A startup script performs tasks during the start-up process for a virtual machine (VM). This page provides you with the steps to follow for using startup scripts on VM instances.
Before you begin
To use gdcloud
command-line interface (CLI) commands, ensure that you have downloaded, installed,
and configured the gdcloud
All commands for Distributed Cloud use the gdcloud
CLI, and require an operating system (OS) environment.
Get the kubeconfig file path
To run commands against the Management API server, ensure you have the following resources:
Sign in and generate the kubeconfig file for the Management API server if you don't have one.
Use the path to the kubeconfig file of the Management API server to replace
in these instructions.
Request permissions and access
To perform the tasks listed in this page, you must have the Project
VirtualMachine Admin role. Follow the steps to either
your access or have your Project IAM Admin
you the Project VirtualMachine Admin (project-vm-admin
) role in the namespace
of the project where the VM resides.
Pass a startup script
You can use either bash or non-bash scripts as startup scripts. To do so,
include #!/bin/…
at the beginning of the script to indicate the script interpreter.
For example, to use a Python 3 startup script, add #! /usr/bin/python3
to the
beginning of the script.
Google Distributed Cloud (GDC) air-gapped runs startup scripts in alphabetical order, based on the name of each startup script.
The following table shows the script format to use based on your script size:
Script size | Script format |
Scripts up to 2048 bytes | Clear text |
Scripts greater than 2048 bytes | Kubernetes secret |
Define a startup script
To use a startup script you must add the startupScripts
field to the VM spec
field. Within this field you can specify multiple startup scripts as clear
text or as a Kubernetes secret.
The following example specifies the startup scripts as clear text and a Kubernetes secret:
apiVersion: virtualmachine.gdc.goog/v1
kind: VirtualMachine
name: "my-vm"
- name: hello-world
script: |
echo hello
- name: add-user
name: add-user
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
type: Opaque
name: add-user
Review the following considerations:
- The startup script runs on every boot.
- The startup script has default root privileges.
- In the Kubernetes secret, the name of the
in the VMspec
must match themetadata.name
field. - In the Kubernetes secret, specify the startup script content by adding a key
to thedata
Create a new VM with a startup script
These instructions apply regardless of what you use as the image to create your VM. Complete the following:
To create a startup script as a Kubernetes secret, run:
kubectl --kubeconfig MANAGEMENT_API_SERVER create secret -n PROJECT generic SECRET_NAME --from-file=script=FILE_NAME
Reference the steps to create a VM as described on the create a VM page. At step one add the startup script or scripts to the
field before you run the command to create a VM.This example defines a startup script with both clear text and a Kubernetes secret:
apiVersion: virtualmachine.gdc.goog/v1 kind: VirtualMachine metadata: name: VM_NAME namespace: PROJECT spec: … startupScripts: - name: CLEAR_TEXT_SCRIPT_NAME script: | #!/bin/bash CLEAR_TEXT_SCRIPT - name: SECRET_SCRIPT_NAME scriptSecretRef: name: SECRET_NAME
These variables are defined as follows:
The Management API server kubeconfig file. PROJECT
The Distributed Cloud project in which you want to create the VM. VM_NAME
The name of the VM. FILE_NAME
The name of the file to store the startup script. STARTUP_SCRIPT_CONTENT
The commands to run as part of the startup script CLEAR_TEXT_SCRIPT_NAME
The name of the clear text startup script. CLEAR_TEXT_SCRIPT
The clear text script you define. SECRET_NAME
The name of the Kubernetes secret. SECRET_SCRIPT_NAME
The name of the startup script as a Kubernetes secret. Proceed with the following steps to create a VM.
The following is an example of how to create a VM with startup scripts that adds a new user using a Kubernetes secret and clear text.
kubectl --kubeconfig MANAGEMENT_API_SERVER \ apply -n PROJECT -f - <<EOF apiVersion: virtualmachine.gdc.goog/v1 kind: VirtualMachineDisk metadata: name: VM_BOOT_DISK_NAME spec: source: image: name: BOOT_DISK_IMAGE_NAME namespace: vm-system size: BOOT_DISK_SIZE --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret type: Opaque metadata: name: add-user data: script: IyEvYmluL2Jhc2gKYWRkdXNlciB1c2VyCg== --- apiVersion: virtualmachine.gdc.goog/v1 kind: VirtualMachine metadata: name: VM_NAME spec: compute: virtualMachineType: MACHINE_TYPE disks: - virtualMachineDiskRef: name: VM_BOOT_DISK_NAME boot: true autoDelete: BOOT_DISK_AUTO_DELETE startupScripts: - name: add-user scriptSecretRef: name: add-user - name: add-to-sudoers script: | #!/bin/bash usermod -aG sudo user EOF
In the example the variables are defined as follows.
The Management API server kubeconfig file. PROJECT
The Distributed Cloud project in which you want to create the VM. VM_NAME
The name of the new VM. VM_BOOT_DISK_NAME
The name of the new VM boot disk. BOOT_DISK_IMAGE_NAME
The name of the image to be used for the new VM boot disk. BOOT_DISK_SIZE
The size of the boot disk, such as 20G
This value must always be greater than or equal to theminimumDiskSize
of the boot disk image.BOOT_DISK_AUTO_DELETE
Either true
, indicating whether the boot disk is automatically deleted when the VM instance gets deleted.MACHINE_TYPE
The predefined machine type for the new VM. To select an available machine type, run this command:
kubectl --kubeconfig MANAGEMENT_API_SERVER get virtualmachinetype.virtualmachine.gdc.goog --namespace vm-system
Update an existing VM with a startup script
You can also update an existing VM with a startup script. The VM must be shut down before you perform the update.
Follow the steps to update VM properties
and update the spec
field with the startup script that you would like to run.
View the output of a startup script
- Follow the steps to connect to a VM.
Run the following command inside the guest VM to get the logs of the startup script that you ran:
sudo journalctl -u cloud-final
The startup script logs begin with the following:
Started to run the command: /var/lib/google/startup-scripts/<script-name> ...