Cluster caching

When you enable Dataproc cluster caching, the cluster caches Cloud Storage data frequently accessed by your Spark jobs.


  • Improved performance: Caching can improve job performance by reducing the amount of time spent retrieving data from storage.
  • Reduced storage costs: Since hot data is cached on local disk, fewer API calls are made to storage to retrieve data.
  • Spark job applicability: When cluster caching is enabled on a cluster, it applies to all Spark jobs run on the cluster, whether submitted to the Dataproc service or run independently on the cluster.

Limitations and requirements

Enable cluster caching

You can enable cluster caching when you create a Dataproc cluster using the Google Cloud console, Google Cloud CLI, or the Dataproc API.

Google Cloud console

  • Open the Dataproc Create a cluster on Compute Engine page in the Google Cloud console.
  • The Set up cluster panel is selected. In the Spark performance enhancements section, select Enable Google Cloud Storage caching.
  • After confirming and specifying cluster details in the cluster create panels, click Create.

gcloud CLI

Run the gcloud dataproc clusters create command locally in a terminal window or in Cloud Shell using the dataproc:dataproc.cluster.caching.enabled=true cluster property.


gcloud dataproc clusters create CLUSTER_NAME \
    --region=REGION \
    --properties dataproc:dataproc.cluster.caching.enabled=true \
    --num-master-local-ssds=2 \
    --master-local-ssd-interface=NVME \
    --num-worker-local-ssds=2 \
    --worker-local-ssd-interface=NVME \
    other args ...


Set to include the "dataproc:dataproc.cluster.caching.enabled": "true" cluster property as part of a clusters.create request.