gcloud scc manage services describe

gcloud scc manage services describe - get the details of a Security Command Center service
gcloud scc manage services describe SERVICE_NAME (--folder=FOLDER_ID     | --organization=ORGANIZATION_ID     | --parent=PARENT     | --project=PROJECT_ID_OR_NUMBER) [--filter-modules=FILTER_MODULES] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG]
Get the details of a Security Command Center service. It resolves INHERITED enablement states to ENABLED or DISABLED for services at ancestor levels. For example, if the service is enabled at the ancestor level, services for all child resources will have the enablement state set to ENABLED.
To get the details of a Security Command Center service with name sha for organization 123, run:
gcloud scc manage services describe sha --organization=123

To get the details of a Security Command Center service with name sha for folder 456, run:

gcloud scc manage services describe sha --folder=456

To get the details of a Security Command Center service with ID sha for project 789, run:

gcloud scc manage services describe sha --project=789

You can also specify the parent more generally:

gcloud scc manage services describe sha --parent=organizations/123

To get the details of modules, [ABC, DEF] of a Security Command Center service with name sha for organization 123, run:

gcloud scc manage services describe sha --module-list=[ABC, DEF] --organization=123
The service name, provided either in lowercase hyphenated form (e.g. security-health-analytics), or in abbreviated form (e.g. sha) if applicable.

The list of supported services is:

  • security-health-analytics (can be abbreviated as sha)
  • event-threat-detection (can be abbreviated as etd)
  • container-threat-detection (can be abbreviated as ctd)
  • vm-threat-detection (can be abbreviated as vmtd)
  • web-security-scanner (can be abbreviated as wss)
  • vm-threat-detection-aws (can be abbreviated as vmtd-aws)
Exactly one of these must be specified:
Folder associated with the custom module.
Organization associated with the custom module.
Parent associated with the custom module. Can be one of organizations/<id>, projects/<id or name>, folders/<id>
Project associated with the custom module.
If provided, only prints module information for modules specified in the list. Provided as a comma separated list of module names in SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE format (e.g. WEB_UI_ENABLED, API_KEY_NOT_ROTATED). A single module name is also valid.
These flags are available to all commands: --access-token-file, --account, --billing-project, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --impersonate-service-account, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity.

Run $ gcloud help for details.

This variant is also available:
gcloud alpha scc manage services describe