gcloud artifacts docker upgrade migrate

gcloud artifacts docker upgrade migrate - migrate projects from Container Registry to Artifact Registry
gcloud artifacts docker upgrade migrate [--canary-reads=PERCENT] [--copy-only] [--from-gcr=GCR_HOST/PROJECT_ID] [--input-iam-policy-dir=DIRECTORY] [--last-uploaded-versions=N] [--max-threads=MAX_THREADS; default=8] [--output-iam-policy-dir=DIRECTORY] [--pkg-dev-location=PKG_DEV_LOCATION] [--projects=PROJECTS] [--recent-images=NUM_DAYS] [--skip-iam-update] [--skip-pre-copy] [--to-pkg-dev=PROJECT_ID/REPOSITORY_ID] [--no-use-analyze-iam] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG]
Migrate projects from Container Registry to Artifact Registry
To migrate a project my-project using gcr.io repositories:
gcloud artifacts docker upgrade migrate --projects=my-project

To migrate several projects using gcr.io repositories:

gcloud artifacts docker upgrade migrate --projects=my-project1,my-project2,my-project3

To migrate a project using pkg.dev repositories:

gcloud artifacts docker upgrade migrate --from-gcr=gcr.io/project1 --to-pkg-dev=project2/repo_name
Send only a percent of reads to Artifact Registry. The rest of reads and all writes are sent to Container Registry.
Only perform image copying
Container Registry host + project to copy from. This flag is only used when migrating to pkg.dev repos. Example: gcr.io/my-project
During the IAM update step, the tool applies all iam policies in the given directory.
Only copy the N most recently uploaded versions of each image. More than N images may be copied if new images are uploaded during migration.
--max-threads=MAX_THREADS; default=8
Max number of images to copy simultaneously. Consider quota usage when increasing this
Outputs Artifact Registry-equivalent bindings to this directory during IAM update step and then exits the tool. After any neccesary modifications are made, the tool can be rerun with --input-iam-policy-dir to continue migration with the generated bindings.
The location of the pkg-dev repository you are migrating to. If not specified, migration is always done to the same multi-region as GCR. Setting this flag can cause cross-regional copying and lead to billing charges.
Comma seperated list of Container Registry projects to migrate to Artifact Registry gcr.io repositories.
Only copy images pulled or pushed in the last NUM_DAYS days. NUM_DAYS must be between 30 and 90 inclusive.
Migrate without changing iam-policy. Users without Artifact Registry permissions will not have access to migrated images.
Skip the initial copy of recent images before enabling redirection.
Artifact Registry pkg.dev project ID and repository ID to copy to. Example: my-project/my-repo
Use analyzeIAMPolicy to get IAM bindings. If false, tooling iterates through IAM bindings itself, which is slower, but doesn't require anlayzeIAMPolicy quota. Enabled by default, use --no-use-analyze-iam to disable.
These flags are available to all commands: --access-token-file, --account, --billing-project, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --impersonate-service-account, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity.

Run $ gcloud help for details.

This command uses the artifactregistry/v1 API. The full documentation for this API can be found at: https://cloud.google.com/artifacts/docs/