
  • sample_rate_hertz: specifies the sample rate of the supplied audio in Hertz. For more information on sample rates, see Sample rates. The sample_rate_hertz field is optional for FLAC and WAV files, which include the sample rate in the file header.
  • language_code: contains the language and region to use for speech recognition of the supplied audio. The language code must be a BCP-47 identifier. Language codes consist of primary language tags and secondary region subtags to indicate dialects. In the example, en is for English, and US is for the United States. For a list of supported languages, see Supported languages.

For more information and a description of optional sub-fields you can include in the config field, see RecognitionConfig.

Provide audio to Speech-to-Text through the audio parameter of type RecognitionAudio. The audio field contains the following sub-field:

  • content: contains the audio to evaluate, embedded within the request. The audio data bytes are encoded using a pure binary representation. JSON representations use Base64. See Embedded audio content for more information. Audio passed directly within this field is limited to one minute in duration.

Sample rates

You specify the sample rate of your audio in the sample_rate_hertz field of the request configuration, and it must match the sample rate of the associated audio content. Speech-to-Text supports sample rates between 8000 Hz and 48000 Hz. You can specify the sample rate for a FLAC or WAV file in the file header instead of using the sample_rate_hertz field. However, the sample_rate_hertz field is required for all other audio formats.

If you have a choice when encoding the source material, capture audio using a sample rate of 16000 Hz. Lower values might impair speech recognition accuracy, and higher levels have no appreciable effect on speech recognition quality.

However, if you recorded your audio data at a sample rate other than 16000 Hz, don't resample your audio to 16000 Hz. Most legacy telephony audio, for example, uses sample rates of 8000 Hz, which might give less accurate results. If you must use such audio, provide it to the Speech-to-Text API at its original sample rate.


The recognition engine of Speech-to-Text supports a variety of languages and dialects. You specify your audio's language (and national or regional dialect) within the language_code field of the request configuration using a BCP-47 identifier.

The Supported languages page has a complete list of supported languages for each feature.

Model selection

When you send an audio transcription request to Speech-to-Text, you can process your audio files using a machine learning model trained to recognize speech audio from that particular source type.

To specify a model for speech recognition, include the model field in the RecognitionConfig object for your request, specifying the model you want to use.

Speech-to-Text on Distributed Cloud supports the following two models:

  • default: transcribe audio that is not a specific audio model, such as long-form audio.
  • chirp: transcribe multilingual audio when requiring higher accuracy. Chirp performs automatic speech recognition in many languages, even if those languages are low-resource languages that don't have a lot of labeled data available for training.

Embedded audio content

Embedded audio is included in the speech recognition request when passing a content parameter within the request's audio field. For embedded audio provided as content within a REST request, that audio must be compatible with JSON serialization.

You can send data directly in the content field for synchronous recognition only if your audio data is a maximum of 60 seconds and 10 MB. Any audio data in the content field must be in Base64 format.

When constructing a request using a client library, you write out this binary or Base64-encoded data directly within the content field.

Most development environments come with a base64 utility to encode a binary into ASCII text data, providing you with the necessary tools and support. Additionally, Python has built-in mechanisms for Base64 encoding content. The following examples show how to encode a file:


Encode the file using the base64 command line tool. Prevent line-wrapping by using the -w 0 flag:



In Python, Base64 encode audio files as follows:

# Import the base64 encoding library.
import base64

# Pass the audio data to an encoding function.
def encode_audio(audio):
  audio_content = audio.read()
  return base64.b64encode(audio_content)

Speech recognition responses

A synchronous Speech-to-Text API response might take some time to return results. Once processed, the API returns a response as in the following example:

  "results": [
      "alternatives": [
          "transcript": "how old is the Brooklyn Bridge",
          "words": [
              "word": "how"
              "word": "old"
              "word": "is"
              "word": "the"
              "word": "Brooklyn"
              "word": "Bridge"

All Speech-to-Text API synchronous recognition responses include speech recognition results of type RecognizeResponse. A RecognizeResponse object contains the following fields:

  • results: contains the list of results of type SpeechRecognitionResult, where each result corresponds to a segment of audio. Each result consists of one or more of the following sub-fields:

    • alternatives: contains a list of possible transcriptions of type SpeechRecognitionAlternative. The first alternative in the response is always the most likely. Each alternative consists of the following sub-fields:

      • transcript: contains the transcribed text. When provided with sequential alternatives, you can concatenate these transcriptions together.
      • words: contains a list of word-specific information for each recognized word.

