Execute transformations in BigQuery

This page describes how to execute transformations to BigQuery instead of Spark in Cloud Data Fusion.

For more information, see the Transformation Pushdown overview.

Before you begin

Transformation Pushdown is available in version 6.5.0 and later. If your pipeline runs in an earlier environment, you can upgrade your instance to the latest version.

Enable Transformation Pushdown on your pipeline


To enable Transformation Pushdown on a deployed pipeline, do the following:

  1. Go to your instance:

    1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud Data Fusion page.

    2. To open the instance in the Cloud Data Fusion Studio, click Instances, and then click View instance.

      Go to Instances

  2. Click Menu > List.

    The deployed pipeline tab opens.

  3. Click the desired deployed pipeline to open it in the Pipeline Studio.

  4. Click Configure > Transformation Pushdown.

    Enable Transformation Pushdown.

  5. Click Enable Transformation Pushdown.

  6. In the Dataset field, enter a BigQuery dataset name.

    Optional: To use a macro, click M. For more information, see Datasets.

  7. Optional: Configure the options, if needed.

  8. Click Save.

Optional configurations

Property Supports macros Supported Cloud Data Fusion versions Description
Use connection No 6.7.0 and later Whether to use an existing connection.
Connection Yes 6.7.0 and later The name of the connection. This connection provides project and service account information.
Optional: Use the macro the function, ${conn(connection_name)}.
Dataset Project ID Yes 6.5.0 If the dataset is in a different project than where the BigQuery job runs, enter the dataset's project ID. If no value is given, by default, it uses the project ID where the job runs.
Project ID Yes 6.5.0 The Google Cloud project ID.
Service Account Type Yes 6.5.0 Select one of the following options:
  • File Path: the file path to the service account.
  • JSON: the JSON content of the service account.
The default is JSON.
Service Account File Path Yes 6.5.0 The path on the local file system to the service account key used for authorization. It's set to auto-detect when running on a Dataproc cluster. When running on other clusters, the file must be present on every node in the cluster. The default is auto-detect.
Service Account JSON Yes 6.5.0 The content of the service account JSON file.
Temporary Bucket Name Yes 6.5.0 The Cloud Storage bucket that stores the temporary data. It's automatically created if it doesn't exist, but it's not automatically deleted. The Cloud Storage data gets deleted after it gets loaded into BigQuery. If this value isn't provided, a unique bucket is created and then deleted after the pipeline run finishes. The service account must have permission to create buckets in the configured project.
Location Yes 6.5.0 The location where the BigQuery dataset is created. This value is ignored if the dataset or temporary bucket already exists. The default is the US multi-region.
Encryption Key Name Yes 6.5.1/0.18.1 The customer-managed encryption key (CMEK) that encrypts data written to any bucket, dataset, or table created by the plugin. If the bucket, dataset, or table already exists, this value is ignored.
Retain BigQuery Tables after Completion Yes 6.5.0 Whether to retain all BigQuery temporary tables that are created during the pipeline run for debugging and validation purposes. The default is No.
Temporary Table TTL (in hours) Yes 6.5.0 Set table TTL for BigQuery temporary tables, in hours. This is useful as a failsafe in case the pipeline is canceled and the cleanup process is interrupted (for example, if the execution cluster is shut down abruptly). Setting this value to 0 disables the table TTL. The default is 72 (3 days).
Job Priority Yes 6.5.0 The priority used to execute BigQuery jobs. Select one of the following options:
  1. Batch: a batch job is queued and started as soon as idle resources are available, usually within a few minutes. If the job isn't started within three hours, its priority is switched to interactive.
  2. Interactive: an interactive job is executed as soon as possible and counts towards the concurrent rate limit and daily rate limit.
The default is Batch.
Stages to force pushdown Yes 6.7.0 Supported stages to always execute in BigQuery. Each stage name must be on a separate line.
Stages to skip pushdown Yes 6.7.0 Supported stages to never execute in BigQuery. Each stage name must be on a separate line.
Use BigQuery Storage Read API Yes 6.7.0 Whether to use the BigQuery Storage Read API when extracting records from BigQuery during pipeline execution. This option can improve the performance of Transformation Pushdown, but incurs additional costs. This requires Scala 2.12 to be installed in the execution environment.

Monitor performance changes in the logs

The pipeline runtime logs include messages that show the SQL queries that are run in BigQuery. You can monitor which stages in the pipeline get pushed into BigQuery.

