- gcloud dataflow flex-template build - builds a flex template file from the specified parameters
gcloud dataflow flex-template build
,…] |--py-path
,…]) | [--yaml-pipeline-path
]) [--additional-experiments
,…]] [--additional-user-labels
,…]] [--cloud-build-service-account
] [--dataflow-kms-key
] [--disable-public-ips
] [--enable-streaming-engine
] [--gcs-log-dir
] [--image-repository-cert-path
] [--image-repository-password-secret-id
] [--image-repository-username-secret-id
] [--max-workers
] [--metadata-file
] [--network
] [--num-workers
] [--print-only
] [--service-account-email
] [--staging-location
] [--subnetwork
] [--temp-location
] [--worker-machine-type
] [--worker-region
- Builds a flex template file from the specified parameters.
To build and store a flex template JSON file, run:
gcloud dataflow flex-template build gs://template-file-gcs-path --image=gcr://image-path --metadata-file=/local/path/to/metadata.json --sdk-language=JAVA
If using prebuilt template image from private registry, run:
gcloud dataflow flex-template build gs://template-file-gcs-path --image=private.registry.com:3000/image-path --image-repository-username-secret-id="projects/test-project/secrets/username-secret" --image-repository-password-secret-id="projects/test-project/secrets/password-secret/versions/latest" --metadata-file=metadata.json --sdk-language=JAVA
To build the template image and flex template JSON file, run:
gcloud dataflow flex-template build gs://template-file-gcs-path --image-gcr-path=gcr://path-to-store-image --jar=path/to/pipeline.jar --jar=path/to/dependency.jar --env=FLEX_TEMPLATE_JAVA_MAIN_CLASS=classpath --flex-template-base-image=JAVA11 --metadata-file=/local/path/to/metadata.json --sdk-language=JAVA
- The Google Cloud Storage location of the flex template file.Overrides if file already exists.
SDK language of the flex template job.
must be one of:JAVA
. -
Exactly one of these must be specified:
- Path to the any image registry location of the prebuilt flex template image.
Environment variables to create for the Dockerfile. You can pass them as a comma
separated list or repeat individually with --env flag. Ex: --env="A=B,C=D" or
--env A=B, --env C=D.When you reference files/dir in env variables, please
specify relative path to the paths passed via --py-path.Ex: if you pass.
--py-path="path/pipleline/" then set
FLEX_TEMPLATE_PYTHON_PY_FILE="pipeline/pipeline.py" You can find the list of
supported environment variables in this link. https://cloud.google.com/dataflow/docs/guides/templates/configuring-flex-templates#setting_required_dockerfile_environment_variables.
This flag argument must be specified if any of the other arguments in this group are specified.
Flex template base image to be used while building the container image. Allowed
choices are JAVA8, JAVA11, JAVA17, JAVA21 or gcr.io path of the specific version
of the base image. For JAVA8, JAVA11, JAVA17 and JAVA21 option, we use the
latest base image version to build the container. You can also provide a
specific version from this link https://gcr.io/dataflow-templates-base/
This flag argument must be specified if any of the other arguments in this group are specified.
The Google Container Registry or Google Artifact Registry location to store the
flex template image to be built.
This flag argument must be specified if any of the other arguments in this group are specified.
Exactly one of these must be specified:
- Local path to your compiled dataflow pipeline Go binary. The binary should be compiled to run on the target worker architecture (usually linux-amd64). See https://beam.apache.org/documentation/sdks/go-cross-compilation/ for more information.
,…]- Local path to your dataflow pipeline jar file and all their dependent jar files required for the flex template classpath. You can pass them as a comma separated list or repeat individually with --jar flag. Ex: --jar="code.jar,dep.jar" or --jar code.jar, --jar dep.jar.
,…]- Local path to your dataflow pipeline python files and all their dependent files required for the flex template classpath. You can pass them as a comma separated list or repeat individually with --py-path flag. Ex: --py-path="path/pipleline/,path/dependency/" or --py-path path/pipleline/, --py-path path/dependency/.
Local path to your YAML pipeline file. Use a full or relative path to a local
file containing the value of yaml_pipeline_path.
This flag argument must be specified if any of the other arguments in this group are specified.
- Path to the any image registry location of the prebuilt yaml template image.
,…]- Default experiments to pass to the job.
,…]- Default user labels to pass to the job. Example: --additional-user-labels='{"key1":"value1"}'
- Service account to run the Cloud Build in the format projects/{project}/serviceAccounts/{service_account}. Ensure that the account you are using to run 'gcloud dataflow flex-template build' has 'ServiceAccountUser' role on the specified Cloud Build service account you provide with the --cloud-build-service-account flag. The specified service account must have required permissions to build the image. If the specified service account is in a project that is different from the project where you are starting builds, see https://cloud.google.com/build/docs/securing-builds/configure-user-specified-service-accounts#cross-project_set_up to grant the necessary access.
- Default Cloud KMS key to protect the job resources.
Cloud Dataflow workers must not use public IP addresses. Overrides the default
property value for this command invocation. --enable-streaming-engine
Enable Streaming Engine for the streaming job by default. Overrides the default
property value for this command invocation. --gcs-log-dir
- Google Cloud Storage directory to save build logs.(Must be a URL beginning with 'gs://'.)
- The full URL to self-signed certificate of private registry in Cloud Storage. For example, gs://mybucket/mycerts/selfsigned.crt. The certificate provided in Cloud Storage must be DER-encoded and may be supplied in binary or printable (Base64) encoding. If the certificate is provided in Base64 encoding, it must be bounded at the beginning by -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----, and must be bounded at the end by -----END CERTIFICATE-----. If this parameter is provided, the docker daemon in the template launcher will be instructed to trust that certificate.
- Secret Manager secret id for the password to authenticate to private registry. Should be in the format projects/{project}/secrets/{secret}/versions/{secret_version} or projects/{project}/secrets/{secret}. If the version is not provided latest version will be used.
- Secret Manager secret id for the username to authenticate to private registry. Should be in the format projects/{project}/secrets/{secret}/versions/{secret_version} or projects/{project}/secrets/{secret}. If the version is not provided latest version will be used.
- Default maximum number of workers to run.
- Local path to the metadata json file for the flex template. Use a full or relative path to a local file containing the value of metadata_file.
- Default Compute Engine network for launching instances to run your pipeline.
- Initial number of workers to use by default.
Prints the container spec to stdout. Does not save in Google Cloud Storage.
Overrides the default
property value for this command invocation. --service-account-email
- Default service account to run the workers as.
- Default Google Cloud Storage location to stage local files.(Must be a URL beginning with 'gs://'.)
- Default Compute Engine subnetwork for launching instances to run your pipeline.
- Default Google Cloud Storage location to stage temporary files. If not set, defaults to the value for --staging-location.(Must be a URL beginning with 'gs://'.)
- Default type of machine to use for workers. Defaults to server-specified.
At most one of these can be specified:
- Default region to run the workers in.
- Default zone to run the workers in.
These flags are available to all commands:
$ gcloud help
for details. - NOTES
This variant is also available:
gcloud beta dataflow flex-template build
Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies. Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
Last updated 2025-03-11 UTC.