For more information, see RecognizeResponse.

Asynchronous requests and responses

An asynchronous Speech-to-Text API request is identical in form to a synchronous request. However, instead of returning a response, the asynchronous request initiates a long-running operation and returns this operation immediately. You can use asynchronous speech recognition with audio of any length up to 480 minutes.

The following is an example of an operation response:

  "name": "OPERATION_NAME",
  "metadata": {
    "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.cloud.speech_v1p1beta1.LongRunningRecognizeMetadata"
    "progressPercent": 34,
    "startTime": "2016-08-30T23:26:29.579144Z",
    "lastUpdateTime": "2016-08-30T23:26:29.826903Z"

Note that results are not yet present. Speech-to-Text continues to process the audio and uses this operation to store the results. Results appear in the response field of the operation returned when the LongRunningRecognize request is complete.

The following is an example of a full response after completion of the request:

  "name": "1268386125834704889",
  "metadata": {
    "lastUpdateTime": "2016-08-31T00:16:32.169Z",
    "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.cloud.speech_v1p1beta1.LongRunningRecognizeMetadata",
    "startTime": "2016-08-31T00:16:29.539820Z",
    "progressPercent": 100
  "response": {
    "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.cloud.speech_v1p1beta1.LongRunningRecognizeResponse",
    "results": [{
      "alternatives": [{
        "transcript": "how old is the Brooklyn Bridge",
        "words": [
              "word": "how"
              "word": "old"
              "word": "is"
              "word": "the"
              "word": "Brooklyn"
              "word": "Bridge"
  "done": True

Note that done is set to True and that the operation's response contains a set of results of type SpeechRecognitionResult, the same type returned by a synchronous recognition request.

Streaming requests and responses

A streaming Speech-to-Text API recognition call is designed for real-time capture and recognition of audio within a bidirectional stream. Your application can send audio on the request stream and receive real-time interim and final recognition results on the response stream. Interim results represent the current recognition result for a section of audio, while the final recognition result represents the last, best guess for that section of audio.

Streaming recognition requests

Unlike synchronous and asynchronous calls, in which you send both the configuration and audio within a single request, calling the streaming Speech-to-Text API requires sending multiple requests. The first StreamingRecognizeRequest must contain a configuration of type StreamingRecognitionConfig.

A StreamingRecognitionConfig consists of the config field, which contains configuration information for the audio of type RecognitionConfig and is the same as the one shown within synchronous and asynchronous requests.

Streaming recognition responses

Streaming speech recognition results return a series of responses of type StreamingRecognizeResponse. Such a response consists of the following fields:

  • speech_event_type: contains events of type SpeechEventType. The value of these events indicates when a single utterance has been completed. The speech events serve as markers within your stream's response.
  • results: contains the list of results, which might be either interim or final results of type StreamingRecognitionResult. The results list includes the following sub-fields:
    • alternatives: contains a list of alternative transcriptions.
    • is_final: indicates whether the results obtained within this list entry are interim or final.
    • result_end_time: indicates the time offset of the end of this result relative to the beginning of the audio.

Chirp: Universal speech model

Chirp is the next generation of Speech-to-Text models on Google Distributed Cloud (GDC) air-gapped. Representing a version of a Universal Speech Model, Chirp has over 2B parameters and can transcribe many languages in a single model.

You can transcribe audio files in other supported languages by enabling the Chirp component.

Chirp achieves state-of-the-art Word Error Rate (WER) on various public test sets and languages, offering multi-language support on Distributed Cloud. It uses a universal encoder that trains models with a different architecture than current speech models, using data in many other languages. The model is then fine-tuned to offer transcription for specific languages. A single model unifies data from multiple languages. However, users still specify the language in which the model must recognize speech.

Chirp processes speech in much larger chunks than other models. Results are only available after an entire utterance has finished, which means Chirp might not be suitable for true, real-time use.

The model identifier for Chirp is chirp. Therefore, you can set the value chirp in the model field of the request's RecognitionConfig object.

Available API methods

Chirp supports both Recognize and StreamingRecognize Speech-to-Text API methods.

Both methods differ because StreamingRecognize only returns results after each utterance. For this reason, this method has a latency in the order of seconds rather than milliseconds after starting speech, compared to the Recognize method. However, StreamingRecognize has a very low latency after an utterance is finished, for example, in a sentence followed by a pause.