Transformation Pushdown overview

For improved performance in your data pipelines, you can push some transformation operations to BigQuery instead of Apache Spark. Transformation Pushdown refers to a setting that lets an operation in a Cloud Data Fusion data pipeline to be pushed to BigQuery as an execution engine. As a result, the operation and its data are transferred to BigQuery and the operation is performed there.

Transformation Pushdown improves the performance of pipelines that have multiple complex JOIN operations or other supported transformations. Executing some transformations in BigQuery may be faster than executing them in Spark.

Unsupported transformations and all preview transformations are executed in Spark.

Supported transformations

Transformation Pushdown is available in Cloud Data Fusion version 6.5.0 and later, but some of the following transformations are only supported in later versions.

JOIN operations

  • Transformation Pushdown is available for JOIN operations in Cloud Data Fusion version 6.5.0 and later.

  • Basic (on-keys) and advanced JOIN operations are supported.

  • Joins must have exactly two input stages for the execution to take place in BigQuery.

  • Joins that are configured to load one or more inputs into memory are executed in Spark instead of BigQuery, except in the following cases:

    • If any of the inputs to the join is already pushed down.
    • If you configured the join to be executed in SQL Engine (see the Stages to force execution option).

BigQuery Sink

Transformation Pushdown is available for the BigQuery Sink in Cloud Data Fusion version 6.7.0 and later.

When the BigQuery Sink follows a stage that has been executed in BigQuery, the operation that writes records into BigQuery is performed directly in BigQuery.

To improve performance with this sink, you need the following:

  • The service account must have permission to create and update tables in the dataset used by the BigQuery Sink.
  • The datasets used for Transformation Pushdown and the BigQuery Sink must be stored in the same location.
  • The operation must be one of the following:
    • Insert (the Truncate Table option is not supported)
    • Update
    • Upsert

GROUP BY aggregations

Transformation Pushdown is available for GROUP BY aggregations in Cloud Data Fusion version 6.7.0 and later.

GROUP BY aggregations in BigQuery are available for the following operations:

  • Avg
  • Collect List (null values are removed from the output array)
  • Collect Set (null values are removed from the output array)
  • Concat
  • Concat Distinct
  • Count
  • Count Distinct
  • Count Nulls
  • Logical And
  • Logical Or
  • Max
  • Min
  • Standard Deviation
  • Sum
  • Sum of Squares
  • Corrected Sum of Squares
  • Variance
  • Shortest String
  • Longest String

GROUP BY aggregations are executed in BigQuery in the following cases:

  • It follows a stage that has already been pushed down.
  • You configured it to be executed in SQL Engine (see the Stages to force execution option).

Deduplicate aggregations

Transformation Pushdown is available for deduplicate aggregations in Cloud Data Fusion version 6.7.0 and later for the following operations:

  • No filter operation is specified
  • ANY (a non-null value for the desired field)
  • MIN (the minimum value for the specified field)
  • MAX (the maximum value for the specified field)

The following operations are not supported:

  • LAST

Deduplicate aggregations are executed in the SQL engine in the following cases:

  • It follows a stage that has already been pushed down.
  • You configured it to be executed in SQL Engine (see the Stages to force execution option).

BigQuery Source Pushdown

BigQuery Source Pushdown is available in Cloud Data Fusion versions 6.8.0 and later.

When a BigQuery Source follows a stage that's compatible for BigQuery pushdown, the pipeline can execute all compatible stages within BigQuery.

Cloud Data Fusion copies the records necessary to execute the pipeline within BigQuery.

When you use BigQuery Source Pushdown, the table partitioning and clustering properties are preserved, which lets you use these properties to optimize further operations, such as joins.

Additional requirements

To use BigQuery Source Pushdown, the following requirements must be in place:

  • The service account configured for BigQuery Transformation Pushdown must have permissions to read tables in the BigQuery Source's dataset.

  • The Datasets used in the BigQuery Source and the dataset configured for Transformation Pushdown must be stored in the same location.

Window aggregations

Transformation Pushdown is available for Window aggregations in Cloud Data Fusion versions 6.9 and later. Window aggregations in BigQuery are supported for the following operations:

  • Rank
  • Dense Rank
  • Percent Rank
  • N tile
  • Row Number
  • Median
  • Continuous Percentile
  • Lead
  • Lag
  • First
  • Last
  • Cumulative distribution
  • Accumulate

Window aggregations are executed in BigQuery in the following cases:

  • It follows a stage that has already been pushed down.
  • You configured it to be executed in SQL Engine (see the Stages to force pushdown option).

Wrangler Filter Pushdown

Wrangler Filter Pushdown is available in Cloud Data Fusion versions 6.9 and later.

When using the Wrangler plugin, you can push filters, known as Precondition operations, to be executed in BigQuery instead of Spark.

Filter pushdown is only supported with the SQL mode for Preconditions, which was also released in version 6.9. In this mode, the plugin accepts a precondition expression in ANSI-standard SQL.

