Using Dynamic Parameters in Environments
Dynamic Parameters allows you to create "groups" or "categories" of environments to further help categorize and define environments. This can come in particularly useful when running Playbooks as you can use Custom Trigger/Actions or Conditions based on one of these new environment parameters. This provides greater customization for Playbooks and is useful for Enterprises or MSSPs with lots of tenants.
To add a dynamic parameter:
- Navigate to Settings > Organization > Environments.
In the Environments screen, click on the
icon and select Add Dynamic Parameters.
- In the Dynamic Parameters dialog box, click the add icon to add a new parameter.
- Choose a name for the parameter. For this example, let's choose Service package.
- You can choose to add a string and a default value. Note that the default value will be propagated to all existing environments.
Or you can choose to add a list with list content and the default value. In
this example, we will choose List, and add values into the List Content. To
add a value to the list content, enter the value and click Enter. Repeat
till you have the list you need.
Choose the default value that you want from the drop down, click Save, and
then click Done. The dynamic parameter with this default value are now
passed on to all existing environments.
Note that everything can be edited at a later date either one at a time, or as a bulk action using the Export/Import procedure described below. -
The dynamic parameter is added to the main screen.

Editing in Bulk using Export / Import
In order to perform editing actions in bulk, it is recommended to edit in an exported Excel chart.
To edit parameters in bulk:
- Click on the format_list_bulleted icon and select Export Dynamic Parameters.
- In the excel chart, perform bulk editing on the values. Note that you cannot change the Parameter Names or Environment names.
- When done, click on the format_list_bulleted icon and select Import Dynamic Parameters.
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