gcloud alpha compute instances network-interfaces add

gcloud alpha compute instances network-interfaces add - add a Compute Engine virtual machine network interface
gcloud alpha compute instances network-interfaces add INSTANCE_NAME [--aliases=ALIASES] [--external-ipv6-address=EXTERNAL_IPV6_ADDRESS] [--external-ipv6-prefix-length=EXTERNAL_IPV6_PREFIX_LENGTH] [--internal-ipv6-address=INTERNAL_IPV6_ADDRESS] [--internal-ipv6-prefix-length=INTERNAL_IPV6_PREFIX_LENGTH] [--ipv6-address=IPV6_ADDRESS] [--ipv6-network-tier=IPV6_NETWORK_TIER] [--ipv6-prefix-length=IPV6_PREFIX_LENGTH] [--network=NETWORK] [--network-attachment=NETWORK_ATTACHMENT] [--network-tier=NETWORK_TIER] [--parent-nic-name=PARENT_NIC_NAME] [--private-network-ip=PRIVATE_NETWORK_IP] [--stack-type=STACK_TYPE] [--subnetwork=SUBNETWORK] [--vlan=VLAN] [--zone=ZONE] [--address=ADDRESS     | --no-address] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG]
(ALPHA) gcloud alpha compute instances network-interfaces add adds network interface to a Compute Engine virtual machine.
Name of the instance to operate on. For details on valid instance names, refer to the criteria documented under the field 'name' at: https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/reference/rest/v1/instances
The IP alias ranges to allocate for this interface. If there are multiple IP alias ranges, they are separated by semicolons.

For example:


Each IP alias range consists of a range name and an IP range separated by a colon, or just the IP range. The range name is the name of the range within the network interface's subnet from which to allocate an IP alias range. If unspecified, it defaults to the primary IP range of the subnet. The IP range can be a CIDR range (e.g., a single IP address (e.g., or a netmask in CIDR format (e.g. /24). If the IP range is specified by CIDR range or single IP address, it must belong to the CIDR range specified by the range name on the subnet. If the IP range is specified by netmask, the IP allocator will pick an available range with the specified netmask and allocate it to this network interface.

Assigns the given external IPv6 address to an instance. The address must be the first IP in the range. This option is applicable only to dual-stack instances with stack-type=IPV4_ONLY.
The prefix length of the external IPv6 address range. This flag should be used together with --external-ipv6-address. Currently only /96 is supported and the default value is 96.
Assigns the given internal IPv6 address or range to an instance. The address must be the first IP address in the range or a /96 IP address range. This option can only be used on a dual stack instance network interface.
Optional field that indicates the prefix length of the internal IPv6 address range, should be used together with --internal-ipv6-address=fd20::. Only /96 IP address range is supported and the default value is 96. If not set, then either the prefix length from --internal-ipv6-address=fd20::/96 will be used or the default value of 96 will be assigned.
Assigns the given external IPv6 address to an instance. The address must be the first IP in the range. This option is applicable only to dual-stack instances with stack-type=IPV4_ONLY.
Specifies the IPv6 network tier that will be used to configure the instance network interface IPv6 access config. IPV6_NETWORK_TIER must be (only one value is supported):
High quality, Google-grade network tier.
The prefix length of the external IPv6 address range. This flag should be used together with --ipv6-address. Currently only /96 is supported and the default value is 96.
Specifies the network this network interface belongs to.
The network attachment URL this network interface should connect to.
Specifies the network tier that will be used to configure the instance network interface. NETWORK_TIER must be one of: PREMIUM, STANDARD, FIXED_STANDARD. The default value is PREMIUM. NETWORK_TIER must be one of:
Public internet quality with fixed bandwidth.
High quality, Google-grade network tier.
Public internet quality.
Name of the parent network interface of a dynamic network interface.
Specifies the RFC1918 IP to assign to the network interface. The IP should be in the subnet IP range.
The stack type for the default network interface. Determines if IPv6 is enabled on the default network interface. STACK_TYPE must be one of:
The network interface can have both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
The network interface will be assigned IPv4 addresses.
Specifies the subnetwork this network interface belongs to.
VLAN tag of a dynamic network interface, must be in range from 2 to 4094 inclusively.
Zone of the instance to operate on. If not specified, you might be prompted to select a zone (interactive mode only). gcloud attempts to identify the appropriate zone by searching for resources in your currently active project. If the zone cannot be determined, gcloud prompts you for a selection with all available Google Cloud Platform zones.

To avoid prompting when this flag is omitted, the user can set the compute/zone property:

gcloud config set compute/zone ZONE

A list of zones can be fetched by running:

gcloud compute zones list

To unset the property, run:

gcloud config unset compute/zone

Alternatively, the zone can be stored in the environment variable CLOUDSDK_COMPUTE_ZONE.

At most one of these can be specified:
Assigns the given external address to the network interface. The address might be an IP address or the name or URI of an address resource. Specifying an empty string will assign an ephemeral IP. Mutually exclusive with no-address. If neither key is present the network interface will get an ephemeral IP.
If specified the network interface will have no external IP. Mutually exclusive with address. If neither key is present the network interfaces will get an ephemeral IP.
These flags are available to all commands: --access-token-file, --account, --billing-project, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --impersonate-service-account, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity.

Run $ gcloud help for details.

This command is currently in alpha and might change without notice. If this command fails with API permission errors despite specifying the correct project, you might be trying to access an API with an invitation-only early access allowlist.