The Dataproc Ranger Cloud Storage plugin, available with Dataproc image versions 1.5 and 2.0, activates an authorization service on each Dataproc cluster VM. The authorization service evaluates requests from the Cloud Storage connector against Ranger policies and, if the request is allowed, returns an access token for the cluster VM service account.
The Ranger Cloud Storage plugin relies on Kerberos for authentication, and integrates with Cloud Storage connector support for delegation tokens. Delegation tokens are stored in a MySQL database on the cluster master node. The root password for the database is specified through cluster properties when you create the Dataproc cluster.
Before you begin
Grant the Service Account Token Creator role and the IAM Role Admin role on the Dataproc VM service account in your project.
Install the Ranger Cloud Storage plugin
Run the following commands in a local terminal window or in Cloud Shell to install the Ranger Cloud Storage plugin when you create a Dataproc cluster.
Set environment variables
export CLUSTER_NAME=new-cluster-name \ export REGION=region \ export KERBEROS_KMS_KEY_URI=Kerberos-KMS-key-URI \ export KERBEROS_PASSWORD_URI=Kerberos-password-URI \ export RANGER_ADMIN_PASSWORD_KMS_KEY_URI=Ranger-admin-password-KMS-key-URI \ export RANGER_ADMIN_PASSWORD_GCS_URI=Ranger-admin-password-GCS-URI \ export RANGER_GCS_PLUGIN_MYSQL_KMS_KEY_URI=MySQL-root-password-KMS-key-URI \ export RANGER_GCS_PLUGIN_MYSQL_PASSWORD_URI=MySQL-root-password-GCS-URI
- CLUSTER_NAME: The name of the new cluster.
- REGION: The region where the
cluster will be created, for example,
. - KERBEROS_KMS_KEY_URI and KERBEROS_PASSWORD_URI: See Set up your Kerberos root principal password.
- RANGER_GCS_PLUGIN_MYSQL_KMS_KEY_URI and RANGER_GCS_PLUGIN_MYSQL_PASSWORD_URI: Set up a MySQL password following the same procedure that you used to Set up a Ranger admin password.
Create a Dataproc cluster
Run the following command to create a Dataproc cluster and install the Ranger Cloud Storage plugin on the cluster.
gcloud dataproc clusters create ${CLUSTER_NAME} \ --region=${REGION} \ --scopes cloud-platform \ --enable-component-gateway \ --optional-components=SOLR,RANGER \ --kerberos-kms-key=${KERBEROS_KMS_KEY_URI} \ --kerberos-root-principal-password-uri=${KERBEROS_PASSWORD_URI} \ --properties="dataproc:ranger.gcs.plugin.enable=true, \ dataproc:ranger.kms.key.uri=${RANGER_ADMIN_PASSWORD_KMS_KEY_URI}, \ dataproc:ranger.admin.password.uri=${RANGER_ADMIN_PASSWORD_GCS_URI}, \ dataproc:ranger.gcs.plugin.mysql.kms.key.uri=${RANGER_GCS_PLUGIN_MYSQL_KMS_KEY_URI}, \ dataproc:ranger.gcs.plugin.mysql.password.uri=${RANGER_GCS_PLUGIN_MYSQL_PASSWORD_URI}"
- 1.5 image version: If you are creating a 1.5 image version cluster (see
Selecting versions),
add the
--metadata=GCS_CONNECTOR_VERSION="2.2.6" or higher
flag to install the required connector version.
Verify Ranger Cloud Storage plugin installation
After the cluster creation completes, a GCS
service type, namedgcs-dataproc
appears in the Ranger admin web interface.

Ranger Cloud Storage plugin default policies
The default gcs-dataproc
service has the following policies:
Policies to read from and write to the Dataproc cluster staging and temp buckets
all - bucket, object-path
policy, which allows all users to access metadata for all objects. This access is required to allow the Cloud Storage connector to perform HCFS (Hadoop Compatible Filesystem) operations.