The following example shows the log entries when pipeline execution begins. The logs indicate that the JOIN operations in your pipeline have been pushed down BigQuery for execution:

  INFO  [Driver:i.c.p.g.b.s.BigQuerySQLEngine@190] - Validating join for stage 'Users' can be executed on BigQuery: true
  DEBUG [batch-sql-engine-adapter:i.c.c.e.s.b.BatchSQLEngineAdapter@131] - Starting push for dataset 'UserProfile'
  DEBUG [batch-sql-engine-adapter:i.c.c.e.s.b.BatchSQLEngineAdapter@131] - Starting push for dataset 'UserDetails'
  DEBUG [batch-sql-engine-adapter:i.c.c.e.s.b.BatchSQLEngineAdapter@292] - Starting join for dataset 'Users'
  INFO  [Driver:i.c.p.g.b.s.BigQuerySQLEngine@190] - Validating join for stage 'UserPurchases' can be executed on BigQuery: true
  DEBUG [batch-sql-engine-adapter:i.c.c.e.s.b.BatchSQLEngineAdapter@131] - Starting push for dataset 'Purchases'
  DEBUG [batch-sql-engine-adapter:i.c.c.e.s.b.BatchSQLEngineAdapter@292] - Starting join for dataset 'UserPurchases'
  INFO  [Driver:i.c.p.g.b.s.BigQuerySQLEngine@190] - Validating join for stage 'MostPopularNames' can be executed on BigQuery: true
  DEBUG [batch-sql-engine-adapter:i.c.c.e.s.b.BatchSQLEngineAdapter@131] - Starting push for dataset 'FirstNameCounts'
  DEBUG [batch-sql-engine-adapter:i.c.c.e.s.b.BatchSQLEngineAdapter@292] - Starting join for dataset 'MostPopularNames'
  DEBUG [batch-sql-engine-adapter:i.c.c.e.s.b.BatchSQLEngineAdapter@193] - Starting pull for dataset 'MostPopularNames'

The following example shows the table names that will be assigned for each of the datasets involved in the pushdown execution:

  INFO  [batch-sql-engine-adapter:i.c.p.g.b.s.BigQuerySQLEngine@145] - Executing Push operation for dataset Purchases stored in table <TABLE_ID>
  INFO  [batch-sql-engine-adapter:i.c.p.g.b.s.BigQuerySQLEngine@145] - Executing Push operation for dataset UserDetails stored in table <TABLE_ID>
  INFO  [batch-sql-engine-adapter:i.c.p.g.b.s.BigQuerySQLEngine@145] - Executing Push operation for dataset FirstNameCounts stored in table <TABLE_ID>
  INFO  [batch-sql-engine-adapter:i.c.p.g.b.s.BigQuerySQLEngine@145] - Executing Push operation for dataset UserProfile stored in table <TABLE_ID>

As the execution continues, the logs show the completion of push stages, and eventually the execution of JOIN operations. For example:

  DEBUG [batch-sql-engine-adapter:i.c.c.e.s.b.BatchSQLEngineAdapter@133] - Completed push for dataset 'UserProfile'
  DEBUG [batch-sql-engine-adapter:i.c.c.e.s.b.BatchSQLEngineAdapter@133] - Completed push for dataset 'UserDetails'
  DEBUG [batch-sql-engine-adapter:i.c.p.g.b.s.BigQuerySQLEngine@235] - Executing join operation for dataset Users
  INFO  [batch-sql-engine-adapter:i.c.p.g.b.s.BigQueryJoinDataset@118] - Creating table `<TABLE_ID>` using job: <JOB_ID> with SQL statement: SELECT `UserDetails`.id AS `id` , `UserDetails`.first_name AS `first_name` , `UserDetails`.last_name AS `last_name` , `UserDetails`.email AS `email` , `UserProfile`.phone AS `phone` , `UserProfile`.profession AS `profession` , `UserProfile`.age AS `age` , `UserProfile`.address AS `address` , `UserProfile`.score AS `score` FROM `your_project.your_dataset.<DATASET_ID>` AS `UserProfile` LEFT JOIN `your_project.your_dataset.<DATASET_ID>` AS `UserDetails` ON `UserProfile`.id = `UserDetails`.id
  INFO  [batch-sql-engine-adapter:i.c.p.g.b.s.BigQueryJoinDataset@151] - Created BigQuery table `<TABLE_ID>
  INFO  [batch-sql-engine-adapter:i.c.p.g.b.s.BigQuerySQLEngine@245] - Executed join operation for dataset Users

When all stages have completed, a message shows that the Pull operation has been completed. This indicates that the BigQuery export process has been triggered and records will start being read into the pipeline after this export job begins. For example:

DEBUG [batch-sql-engine-adapter:i.c.c.e.s.b.BatchSQLEngineAdapter@196] - Completed pull for dataset 'MostPopularNames'

If the pipeline execution encounters errors, they are described in the logs.

For details about the execution of the BigQuery JOIN operations, such as resource utilization, execution time, and error causes, you can view the BigQuery Job data using the Job ID, which appears in the job logs.

Review pipeline metrics

For more information about the metrics that Cloud Data Fusion provides for the part of the pipeline that's executed in BigQuery, see BigQuery pushdown pipeline metrics.

What's next