If the SQL mode is used for preconditions, Directives and User Defined Directives are disabled for the Wrangler plugin, as they're not supported with preconditions in SQL mode.

SQL mode for preconditions is unsupported for Wrangler plugins with multiple inputs when Transformation Pushdown is enabled. If used with multiple inputs, this Wrangler stage with SQL filter conditions is executed in Spark.

Filters are executed in BigQuery in the following cases:

  • It follows a stage that has already been pushed down.
  • You configured it to be executed in SQL Engine (see the Stages to force pushdown option).


For more information about the metrics that Cloud Data Fusion provides for the part of the pipeline that's executed in BigQuery, see BigQuery pushdown pipeline metrics.

When to use Transformation Pushdown

Executing transformations in BigQuery involves the following:

  1. Writing records into BigQuery for supported stages in your pipeline.
  2. Executing supported stages in BigQuery.
  3. Reading records from BigQuery after the supported transformations are executed, unless they are followed by a BigQuery Sink.

Depending on the size of your datasets, there might be considerable network overhead, which can have a negative impact on overall pipeline execution time when Transformation Pushdown is enabled.

Due to the network overhead, we recommend Transformation Pushdown in the following cases:

  • Multiple supported operations are executed in sequence (with no steps between the stages).
  • Performance gains from BigQuery executing the transformations, relative to Spark, outweighs the latency of data movement into and possibly out of BigQuery.

How it works

When you run a pipeline that uses Transformation Pushdown, Cloud Data Fusion executes supported transformation stages in BigQuery. All other stages in the pipeline are executed in Spark.

When executing transformations:

  1. Cloud Data Fusion loads the input datasets into BigQuery by writing records into Cloud Storage, and then executing a BigQuery load job.

  2. JOIN operations and supported transformations are then executed as BigQuery jobs using SQL statements.

  3. If further processing is needed after the jobs are executed, records can be exported from BigQuery to Spark. However, if the Attempt direct copy to BigQuery sinks option is enabled and the BigQuery Sink follows a stage that was executed in BigQuery, records are written directly to the destination BigQuery Sink table.

The following diagram shows how Transformation Pushdown executes supported transformations in BigQuery instead of Spark.

Transformation Pushdown to BigQuery in Cloud Data Fusion pipelines.

Best practices

Adjust cluster and executor sizes

To optimize the resource management in your pipeline, do the following:

  • Use the right number of cluster workers (nodes) for a workload. In other words, get the most out of the provisioned Dataproc cluster by fully using the available CPU and memory for your instance, while also benefiting from the execution speed of BigQuery for large jobs.

  • Improve the parallelism in your pipelines by using autoscaling clusters.

  • Adjust your resource configurations in the stages of your pipeline where records are pushed or pulled from BigQuery during your pipeline execution.

Recommended: Experiment with increasing the number of CPU cores for your executor resources (up to the number of CPU cores that your worker node uses). The executors optimize CPU use during the serialization and deserialization steps as data goes in and out of BigQuery. For more information, see Cluster sizing.

A benefit of executing transformations in BigQuery is that your pipelines can run on smaller Dataproc clusters. If joins are the most resource-intensive operations in your pipeline, you can experiment with smaller cluster sizes, as the heavy JOIN operations are now performed in BigQuery), allowing you to potentially reduce your overall compute costs.

Retrieve data faster with the BigQuery Storage Read API

After BigQuery executes the transformations, your pipeline might have additional stages to execute in Spark. In Cloud Data Fusion version 6.7.0 and later, Transformation Pushdown supports the BigQuery Storage Read API, which improves latency and results in faster read operations into Spark. It can reduce the overall pipeline execution time.

The API reads records in parallel, so we recommend adjusting executor sizes accordingly. If resource-intensive operations are executed in BigQuery, reduce the memory allocation for the executors to improve parallelism when the pipeline runs (see Adjust cluster and executor sizes).

The BigQuery Storage Read API is disabled by default. You can enable it in execution environments where Scala 2.12 is installed (including Dataproc 2.0 and Dataproc 1.5).

Consider the dataset size

Consider the sizes of the datasets in the JOIN operations. For JOIN operations that generate a substantial number of output records, such as something that resembles a cross JOIN operation, the resulting dataset size might be orders of magnitude larger than the input dataset. Also, consider the overhead of pulling these records back into Spark when additional Spark processing for these records occurs, such as a transformation or a sink, in the context of the overall pipeline performance.

Mitigate skewed data

JOIN operations for heavily skewed data might cause the BigQuery job to exceed the resource utilization limits, which causes the JOIN operation to fail. To prevent this, go to the Joiner plugin settings and identify the skewed input in the Skewed Input Stage field. This lets Cloud Data Fusion arrange the inputs in a way that reduces the risk of the BigQuery statement from exceeding the limits.

In the Joiner plugin settings, identify skewed data in the Skewed Input Stage field.

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