Usage tips
App access to bucket folders
To accommodate apps that create intermediate files in Cloud Storage bucket,
you can grant Modify Objects
, List Objects
, and Delete Objects
permissions on the Cloud Storage bucket path, then select
mode to extend the permissions to sub-paths on the specified path.

Protective measures
To help prevent circumvention of the plugin:
Grant the VM service account access to the resources in your Cloud Storage buckets to allow it grant access to those resources with down-scoped access tokens (see IAM permissions for Cloud Storage). Also, remove access by users to bucket resources to avoid direct bucket access by users.
and other means of root access on cluster VMs, including updating thesudoer
file, to prevent impersonation or changes to authentication and authorization settings. For more information, see the Linux instructions for adding/removingsudo
user privileges.Use
to block direct access requests to Cloud Storage from cluster VMs. For example, you can block access to the VM metadata server to prevent access to the VM service account credential or access token used to authenticate and authorize access to Cloud Storage (
, an initialization script that usesiptable
rules to block access to VM metadata server).
Spark, Hive-on-MapReduce, and Hive-on-Tez jobs
To protect sensitive user authentication details and to reduce load on the Key Distribution Center (KDC), the Spark driver does not distribute Kerberos credentials to executors. Instead, the Spark driver obtains a delegation token from the Ranger Cloud Storage plugin, and then distributes the delegation token to executors. Executors use the delegation token to authenticate to the Ranger Cloud Storage plugin, trading it for a Google access token that allows access to Cloud Storage.
Hive-on-MapReduce and Hive-on-Tez jobs also use tokens to access Cloud Storage. Use the following properties to obtain tokens to access specified Cloud Storage buckets when you submit the following job types:
Spark jobs:
--conf spark.yarn.access.hadoopFileSystems=gs://bucket-name,gs://bucket-name,...
Hive-on-MapReduce jobs:
--hiveconf "mapreduce.job.hdfs-servers=gs://bucket-name,gs://bucket-name,..."
Hive-on-Tez jobs:
--hiveconf "tez.job.fs-servers=gs://bucket-name,gs://bucket-name,..."
Spark job scenario
A Spark wordcount job fails when run from a terminal window on a Dataproc cluster VM that has the Ranger Cloud Storage plugin installed.
spark-submit \ --conf spark.yarn.access.hadoopFileSystems=gs://${FILE_BUCKET} \ --class org.apache.spark.examples.JavaWordCount \ /usr/lib/spark/examples/jars/spark-examples.jar \ gs://bucket-name/wordcount.txt
- FILE_BUCKET: Cloud Storage bucket for Spark access.
Error output:
Caused by: PERMISSION_DENIED: Access denied by Ranger policy: User: '<USER>', Bucket: '<dataproc_temp_bucket>', Object Path: 'a97127cf-f543-40c3-9851-32f172acc53b/spark-job-history/', Action: 'LIST_OBJECTS'
is required in a Kerberos enabled environment.
Error output:
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed creating a SPNEGO token. Make sure that you have run `kinit` and that your Kerberos configuration is correct. See the full Kerberos error message: No valid credentials provided (Mechanism level: No valid credentials provided)
A policy is edited using the Access Manager in the Ranger admin web interface
to add username
to list of users who have List Objects
and other temp

Running the job generates a new error.
Error output: PERMISSION_DENIED: Access denied by Ranger policy: User: <USER>, Bucket: '<file-bucket>', Object Path: 'wordcount.txt', Action: 'READ_OBJECTS'
A policy is added to grant the user read access to the wordcount.text
Cloud Storage path.

The job runs and completes successfully.
INFO Using delegation token RangerGCSAuthorizationServerSessionToken owner=<USER>, renewer=yarn, realUser=, issueDate=1654116824281, maxDate=0, sequenceNumber=0, masterKeyId=0 this: 1 is: 1 a: 1 text: 1 file: 1 22/06/01 20:54:13 INFO org.sparkproject.jetty.server.AbstractConnector: Stopped